Oh, its you; Chris said with a disappointed voice.

Yea its me, are you expecting someone; James answered.

But how do you know am here?; Chris asked as he opened the door for James.

Oh come on, we got this apartment for you together, and you said "whenever you need to be alone, you will come here" if you remember; James answered while Chris walked back to the dining room.

Oh yea i remember. But you do know that today is Monday and am going to the office right; Chris said with a serious voice.

Yea, i just came over to talk to you about something; James replied as he stood up from the living room and joined Chris in the dining room and took a French stick bread, applied some jam and began to eat too.

Ok what do you want to talk about?; Chris asked still with a cold voice as if he knows James will talk about something that will get him mad.

Mmmm ok. I went to check for you at the main house but you weren't there so uncle and I had a little chat, he told me why you left and i know what he is asking from you is a big favor but come on bro, he raised you and Beatrix alone, he gave you a life, gave you everything you want. Atleast do this one thing for him; James explained calmly as he dropped the bread and get ready to hear Chris's reply, he was feeling Chris was going to scold him for some reason.

Chris paused for a minute before he slowly dropped the coffee he was drinking and slowly pinched the space between his brows like he was thinking about something with his head looking downward.

Do you think marriage is an easy thing, you need to have someone you, you need to assure them you can be with them, you need to assure them you will never leave them or break their heart, you have to be responsible, you have to.......; Before Chris was able to finish his sentence James interupted.

Chris, chris, chris; james called in a low sarcastic tone and continued "Are you still hanging on what Vicky did to you since university, is that why you still couldn't love again?"; James asked looking annoyed

Yes its because of her, i can never trust another woman in my life. Love is just pain hidden behind a door named joy, and i promise to never fall for the lies again; Chris answered as his voice raise gradually.

Seriously, you need to learn that not every woman is the same; James said as he came stood in front of Chris and tapped his shoulder.

But they are all women right and you talking to me won't change my point of view; Chris replied and then stood up from his chair and took his jacket.

Ok fine but just think about it; James replied and walked towards the exit door.

I have nothing to think about, so you can just forget it; Chris said with a serious voice.

James didn't say a word as he left the apartment, Chris just stood still like an electricity pole. He snapped back to his senses, took his car keys and left for the office as well.

* * * * * * * * * * *

At the office, Chris was typing on his laptop when Sophie came in, she was looking happy and a bit anxious, Chris didn't bother to look up because he knew it was her.

Anything the problem miss Sapphire; Chris asked with a serious tone to his voice.

Not at all sir, i just noticed you didn't have lunch, so i was wondering if there's anything i can get for you; She asked with a sweet calm voice which made Chris look up slowly.

Just get me anything light, am not that hungry; he replied and then continued typing.

Sophie left quietly. She was gone for about 30min, that was when Chris started feeling hungry, he will look up at the wall clock often and then continue his work. But his hunger kept bothering to the extend that he had to stop working. He sat on a couch in his office, relaxed his head and closed his eyes. After a while he heard someone pushed the door so he opened his eyes too check.

Did you go to get my lunch from mars?; Chris asked with anger written all over his face.

Am so sorry sir, i just had a little issue but here is your lunch; Sophie replied looking frightened as she extend her hand to give him the basket she was holding but he just waved at her to but it down on the table.

She brought him mac and cheese, a vegetable salad and a fruit salad. Even though he was really hungry, he couldn't resist eating the fruit salad first, he loves fruit alot. Sophie just sat on a chair beside him looking at him eat and her mind went into deep thought "I wish i was the one feeding him, he looked so cute when he is eating" she thought in her mind. He was half way through when someone entered the office without knocking, he almost choke when he saw who it was.