Chris drive out of the Mark Mansion compound then his phone made a "ding" sound, indicating a notification, he slowed down and checked then drop the phone and stepped hard on the accelerator again.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

James was sitting on a sofa in his hotel room drinking when he heard a knock on his door, he wasn't expecting anyone and he didn't order for room service so he hesitated before standing up to open the door. He slowly turned the knob and opened the door, a dark, cold face with wolf eyes were glaring straight at him looking ready to attack at any moment.

As James opened his mouth to speak.


Chris punched him hard making his lips bleed, he staggared back but he was able to balance himself so he won't fall down, Chris marched towards James and grabbed his collar and pulling him closer to his face "I warned you but you said you would never break her and i gave you a chance but i guess i was too trusting of you" he then pushed him furiously making James trip and fall on the floor. Chris put his hand behind his back and took out his pistol, he pointed it at James's head then slowly shifted and aimed it at his thigh.

"It wasn't intentional, i was angry, broken, sad, disappointed. I..I was jealous of him, she only knew him for 2 days but she is even letting him hold her hand in front of me, come on Chris am a human, am bound to be envious and insecure. I came back to the hotel got drunk and acted obliviously" James spoke in a pitiful tone making Chris looked confuse.

"Him?, wait who is him?" he glared at him coldly and his voice much colder than his voice

"So what if i hold his hand, that doesn't mean i love him" a voice from behind them sofly.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Beatrix felt uneasy when he said 'he will take care of everything', she knew he always resort to violence whenever he see her cry, he just doesn't talk things out when it come to her.

Once when they were in high school, she was dating a boy but caught him kissing another girl, she was so broken but that she couldn't go to school, James comes and see everyday trying to make her forget. When she told Chris what happened, he was so angry, he went out of the house that day and never came back till almost 10pm. The next time she heard news about the boy was that he was beaten so bad that all his fingers were broken. Even though she wasn't sure if it was Chris, she never asked him.

After Chris left the mansion, she followed him and seeing he came straight to James's hotel, she knew it definitely wasn't looking good for James.