Chris and Sophie landed at Greenwood city international airport, and hailed a cab. He wanted to surprise Beatrix, so he didn't arrange for a car. It took a 30min drive to reach Chris's apartment, Chris took a shower and got ready to leave. Sophie wanted to follow him but he disagreed, she looked tired so he told her to rest and they will go tomorrow, she had no choice but to agree, since they became friends Chris barely let her stress herself. He just wanted to see Beatrix so bad, it has been a week since he travelled, even though they video call everyday.

Chris took his favorite Audi R8, he cherished the car because it was a gift from Beatrix even though she bought it with his money. She gave it to him when he got promoted to assistant CEO. Yes!, even though his father owned the company, he had to work his way up, he started as an assistant in the finance department before eventually movie up the ladder. He loved the car so much that he got both their initials painted by the driver door so that everytime he come to open the door, he would see her name. He boarded and stepped on the accerator slowly with a big grin on his face.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Chris arrived at the Mark Mansion at 5pm, he drove his car to a small parking space with a roof. He quickly got out of the car and entered the house then went straight to Beatrix's room and opened the door without knocking and shouted "SURPRISE!" but no one was in the room, he walked to the walk-in closet but she wasn't there, then he checked her study room but same result, he checked her lab but to no avail too. Suddenly he heard a sound from the bathroom, he quietly tip toed and opened the door, but he was shocked to see Beatrix sitting on the floor hugging he legs and buried he face in her thighs. He walked and knelt down beside, he slowly raised her head to look at her face, her eyes were red and swallon, she had dark cirles around them, it looked like she had been crying for a long time.

He slowly pulled her into his embrace, she rested her head on his chest. She began to sob, Chris gently caress her hair to coax her "Shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh, its going to be ok" he hugged her tightly.

"It * sob * hurts * sob *" she sobbed as she spoke.

He removed her face from his chest and wiped of the tears on her cheeks then kiss her forehead and hugged her again"Its alright baby, big brother will take care of everything" his gaze turned cold, his heart ached seeing her like this, he immidiately knew who did it, he took her up in his arm and brought her back to her room and lay her on the bed, he gently caress her cheek then covered her with the comforter.

"Rest ok, just dont think about it, everything will be fine once you wake up" he leaned and kissed her forehead. "mm" she just nodded and closed her eyes.

He stood up and left the room quietly, he entered his car then tapped his phone furiously before putting it in his ears, it rang just once then someone picked it up "James Marcus" that was the only word he said before ending the call. He opened his dashboard locker and took out his pistol, check the bullets, put off the safe then put it back. His gaze sharpened looking cold and murderous, if looks could kill, you will be dead the second you look at him.

"I warned you" he murmured before starting the engine and furiously stepping on the accelerator.