


Its 6am, the alarm sounded and chris groaned angrily as he sat up on the bed and rubbed his eyes. Suddenly his phone rang, he couldn't see the caller ID clearly as he answered.

Good morning sir; A lady from the other side greeted.

Mmm, morning; Chris replied lazily.

How is your fever today?; she asked, only then did Chris knew it was Sophie .

Am fine, I hope you got home safe yesterday; he replied with a cold voice.

Yes sir. I just called to check on you; Sophie answered sincerely.

Am not a baby, i can take care myself; chris replied with a cold voice that will tell you he isn't interested in this conversation.

Oh........ Well i will see you on monday; she replied sounding disappointed.

There was a moment of silence between them on the phone before chris spoke again.

Am going out with my sister today, we will come by your to pick you up later. I want you to meet her; Chris told her, making it sound more like an order rather than a choice.

Ok sure sir, thank you for the invite; Sophie didn't reject, she felt like her heart will explode.

Chris hung up the phone and lay back on the bed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Back in Sophie's room, she was so excited about. She started over thinking his offer and giving herself hope that he likes her thats why he asked her to join them but she began having second thoughts about it.

"what am i even saying, he just invited as his secretary, what will he do with me?, he is rich and am sure there are alot of beautiful women who will die to marry him. Am sure he just invited to meet his sister just like he said"; Sophie thought to herself as her happiness turn to disappointment and she lay gently on her bed.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Its already 12pm, chris already picked up beatrix. On their way to sophie's house beatrix kept asking alot of questions like she was a detective.

Who is she?, please tell me, pleaseeeeeeeeee; Beatrix was being persistant about it.

No, am sorry. You just have to wait and meet her; Chris replied with a cold expression and doesn't seem bothered by Beatrix's innocent face.

Come on, why are you being hard?, just tell me already; she kept begging like a dog begging for food.

NO; chris replied still not moved by her emotional display.

Ok fine since you won't tell me, don't bother talking to me later; Beatrix threatened chris as she frowned her face thinking he will give in and tell her.

Ok fine; Chris said without any sign of care on his face, she was suprised by his reply, her shoulder dropped and she just sat quietly.

"Hah finally, you kept quiet"; Chris thought in his mind as he kept driving.

After a few minutes of silence, Chris then said "we are here". Those three words made Beatrix so anxious, she peeked out the see who was going to come out of the house. The doors finally opened and a lady about 24-25 years old came out, she had a long natural black hair that reached he back, she was a bit slim, her eyes were sea blue, her lips red as a cherry, her face was round, she had bright and smooth skin which made her glow under the sun.

Hmmmm, so whats up?; Beatrix asked looking at with a curious face.

Whats that suppose to mean?; Chris asked like he doesn't know what she meant.

Stop pretending, i know you know what i mean, so just answer; Beatrix answered looking even more suspicious of chris.

Am sorry but i don't; Chris replied as he turn to look at sophie.

Sophie walked calmly towards chris's car and greeted him "good afternoon sir" as she entered, Beatrix's eyes were fixed on sophie until she finally snapped back to her senses and extended her hand to greet Sophie. They exchanged pleasantries with each other while Chris's eyes were glued to the road while he was driving.