Chris took them to a park, they entered a rollercoaster, they rode a ferris wheel. What surprised Sophie the most was that Chris was afraid of heights, she smiled whenever he reacts but she doesn't let him notice. They went to a bowling alley, they played a bit and then Beatrix said she want to play mini golf again, Chris didn't disagree because he always beats her. So they had lunch and they went to play, Sophie didn't know how to play so she said she would sit it out.

Oh come on, don't worry chris will teach you. Right?; Beatrix said looking at Chris with a cute begging face.

What?; Chris asked with a somehow annoyed and confused impressions.

No need, it will be trouble for him, you two just have fun; Sophie answered innocently while shaking her hands saying no.

No, its Ok, don't worry. He is a great teacher and you will learn in no time; Beatrix insisted still looking at chris like she will cry.

Please don't bother Mr. Chris; Sophie pleaded, Chris just stood still watching them like a movie.

Ok, fine i will teach her. Please both of you stop being humble, it making me feel annoyed; Chris odered them as he grabbed another golf putter and gave it to sophie

They walked toward the first hole and he said "i hope you know how to hold the putter ", Sophie didn't want to feel like she's useless, so she just nodded saying "yes". After thet reached the first stage, chris stood behind her and held both of her hands as he helped her hold the putter, he was so close to her, someone might think they were embracing each other, he began explaining to her.

You hold it like this with your eyes on the ball, concentrate while you aim, the slightest movement might change the balls direction and most importantly, never lose focus; Chris exlained not knowing Sophie already lost focus the moment he held her hand, she felt comfortable in his arms, her mind was going hayware, her heart beat faster, she was feeling very anxious. She came back to her senses when chris hit ball which slowly rolled and entered the hole. Beatrix shouted "SCORE" and walked up to Sophie.

See. I told you he is a great techer; Beatrix said as she slightly flung her head in the air as she smiled.

Yes, i agree; Sophie replied as she smiled back.

* * * * * * * * * * *

They all kept playing until it was 7pm, Chris said he will drop Beatrix first before dropping sophie. As they arrived, Mr. Mark was sitting outside the house reading a book, so chris decded to come and talk to him even though he wasn't in the mood to see him at all. They came together with sophie, and sat on a chair infront of Mr. Mark.

Good evening dad, how are you feeling today?; Chris asked trying to avoid making eye contact with his father.

Am fine, thank you. And who could this beatiful lady be??; his father repied not bothering to ask about chris or his well being which made sophie blush a bit.

Oh, this is sophie; Chris answered coldly.

So, is she my daughter in-law; Mr. Mark asked. This question almost made chris choke on the air he was breathing. But as sophie heard that question she said he her mind "I wish".

No. She is my secretary and i need to take her home before her mother gets worried; Chris answered immidiately as he stood up.

Chris started walking away before sophie followed quietly, Mr. Mark was heart broken by chris's action but he believed it was all his fault, so he did not try to stop chris from leaving. Chris boarded the car before sophie joined him, he started the engine and drove away without looking back.

* * * * * * * * * * *

There was silence in the car for about 10min before chris spoke.

Am sorry about my dad, thats how he is whenever he see me with a woman; Chris said with a cold voice.

No, no need to apologize. My mom acts that way too; Sophie replied with a smile on her face.

Hmm, i guess thats just parents habit when they get old i guess; he said as he smiled a little.

Yea but i will never be like, i will let my kid get married when they want; Sophie told chris with a serious expression.

Thats how i also think things should be; He answered as he finally smiled.

They kept talking and laughing until they reached sophie's home, he dropped her and just drove away without saying word.

Hmmmm, i wonder why you are so complicated, you smile and the next second you are already angry. Well don't worry, as long as am with you, you will always smile; Sophie mumbled as she walked into the house.

* * * * * * * * * * *

The next day chris was having breakfast in his apartment as his doorbell suddenly rang, he went to check. As he opened the door, he was surprised who he saw.

Oh its you; Chris asked with a disappointed face.