"Why are you carrying me?" Chang Mei asked with a frown, as she struggled to get down and Li Chen relented after a sigh, knowing annoying a half-asleep Chang Mei was equal to asking for a painful death.

"Let me down." Jiang Mei patted on Mu Cong's shoulder, urging him to let her down.

"Continue sleeping." Mu Cong said gently but earned a glare from Jiang Mei, after which he let her down gently.

One after another all the ladies were let down by their husbands were back on their feet.

"Are we here?" Natalia who just woke asked groggily, not looking at who was carrying her.

"Yes, Little Princess. We will reach the room in a while, continue sleeping." Lu Bai said in a doting tone.

As soon as Natalia heard her father's voice her head jerked up from his shoulder and looked at him wide-eyed.

"What happened sweetheart? Is your position not comfortable?" Lu Bai asked in worry.

"Huh? No! I'm comfortable Dad but... Am I not heavy?" Natalia asked hesitantly, her ears red from embarrassment.

Lu Bai was momentarily surprised before he broke out into a fit of laughter, his laughter smooth, magnetic, and velvety, which could entice anyone and everyone.

Everyone looked at him in surprise and amusement, even De Xi looked at Lu Bai in surprise with a small smile on her lips which formed unconsciously.

"Dad, are you laughing at me?" Natalia was the only one who was miffed and displeased by Lu Bai's laughter, it was not the laughter but the reason behind it.

"No sweetheart! I am not laughing at you but at your adorkable expression." Lu Bai said warmly with a soft chuckle.

"Well here are the keycards." George who was finally done getting all the keycards came back and handed everyone their cards.

The families of four were all given a suite room with two bedrooms, whereas the families with three and two members were given a single room.

George, Fang Gang, Liam, and James shared a suite room, and Nova joined Li Mei with her family who was also given a suite room as they were four with Nova.

"Wash up and rest early everyone. Tomorrow is a long day." De Xi said with a calm smile.

The kids were all excited but the adults, especially the men had a bad premonition, looking at the awfully serene smile on De Xi's face, which was no different from the calm before the storm.

De Xi, Lu Bai, Lu Chao, and Natalia reached their room. All four of their luggage was already brought in by the porter and was placed in the living room of the suite room.

"Little Treasure will sleep with me, you and Little Princess can sleep in the other room." De Xi said calmly, as she walked into the kitchen and boiled some water.

"Boohoo! Are you abandoning me as soon as you got your son? Where is justice? Where is equality?" Natalia dramatically in exasperation, with an over-the-top aggrieved expression on her face.

"Isn't it obvious as to what extent I detest you? As for equality, I never heard you complain when you were carried out of the bus and your brother was woken up? Why not seek justice for your brother as well while you are at it?" De Xi said sarcastically with an amused smile on her face.

"That..." Natalia was momentarily rendered speechless by her mother, racked her brain for a strong comeback but found none.

"I will talk with you later. Now I am sleepy and my mind is not working right so good night!" Natalia quickly said as she ran towards the room on the left with her luggage.

"Good Night Chao-ge! Good Night Dad!" Natalia said right before entering the room and then disappeared into the room, without a second's delay.

Lu Chao and Lu Bai chuckled softly at her lively and adorable character, not missing a chance to amuse them.

"Little Treasure, will you please remind her to wash up before sleeping?" De Xi asked from the kitchen as she was still busy doing something.

"Sure thing Mummy." Lu Chao agreed and immediately went to the room and entered.

Lu Bai who was seated on the sofa also stood up and walked into the kitchen, curious as to what De Xi was busy with so long.

"You are brewing tea?" Lu Bai was surprised and confused at the same time, looking at the bottle of tea leaves and the tea set in a daze.

"I don't feel sleepy, so I thought I might as well get some work done while at it." De Xi said calmly in a plain, indifferent voice.

"No, you still remember about my habit of not being able to sleep without drinking tea at night." Lu Bai said confidently, completely certain about his guess.

"Don't give yourself so much importance, you are not worth it." De Xi flatly as she picked up the tea set and walked out to the living room and placing it on the te table.

Lu Bai followed her out and sat down on the sofa beside her, with a small smile.

"Deny it all you want but I know you still love me, you did back then and even do now. If not why would Aunt Melan bring me tea every night while I was in your mansion?" Lu Bai asked with a small smirk.

"You are no stranger to her. She knows your habits as well as she does of Cong's and Chang's." De Xi once again refuted flatly, it was certainly not a lie but not the complete truth either.

If not for her reminding Aunt Melan to bring out the old Chamomile tea from the storage before they all arrived, Aunt Melan might not have remembered the habit of Lu Bai's.

Lu Bai sighed and did not continue as Lu Chao came out and did not want to get into an argument with De Xi before him.