Chris was talking to his father when Mrs. John and Sophie arrived at the Marks Mansion, they were discussing about the wedding arrangement, invitation cards, the date, time, location and others which will be decided by both the families. The wedding planner has already been called, they were all waiting for Sophie and her mother.

We are so sorry for coming late, we had to check the caterer; Mrs. John spoke with a wide smile on her face. The brides family were tasked with deciding the cake.

Ahhh, no problem. No need to apologise, we are not in a hurry; Mr. Mark answered his voice gentle and calm as he stood up from his chair and welcomed them in.

They all sat down and started discussing about the wedding plans. First, the wedding date.

We are propose the wedding date to be July 16th, what do you think?; Mr. Mark stated while explaining with his hands too.

But thats just 2 weeks from now, it may no be enough to complete all the preparations; Mrs John swiftly replied with concern on her face.

Well yes, its only a proposition. And everything can be arranged within 2 weeks, the wedding planner has confirmed; Chris entered the discussion and explained.

Well, its settled then; Mrs John nodded in agreement

So next is the wedding venue; Mr Mark proceeded without wasting any time.

Ah yes, my daughter and I were thinking about a Garden Wedding; Mrs john replied with a slight smile on her face.

Wow thats great, i have to agree; Mr Mark face lit up with joy.

They kept discussing, while the wedding planner writes down what they want and give suggestion often on how to make it better. They were busy to even notice the time, when they were done, it was already 7pm. So Mr. Mark asked them to have dinner before they leave, because they going to become a family, rejecting will be rude.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

At the Johns Mansion, Sophie was sitting a sofa reading a book while listening to music on her headphone thats connected to her phone through bluetooth. Her mother came with two glasses of wine in her hand and called her name but she was too focused 0n the book and the music, Mrs John had no choice but to turn off the music.

Ohhhhhhhh, mom really. That was my favorite part; Sophie complained with a wining voice and frowned her face like child.

You never grow up, do you?; Mrs John answered with a faint smile on her face.

Hahahahahahaha; Sophie just laughed, her voice was so sweet.

Mrs John sat beside sophie and said "Our plan is going well, even faster than we thought, everything is just moving so fast, i hope nothing goes wrong with the wedding because it wil be the most important part of our plan, it has to happen, no matter what" as her gaze sharpen and she looked murderous. Sohie then laid on her lap and said "You worry too much, nothing will go wrong. Revenge is surely ours" then she gently held her mothers hands.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was 7am, the Johns Mansion doorbell rang continiously. The person was clearly impatient, as she opened the door, her eyes widened, her face lighten up and she screamed joyously.