WHAT!" Chris's thunderous voice could be heard by the security and waitress who were in the room with James.

(A/N : Sorry readers, i kinda mixed up the last dialog. Sorry)

"Mmph, I knew this day will come" Chris murmured lowly "I will send you her location" chris then hung up.

'How tha hell will he find her?' he thought to himself

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Chris took out his laptop and checked her bracelet tracker but the programme just showed him a 'signal lost' message. He smirked then opened another programme, he tap the keyboard a few times then a map popped up and a red light blinking.

'I knew that micro tracker i put in her body will come in handy someday' he thought.

He took his phone and called James "Ok i found her, she is at Blue sea city near the beach. You go and make sure she is safe, i will meet you there"

"Ok, but how did you find her?"

"TUT, TUT, TUT" Chris disconnected the call without replying

"Fine don't answer" he mumbled then left the office, as he reached the ground level. Emily grabbed his arm "What happened, why do you look worried?"

"Its non of your business Emily, now please excuse me" he pulled his arm away and started to walk away.

"Just tell me whats wrong, why dont you wanna talk to me?" she shouted

He stop in his tracks "Oh we are gonna talk, a long talk for that matter" his voice sounded cold, enough to make her heart skip a beat.

He then walked out the and entered his Lambourghini Venano roadster then his phone lit up indicating notification, he opened the message and saw a map with a red dot, he dropped the phone then turned the engine on, he furiously stepped on the accelerator and zoomed out of the club.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Beatrix was laying on a bed in a shaddy room, with cracks everywhere, she slowly regained her conciousness but she felt dizzy and her head hurts, she tried to move her arm but was stuck, she slowly opened her eyes to adjust to the light, her eyes widened and her heart raced as she saw the 3 men staring her.

"W..Wh..Who are you?" she stammered in fear

A man with a bald head laughed evily then looked at one of the men standing on the other side of the bed "Jimmy, she is asking who we are?" he turned to her "We are your admirers darling" he slowly caressed her cheek and his index finger stopped at her lip.

"Ahhhhh!" he cried as she bit his finger till it started bleeding before she let go. The man called jimmy spoke "Boss are you ok?" then he looked at Beatrix "You bitch" and raised his hand to slap her but the boss held his hand and shook his head sideways stopping him.

He looked Beatrix and grinned "Feisty. I like that, this will be fun" he looked at the man standing beside jimmy then nodded. The man turned to a table in the room and took a syringe with some blue substance inside, he passed it to the boss.

The boss looked at Beatrix then grinned "Hold her" the two other thugs held both her arms, restraining her on the bed, she tried to fight out but they were too strong. The boss slowly injected the chemical into her body by the side of her neck, after that the two men let her go.

"Get the camera ready" he ordered jimmy.

Beatrix felt her body temparature rising, her mind was getting zoned out, her eyes started to feel heavy, her heart raced, she felt the passion in her body rising, she felt turned on, she wants it now.

"Randy untie her" he gave him the syringe then walked and sat on a sofa in the room, the man dropped the syringe then he came and untied beatrix. she slowly sat up on the bed and looked at the two men then the boss waved her to come to him, she stood up like a mindless being and walked to him.

"Sit down" he tapped his thigh telling to sit.

She obeyed like child and sat, he slowly caress her cheek then grinned "Thats my girl" he then kissed her neck then gestured her to stand up "Go to the bed", she walked and lay down on the bed

Jimmy walked in with a laptop and a camera attached to it "Boss, everything is ready", the man put the laptop on the table facing the bed, the camera started recording and the three of them walked to Beatrix and sat beside her.

Chris saw the small shack from about 20 metres, he slowed the car down and turned the lights off then turned the engine off, he stared at the shack then pressed a button on the dashboard, a small vault opened then he took a katana and four shurikens.

"You messed with the wrong woman" he stepped out of the car then stealthly walked towards the shack.