"I just wanted to hold your hand." Lu Chao said in a warm but lazy tone.

De Xi agreed wordlessly, as she knew her son was reluctant to say that he missed her which might make her guilty for not meeting him all these years.

"Want to eat the Cocoa pies I make? Fresh cocos just came in today." De Xi asked softly.

Their conversation was heard by no one as they were speaking in soft voices audible only to each other.

Lu Chao's eyes lit up when he heard that his mother would make him Cocoa pie, a dish famous for its mysteriously hard-to-find ingredients and hard-to-master level of complexity, which is the dream of all the chefs to master but only a handful achieved.

"Really Mummy?" Lu Chao asked in surprise and shock.

"Hmm.." De Xi nodded with a gentle smile.

She had specifically ordered all the required materials and asked her Executive Secretary to drop all the work and pick the package personally from the destinations.

She was clueless about how to make up to her son for her absence all these years, so she thought of making him his favourite dish.

If only others knew that the legendary business tycoon, whose name is enough to shake up all the economic industries, was helpless when it came to her son and family.

The brief exchange in between the mother-son duo did not miss Lu Bai's sharp eyes as he effortlessly read their lips.

He pointedly looked towards the mother-son duo, gaining their attention successfully as they sensed a pair of eyes boring a hole into their skulls.

They simultaneously turned towards Lu Bai and looked at him questioningly. The latter beamed them a warm smile as he waited for them to invite him to their little bonding session.

The mother-son duo immediately knew what the warm smile which looked like the early sun spreading gentle warmth meant.

They exchanged a look and tacitly ignored the certain someone. Li Chen, who noticed this, tried his best to control his laughter but failed miserably.

His muffled laughter was clearly heard by Lu Bai, who glared at Li Chen to shut him up, but it acted in the opposite manner, making Li Chen laugh even more, gaining everyone's attention towards them.

"Bai, even seven years back your status in Xixi's heart was lover than Little Treasure, do you think now would be any better with Little Princess in the picture now?" Li Chen asked as he looked at Lu Bai pitifully.

If fifteen years back someone had told him that Lu Bai would be so pitiful, then he would have laughed until his stomach hurt and would have called that person crazy.

Yet reality proved him wrong. Here his best friend was, like an abandoned puppy waiting for his master to take another glance at him.

"Is your condition any better than mine?" Lu Bai asked ruthlessly.

Li Chen looked at him with a wounded expression. He was nothing different from Lu Bai; in fact, he was even worse than him.

"All the men in our family are like that. From start till the end we will love only one woman, but our status is ever depreciating in our woman's heart." De Xing who was suddenly standing behind the duo said with a shrug.

"Xing, you just gave me a heart attack. When did you come here and how much did you hear?" Li Chen asked in exasperation.

"I saw you two sulking low-key from there and was curious about what made you like that, now I know what it is and I agree, we are just that unlucky." De Xing said with a shrug and sighed in defeat.

"You might be unlucky, but I know how to be the first preference in my wife's heart." Lu Bai said arrogantly and looked at the other two men as if they were some dust and walked towards De Xi and Lu Chao.

"I'll tag along with you, Thank You in advance." Lu Bai said quickly and beamed the mother-son duo a smile.

"Dad, when did you become so thick-skinned?" Lu Chao asked with disgust and displeasure.

"From the time you decided to third-wheel in between two lovebirds." Lu Bai said coldly.

"You were the one who created me, I did not come in between you two voluntarily." Lu Chao scoffed in annoyance.

"I wish I had a choice to not create you." Lu Bai said vengefully.

"As if you heed to every request of Great-grandparents and Grandparents." Lu Chao said with displeasure and disregard.

"When you grow up and marry someone in the future, you'll know what it is like to be vigilant in your own house for aphrodisiacs." Lu Bai said it in a heat of the moment but immediately felt a chill down his spine.

The temperature in the room dropped drastically, like a gloomy cloud formed above De Xi's head. Everyone noticed the obvious change in the environment and subconsciously looked towards Lu Bai and De Xi.

These two were the only ones who could influence the mood with the flick of their finger, because only their moods were more unpredictable than that of a pregnant woman.

"Mom, are you trying to scare Chao-ge and Dad?" Natalia asked in an innocent voice, but her eyes held the teasing look and amusement.

"Yes, as I have nothing better to do, I'm trying to scare your Chao-ge and Dad." De Xi said coldly as she glared at the father-son duo and then at her daughter who was growing more troublesome day by day.

Clear laughter filled the living room, startling everyone except De Xi and Lu Bai, who already noticed the new arrival.

"Certain someone's tail is here." Mu Cong mumbled warily in disdain.

"Don't speak like you aren't someone else's tail." Lu Meng glared at Mu Cong and turned towards Mu Feng who just entered.

"My dear brother-in-law, how do you maintain your zero image in Eva's heart so constantly?" Mu Feng asked in amusement as he teased Lu Bai while hugging Lu Meng dearly.