Next Morning...

De Xi walked down the central stairs and greeted all the elders, who stayed back for the night so that everyone could discuss Mu Chang and Su Biyu's wedding today as yesterday went by without much discussion regarding this.

"Did you all have your breakfast yet?" De Xi asked warmly as she looked at all the elders.

"We and the kids had ours. You should also hurry to the dining room, others are waiting for you." Grandma Li said as she hurried De Xi for breakfast.

De Xi nodded her head and looked around trying to find someone.

"The kids are in the forest." Father De said with a soft chuckle perfectly reading De Xi's mind.

"Oh... Then I'll meet them after breakfast." De Xi said with a sigh as she nodded towards all the elders and made her way towards the dining room.

She reached the dining room, to find everyone chatting and joking around, just like old times.

"Finally Lina, I thought I was going to starve to death today." Mu Chang said dramatically as he looked at De Xi with an exaggerated look.

"Anyways, Aunt Melan, please serve us our breakfast. I'm really starving." Mu Chang continued when he received zero response from De Xi.

"Did you not sleep well?" Jiang Mei who was the first to notice that something was off with De Xi asked her in concern.

As soon as everyone heard her question they keenly assessed De Xi and found that she was awfully quiet today and her face looked a little paler than usual.

"I'm good don't worry." De Xi assured her with a smile and an assuring nod.

"You don't look like you are." Mu Cong said in worry as frown lines appeared on his forehead.

"I just did not sleep well last night." De Xi said calmly as she picked up her cutlery to start eating her breakfast.

"Sister, your habit of over-working still hasn't left you has it?" De Xing asked in worry and annoyance.

De Xi sighed and placed down her cutlery looking at everyone with a sigh.

"I am alright. Some breakfast and tea will do the trick, if I am not feeling well, I will take a rest, so don't worry and now start eating." De Xi said in a stern and helpless tone.

"Everyone, stop bothering her. Let's eat." Li Cheng came to De Xi's rescue when no one seemed to be buying her statement.

"That is right, if she still looks under the weather after some time, I will make sure she rests, alright?" Chang Mei also chimed in and looked at everyone sternly.

After Chang Mei's assurance, everyone sighed softly and started eating their breakfast silently.

Halfway through the breakfast, Cheng Jiu walked inside the dining room and greeted everyone with a nod, before walking to De Xi's side and whispering something in her ear.

As soon as Cheng Jiu was done speaking, De Xi's expression turned worse.

She wiped her mouth calmly and stood up unhurriedly, with her usual elegance and grace, despite her dark expression.

"You guys continue, I have something to deal with." De Xi said calmly and walked out of the dining room despite everyone's protest asking her to finish her breakfast first.

De Xi and Cheng Jiu went to their study and closed the door after them.

"Are you going to let me cause trouble again?" Cheng Jiu asked with a slight frustration in her tone, not minding her position as an Executive Secretary.

"This is my fate." De Xi said with a sigh as she sat behind her table, immediately getting to work.

"For once try changing your fate and going against it. After so long, there is some kind of happiness in your life, I don't want it to be ruined once again." Cheng Jiu said in exasperation and full-blown frustration visible on her face.

"The fate guides the person, who accepts it and, hinders the person who resists it." De Xi said calmly with a soft sigh.

"I don't see how it is guiding you." Cheng Jiu asked in irritation and annoyance.

"Maybe guiding me towards my retribution, for what I did to someone who considered me as her sister." De Xi said softly, her words almost inaudible.

"When will you stop blaming yourself for what happened back then? It was not your fault Eve, you are not psychic, reading minds of people." Cheng Jiu said softly, clearly helpless at De Xi blaming herself.

"Wish I was one." De Xi said with a soft chuckle as if humoring herself.

Cheng Jiu was beyond exasperated and looked at De Xi as if she was an alien. She slumped on the couch heavily, unable to hold up this conversation anymore.

Though the duo was President and Secretary on the professional front, on a personal level they were closer than siblings.

It was normal, after all, sticking with each other for more than a decade, would definitely bring people closer despite all the boundaries.

After some time De Xi was busy with her video conference, as Cheng Jiu was busy talking to other related people, tackling the problem from her position as the Executive Secretary of President of De Group of Industries.

After what felt like few hours, they finally tackled it, calmed down the investors, board of directors, and shareholders.

It was their once in a blue moon chance to question the ever-perfect President De Xi. Her making mistakes or someone causing troubles under her was even rarer than the blood moon.

"While paying your retribution, pay me more salary and double bonus as well." Cheng Jiu grumbled as she stood up.

"Are you complaining that I am not paying you enough?" De Xi asked coldly as she looked at Cheng Jiu.

"Indeed, did it sound like otherwise?" Cheng Jiu asked in an equally cold tone, clearly pissed.

"Then I might as well find, myself a younger secretary for an even less wage." De Xi said leisurely but her eyes looking at De Xi sharply.