The duo looked at De Xi for help, the latter immediately understanding what was the reason behind all the stern looks of the elders directed towards them chuckled softly, bringing all the attention to her.

"Brat, what is funny that you are laughing?" Grandpa De asked with a frown.

"I know that you all are still very convinced that Biyu is pregnant, which is why they are hurrying to get married." De Xi started with a helpless look.

"Isn't that the truth? I don't know what is so wrong that these two are hiding it from." Grandma Su asked in a sulky voice.

"That's right. Even though we are old and are from the previous generation, we are all liberal people. We understand that you youngsters are hot-blooded and mistakes happen, we were also once your age." Grandma Mu as well added in, still unconvinced.

"Grandma..." Mu Chang was about to protest when De Xi stopped him with a smile and nod, asking him to let her handle it.

"Do you all trust me?" De Xi asked the elders with a small, warm smile.

Something in her smile assured everyone and they nodded in agreement with her, making De Xi sigh softly and look at the duo in question.

"These two... They are indeed hurrying to get married for a foolish reason but it is not because of pregnancy. As for the reason, if they don't want to say, let them be. I assure you it is nothing worth worrying about." De Xi said with a helpless smile.

"So that being said, let's talk about the wedding now." De Xi said in a slightly excited tone, smiling warmly towards Mu Chang and Su Biyu, who nodded gratefully towards her.

"We'll take their birth characters to the prophet tomorrow and have him suggest few suitable dates. Let's talk about the rest when we have the dates." Grandpa Mu said calmly as he looked at everyone.

"If you kids have nothing going on tomorrow, come with us to the temple and take blessings from the monks." Grandma Lu said as she looked at the younger generation.

"I'll pass, I am taking the kids to the amusement park. We are setting off after lunch today." De Xi said calmly as she quickly declined the offer.

Which one of them did not suffer in their younger days because of the divination which they received in the temple?

Temple and monasteries were one of the few places which made even De Xi breakout in a cold sweat.

Other younger ones looked at De Xi pleadingly, as if asking her to get them out of this troubled waters.

"I have already booked the bus, the ones interested can tag along. I and kids are going for sure, as for the rest... You guys decide." De Xi couldn't take their pitiful gazes anymore and lent them a helping hand.

"If there is nothing more, I'll get going then, I still haven't met the kids." De Xi after saying her part quickly slipped away from the place and went to the forest to look for the kids.

She reached to see, all of them, sitting around, chatting and giggling, teasing each other.

"Nova can have a crush on anyone at any time, her crush on someone is also as fleeting as a shooting star, god-knows-when it might appear and disappear." Liam joked and teased Nova, who was glaring icicles at him.

"At least she doesn't settle for just anything, right honey?" De Xi chimed in as she defended Nova, startling all the kids.

Except for Nova, Sam, Liam, and Natalia all other kids were embarrassed by being caught by De Xi while talking about their infatuations.

"Don't worry little ones, I just came, so I did not hear any of your secrets." De Xi said playfully, as she eyed Li Mei and Lu Shuan, who were thoroughly embarrassed.

"Mom, if you go on leading Nova astray like this, then who will be accountable when Aunt Park blames for spoiling her only daughter like this?" Natalia said as she looked at her mother accusingly.

"She is still better than, an unromantic human. God-knows-how someone as romantic as me gave birth to such a girl." De Xi said in disdain and disappointment as she looked at Natalia provocatively.

"Indeed, I am more like Dad, I'll give my heart to one person all my life because my heart is like a diamond, precious and rare, not like a stone, found everywhere," Natalia said haughtily as she smirked at her mother.

"Can you please wipe your mouth, you are dribbling shit again." De Xi said in an over-dramatic manner, with a playfully smirk painted on her face at Natalia's appalled look.

"Well kids, you should go to your rooms now, rest up and pack up because after lunch we are setting off for our amusement park road trip as promised." De Xi said in a warm and excited tone.

All the kids except Lu Chao, Natalia, and James matched her excitement, while the trio had a frown on their faces.

"What happened are you three not happy?" De Xi asked with a slight frown as she looked at the trio.

"Aren't you busy Mom?" James asked in uncertainty.

"I am always busy but it is not every day, I get to spend with my little sweethearts." De Xi said warmly as she patted all three of them on their backs.

"If you say so." Natalia sighed and agreed, not wanting to get into another banter with her mother.

Though it was friendly banter, it really exhausted her mind power, to match her mother's level of sarcasm.

The kids all left but De Xi stayed back in the forest.

When she was deep entranced in her train of thoughts, a light tap on her shoulder, brought her back to earth from her entranced state.

"What are you thinking?" Father De asked lightly as he sat beside De Xi on the grass, under an old olive tree.