Did you miss me?; a sweet voice female voice asked while sophie kept on screaming.

Yes, yes, yes, yes; Sophie screamed as she jumped to hug the lady.

No, wait!!!!!; she was trying to stop sophie from jumping on her but was too late. Sophie already jumped and hugged her while screaming "Katherine!!!!!!!! ". Katherine was Sophie's best friend, they met in 5th grade, even decided to go to the same university together but they were separated when sophie and her mom moved after her father passed away. But they often talked on the phone and it has been 5 years since they last met but she didn't tell her she was coming and how did she know the house address.

Ugh get off of me you hug monster; Katherine cried as she struggled to push Sophie away but it was to no avail.

No please, let me hug you much longer. I miss you so much!!!!!!! ; Sophie winned like a little baby.

If you missed me, you would have told me about your wedding bit*h; Katherine asked and frowned her face which made Sophie eventually let go off her.

How did you know about that?; sophie clearly looking surprised as she asked.

I told her; a familiar voice answered which startled both Sophie and Katherine and they slowly turned to face the person.

Mrs. John!!, oh i missed your cooking so much; Katherine ran and hugged Mrs. John as she complimented .

Oh dear i missed the havoc both of you use wreck; Mrs. John said as she smiled widely and hugged Katherine back while sophie helped bring her things in.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Everyone was busy at the Mark's Mansion, Chris sat on the couch listening to two people showing him designs of Tuxedos that he can choose for his wedding. He looked tired and exhauted, his body was just sitting there but his mind was wandering. He was thinking about the wedding but it was how they could live together with Sophie without people suspecting about their marriage.

You two can leave, i will handle it from it here; a manly voice spoke from behind chris which made snap out of his trance and swiftly turned to see the man.

Hey James, you came at the right time bro. I was so bored like crazy; Chris replied as he rubbed the space between his brows and gestured the two men to leave.

Well am superman, so i know exactly when you need help; James winked at Chris as he sat beside him while he kept praising himself.

Pfft, superman or ladiesman?; Chris asked sarcastically

Say whatever you want to say, where is Beatrix?; James asked with a joyous voice.

Right here; Beatrix spoke from behind them with a sweet voice and sat beside Chris and laid her head on his shoulder.

Oh, how are you?; James asked with an awkward smile.

Am fine, thank you. How is aunt doing?; Beatrix asked back and smiled too.

She is doing great, she will come tomorrow. well atleast thats what she said; james replied a bit unsure.

Oh that great, its been long since i last saw her; Chris joined the conversation with a wide smile.

The three chatted for long while but James was more interested in whatever Beatrix was saying, is it because he like girls or was it something else. He had a deep secret that he couldn't even tell Chris. While in his life he met different ladies, Beatrix gave him a totally new vibe every time they met. Its like he never knew her before. She always make his heart beat faster, his body feel hot, he loses his focus whenever she is around. He just doesn't know how to tell her, was it because Chris will definitely kill him? or was it because he wasn't good enough?. All he knows was that he love her, and his love for her was different.