"Alright, stop you two," Liam said as he pushed the two girls in opposite directions and stand in between them.

"I don't have any kind of white cloth to wave in between, so let's just make peace and enjoy the view alright?" Sam said sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

"That sarcasm was unnecessary." Nova harrumphed.

"So was the argument." Sam retorted in a displeased tone.

"Kids, we had a deal, remember?" George came up along with others, as he reminded Sam and Nova about the deal with amusement.

"What deal?" De Xi asked in surprise, as she looked at the kids questioningly.

"That's a secret, to be guarded, till achieved," George said dramatically before the kids could answer, and Natalia supported George with a nod.

De Xi frowned lightly and shrugged not probing in any further, as she turned to the view as well.

She was someone who loved, nature and beautiful, serene sceneries but unfortunately, because of her busy lifestyle, they remained as rare luxuries she could only yearn for.

Mesmerized by the beautiful city view in front of her, De Xi completely zoned out, disregarding everything and everyone around her.

Her eyes held emotions of such intensity that it felt like she wanted to absorb whatever was in front of her into her mind and soul.

It wasn't until someone tapped on her shoulder did she snap out of it, and realized that time had already passed by and it was time to leave already.

She sighed in defeat and reluctantly left the dome, not before taking one last lasting look at the scene, imprinting everything in her mind.

"You still love those beautiful sceneries." Lu Bai said with a fond smile.

How can he who has loved only her all his life not know of her yearning and fondness towards beautiful views and sceneries?

It was a pity that it was the only thing he couldn't grant her at her will because neither of their busy schedules permitted it.

De Xi did not react much when she heard Lu Bai and continued descending the stairs.

The group came out of the Reichstag and boarded the bus which was already waiting for them outside the building.

"Where are we going next, Mom?" Liam asked curiously.

"We are now heading back to the hotel. You kids have dinner and rest, tomorrow we will go to the Museum Island." De Xi said warmly as she fondly smiled at Liam and other kids.

"Museum Island? Wasn't today the only day of history?" Su Yang almost shouted out loud in exasperation.

"Who said so?" De Xi asked nonchalantly with an indifferent look on her face.

"You..." Su Yang was beyond speechless.

Indeed no one said so, but no one said anything about the Museum Island either.

"Mom, aren't you going have dinner and retire for the night with us?" Natalia being the only one who caught the right sense of De Xi's previous asked with a cold, sweet smile, clearly showing her displeasure.

"Yes. Any problem?" De Xi asked in an equally threatening tone.

"How can you ditch such adorable heads Mom?" Natalia asked with a cute pout and puppy eyes, which could melt everyone's heart, but of course, De Xi was not just everyone.

"Just like how I am doing it now." De Xi said with an exaggerated warm and fond expression.

"Are you guys going clubbing?" James asked in amusement, as that was the only place he could think of where the kids couldn't go.

"Brother, do you think these old bones are fit to go clubbing?" Liam asked as he smiled meaningfully towards George.

"Brat! What are you trying to imply? That I'm old?" George was beyond annoyed and exasperated.

"Did I take your name? You just considered it was you, that means you subconsciously agree with me." Liam answered flatly with an indifferent expression.

"You...Eva look at how you have spoiled him. Now he is even calling me an oldie." George was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"We are here." De Xi said calmly, with no intention of butting in between the father-son duo.

After the dinner, the kids went back to their respective rooms to rest for the night and the elders took a limo which De Xi had already arranged to go to the club.

The club was a VIP-only club and but unlike other clubs, it did not have any private rooms or cubicles for privacy.

Here everyone shared the same public space.

De Xi, George, Lu Bai, and Li Chen were seated at the same table and the three men went ahead to buy drinks for the four of them.

Looking at the beautiful and charming De Xi, who had the aura of a goddess, many were attracted to her but her extremely cold look made them all hesitate but one of them was brave enough to try his luck out with the goddess.

"Hey lady! Do you like raisins? How do you feel about a date?" the man drunk, yet slightly sober asked in a polished and elegant tone, clearly stating his sophisticated upbringing.

"Wow! So straightforward!" Jiang Mei seated on the adjacent table, along with Mu brothers, Su Biyu and Chang Mei exclaimed in excitement much to her husband's annoyance.

Meanwhile, De Xi looked at the plate of dry fruits placed in front of her and then at the man who boldly flirted with her.

He was a handsome man with deep gray eyes, his features sharp and toned, if De Xi's taste hadn't been whetted by Lu Bai and certain someone's charm most of her life, she would have considered him.

What a pity he couldn't even compare to one-hundredth of their looks!

Seeing that there was no reaction from De Xi, the man decided to try once again.

"What is your sign then?" the man asked once again, not wanting to give up so soon.

"Do not enter." Lu Bai who just returned with the drinks along Li Chen and George said in a bone-chilling tone.