"My kids are so grown up, they don't need my help anymore." De Xi said warmly but with a slight hint of sorrow, which she concealed quickly and the duo did not catch it.

"Mummy, why don't you check up on Little Princess? She might need help." Lu Chao suggested with a warm smile.

"That brat? She has her Brother James to help. Those two are inseparable since her birth, always sticking with each other as much as possible." De Xi said helplessly with a fond chuckle but Lu Chao and Li Chang felt sour in their hearts when they heard her.

"Oh! But we should still check upon her, James needs to pack his bags as well right? So we should help Little Princess so he could pack his." Li Chang suggested as he looked at Lu Chao and De Xi calmly, but only he knew the anxiousness in his heart.

"That's right!" Lu Chao quickly agreed and gave Li Chang a thumbs up in his heart.

"As you wish. I'll check on other kids till then." De Xi chuckled softly and patted their heads once before going out of their rooms, not finding anything strange in their behavior.

The duo without waiting another second made their way to Natalia's room which was on the first floor, across De Xi's room.

As soon as they reached Natalia's room they heard her melodious laughter, clearly amused by something very interesting.

"And then, other than cleaning up everything by himself, what else could he do." James completed whatever he was saying, making Natalia laugh even more.

"How evil of you Brother James!" Natalia said in between her laughs as she handed him, a transparent puch with her toiletries in them.

"Here I am helping you pack everything and instead of thanking me you are calling me evil?" James harrumphed playfully as he feigned a glare, making Natalia break out in another fit of laughter.

"Oh no! Are you going to hold a grudge against me? I'm so scared!" Natalia said exaggeratedly as she made faces to James, him returning it back by sticking his tongue out.

"Little Princess!" Lu Chao couldn't hold back anymore and called out to his little sister, who was being snatched away right under his nose.

"Oh! Chao-ge. Brother Chang is here as well. When did you two come? Are you done packing?" Natalia asked with a wide smile as she looked at the duo who just entered her room.

"Just now. We are done packing do you need help?" Lu Chao asked warmly as he ignored James and stood in between him and Natalia while facing the latter.

"Ah, nope! We are almost done here, Brother James is really good at packing quickly. I guess it is all thanks to his competitions all around the globe." Natalia said as she winked towards James, who sighed helplessly.

"Even if I did not have competitions around the globe, I would still be good at it, after all, I need to cater to all the needs of this spoilt princess in front of me, don't I?" James said dotingly, as he fondly smiled at Natalia.

Seeing their exchange, Lu Chao and Li Chang were overflowing with jealousy.

"Little Princess, is not at all spoilt, in fact, she is much more sensible than her age." Li Chang said in a matter-of-fact tone, as he smiled warmly towards Natalia who beamed and raised her brows provocatively at James.

"Alright! I won't argue on this. You'll realize it when the time comes." James said with a slight chuckle and Natalia gave him a death glare.

"Even if she is, I won't mind spoiling her more." Lu Chao said fondly, as he lightly patted her head, which miffed Natalia.

"She doesn't like it when people pat her head," James said in a low voice, which was audible to all four of them.

"I-I didn't know. I'm sorry..." Lu Chao was immediately startled and worried, that his sister would dislike him.

"No worries Chao-ge, just don't do it next time," Natalia said with a casual smile, as she turned to her bed and picked her accessory bag, handing it to James.

He took it and placed it inside the neatly packed luggage and zipped the bag, before picking it up and placing it down vertically so that Natalia can use the trolley.

"Come, let's pack mine now," James said as he walked out and Natalia nodded, ready to follow him out to his room.

"Little Princess!" Lu Chao called out to Natalia suddenly, in a slightly hurried tone, surprising the other three in the room.

'This guy can't be any more subtle, can he?' Li Chang berated Lu Chao in his mind as he mentally facepalmed himself when he heard the restless Lu Chao.

"Is there some problem, Chao-ge?" Natalia asked slightly worried because of his hurried tone.

"Ah! no. I was saying that... Why don't you rest up? Chang will help out James with packing. If you are exhausted here itself, you won't be able to enjoy the road trip, that would be a pity." Lu Chao suggested worriedly, ignoring the daggers Li Chang was glaring at him.

'As sly as ever, throwing me under the bus, without a second thought. I'll let it go now, considering the real motive of stopping Natalia is achieved, next time I'll make sure you reap what you sow.' Li Chang cursed Lu Chao in his heart but smiled warmly as he nodded he his head in agreement.

"Chao is completely right. James you won't mind me helping right?" Li Chang asked James with a perfectionary smile, which Natalia couldn't see as he was facing his back to her.

"If you don't mind helping me, then I don't mind taking help as well," James said casually with a shrug.

"Then... I'll listen to Chao-ge and take a quick nap," Natalia said with a smile, as she agreed and James nodded his head and then walked out of the room.