It was not until Natalia's agreement did Lu Chao and Li Chang let out their breaths which they were unconsciously holding in.

"Then you rest up Little Princess, I won't disturb you." Lu Chao said dotingly, but there was a slight hint of reluctance in his voice.

He really wanted to spend day and night with his little sister, but if he did that, he was afraid of being disliked by his little sister for being too clingy.

"Chao-ge, do you have something to attend to now?" Natalia asked softly, with a warm smile.

"No. Why do you ask?" Lu Chao smiled warmly and asked.

"Then accompany me. We haven't spent time alone. I want to get to know my brother, more keenly." Natalia asked in an uncertain and hesitant voice.

Actually, her feelings were no different than Lu Chao. She was torn between wanting to have her brother all for herself and being disliked by her brother and others for being too clingy with him.

This type of conflict was a foreign feeling to her because no matter what she wanted she had it, with no regard for what others might think about her cause she knew everyone doted on her endlessly and won't mind even if she murdered someone.

"Just what I wanted." Lu Chao exclaimed excitedly but soon turned red from embarrassment and surprise when the realization of having spoken his mind hit him.

"Really?" Natalia was equally surprised when she heard her brother's words and also overjoyed that he thought so.

"Why not?" Lu Chao having recovered from his initial surprise and embarrassment, was amused at his sister's doubtful look.

"I... Well... You already have Sister Shuan and Sister Mei, so I..." Natalia did not know how to say it because even she was beyond embarrassed and shocked by the fact that the ever-confident Natalia De was having such thoughts.

"You were worried about being disliked by me for being too demanding of my attention." Lu Chao completed her calmly as amusement flickered in her eyes.

Natalia nodded her head like a little puppy looking at her hands as if those were the most interesting things in the room.

As soon as he saw his confident sister, who always bickered with his mother, acting so uncertain and doubtful about herself, he couldn't stop himself from bursting out into soft chuckles.

"You were not the only one, with such thoughts. Guess we share an extremely similar thought process." Lu Chao explained when met with Natalia's confused look.

Natalia smiled sweetly when she heard what Lu Chao said, seemingly relieved that her brother did not dislike her company and was not annoyed by her clingy attitude.

Meanwhile, there was an awkward silence in James's room, where Li Chang and James were packing the latter's luggage.

"You have a crush on Little Princess, don't you?" James asked calmly, his voice emotionless and serene.

The sudden question shocked Li Chang to the extent of him choking on his own saliva, looking at James in horror and shock.

"W-What?" Li Chang was so surprised that he stuttered, his voice wavering considerably.

"Natalia is still young and ignorant but I have already seen so many puppy love, that fooling me won't be so easy." James continued in his calm voice, but there was a slight coldness in it.

"You're mistaken, I..." Li Chang wanted to explain himself but James motioned him to stop with his hand.

"I'm not mistaken but you are delusional. You are not dumb and will realize it eventually, so let me make it clear beforehand."

"I consider Natalia as my sibling, I have watched her grow, bit by bit to the girl she is today, so I don't have any romantic designs towards and neither does she but that doesn't mean I approve of you going after her."

"She is young but sensitive, so I hope you keep yourself in check. Also, you are not worthy of her." James said the last part in an extremely cold tone, looking at Li Chang with such coldness, that the latter felt a chill down his spine.

The usually calm and gentle James can only be triggered when people cross his bottom line, which is his loved ones, and Natalia was the last thread, which was directly targeted by Li Chang, so he was bound to face the heat.

Li Chang was beyond speechless for being accused like this and was also doubtful if he was so direct in his dislike towards James.

"If I keep myself in check now, then will you help me woo her when she is at the right age?" Li Chang asked calmly, his teeth aching because of his shamelessness, which he decided to ignore for the moment and repent later.

James looked at Li Chang, disbelief and exasperation clear on his face.

"I'll act like I never heard it." James finally said after a long pause, letting out a helpless sigh and rubbing his forehead in frustration.

"But I don't want you to act like that, just answer me with a yes or no." Li Chang said with a casual shrug.

Though he was still uncertain of his feeling towards Natalia, it was never too early to be prepared with a plan.

And James was just the right backing he needed, after all everyone who knew Natalia also knew that James was the only one who can talk her into and out of anything and everything.

That was the kind of position James held in Natalia's heart, which he doubted Lu Chao would ever achieve.

"Ask me again when the time comes. There is no certainty, that your feelings and Natalia's thoughts would remain the same. If you are late, then you are late." James shrugged calmly and zipped his luggage.

He looked at Li Chang with a sigh, annoyed and amused at the same time, at how blunt this guy in front of him could be.

"Sometimes being tactful is for the best." James said calmly with slight shook of his head and another sigh.