Thinking that Lu Bai was just another guy trying to hit on the goddess the man ignored him and continued flirting with De Xi.

"If I could rearrange the alphabets, I'd put U and I together." the man said charmingly as he took a seat beside De Xi.

"Oh, really if I could rearrange the alphabets, I'd put F and U together." Lu Bai said while gritting his teeth and taking his seat on the other side of De Xi.

"Hey man! What's your problem?" the man finally couldn't ignore Lu Bai and snapped at him in annoyance.

"What would you do if someone flirts with your wife?" De Xi who was finally done having her fun asked with a soft, amused smile.

"Beat the sh*t out of him." the man stunned by De Xi's mesmerizing smile said absent-mindedly.

"Exactly! But he is unlike ordinary, which is his problem." De Xi said with a wide smile, looking sarcastically at Lu Bai.

George who was silently drinking at the sidelines choked on his drink due to laughter and disbelief as he looked at De Xi with an are-you-kidding-me look.

"Pardon!" the stranger was slightly baffled when he realized what De Xi said and then looked at Lu Bai whose face was as black as the pit of a burnt pot.

"I think this is your cue to apologize and leave." Li Chen said calmly with an amused expression, he thoroughly enjoying this.

"Ah... Yes... My apologies Madam, Sir." the stranger who was completely flustered apologized quickly and left from there.

"I really can't believe you, Eva! You want Bai to fight like a thug for you?" George was in splits when he heard how De Xi mocked Lu Bai.

"Not like he hasn't done it. He is just old now, if I were to quote it like Liam, his old bones will ache." Li Chen chuckled softly as he sipped his Brandy.

"Are you both done?" De Xi asked coldly, as she looked at the chattering duo with a bone-chilling look in her eyes.

Li Cheng and George immediately shut up and silently enjoyed their drink, whereas Lu Bai sulked internally while keeping a straight face outside.

"Lina, let's dance." Mu Chang exclaimed excitedly as he dragged De Xi from the table towards the dance floor, followed by other ladies, Feng Chuan, Fang Gang, Lu Feng, De Xing, and Mu Feng.

After a while, even Li Chen joined his wife after her incessant pleading and puppy eyes.

"Why are you so quiet now? Shy or embarrassed after the little encounter just now?" George asked after he sipped his last sip.

He was used to talking constantly and this stifling silence with Lu Bai really troubled him, forcing him to be the first one to break the ice.

"I'm not shy, I'm just really good at figuring out who's worth talking to." Lu Bai commented icily not intending to hide his displeasure towards the former.

"Wow there! What did I do? Did I offend you? But how?" George was curious, surprised, and amused at the same time.

"Just your presence alone is enough to offend me." Lu Bai said coldly, clearly annoyed and frustrated, to add upon it the alcohol was thinning out his patience.

"I'll take that as a compliment but just to avoid any misunderstanding, Eva treats me just like how she would treat Xing, the only difference would be me being older than her," George said calmly, with a serene smile.

"What about you?" Lu Bai calmly yet coldly looked at George, his eyes completely sober.

George sighed softly, as he looked at De Xi briefly before looking back at Lu Bai.

"To be honest, I did have feelings for her but it is all in the past. Now I sincerely treat her as my little sister and as you know I am already married to the love of my life with two kids." George said calmly with a warm smile as he remembered his wife.

Lu Bai looked at George with a complicated expression, still skeptical about what George said he decided to let time test the sincerity in his words.

"But let me warn you. Things are more complicated and dangerous than they seem." George said calmly his voice cold as he gave Lu Bai a serious look and then walked to the dance floor leaving Lu Bai on his own.

The time passed by, after enjoying a few drinks and dancing for a while, the group went back to their hotel rooms, to retire for the night.

De Xi and Lu Bai entered their room, both of them were slightly tipsy from all the different types of alcohol they drank that night.

"Honey..." Lu Bai called out in a slightly husky tone making De Xi stiffen lightly, her breathing wavered as her heart momentarily skipped a beat.

"Lu Bai are you..." De Xi was about to retort back in annoyance to cover her momentary flaw in her expression when Lu Bai interrupted her in a daze.

"Did you really want me to fight for you just like I did years ago? Can you tell me directly this time? I was slow back then and now I am unable to understand your feelings for me." Lu Bai asked in a pleading tone, as he gently back hugged De Xi, placing his chin on her shoulder.

His warm breaths gently caressed her nape, making her feel ticklish, her body temperature rising.

"Lu Bai, let... go." De Xi tried sounding stern but her voice wavered slightly to the end, giving away her façade of indifference.

Thankfully, Lu Bai, had his eyes closed and did not notice the abnormality in De Xi's voice, had he noticed it he would not have been pleading like a child till now.

"If I let go will you answer me?" Lu Bai asked with an adorable pout.

Indeed he was more than tipsy, a few more drinks would have been enough to knock him out completely unlike De Xi who was just slightly tipsy.