Chris called their special force unit and informed them about the situation before leaving the office to go meet James.

He drove like a mad man with his darkened face, all his mind was saying is kill, kill, and kill. He never give anyone who hurt his sister a second chance. He just kill them with no resentment.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

James walked towards the shack then he saw the van, he slowly sneaked closely and saw a man sitting inside smoking a cigarette. He took a stick then threw it at him, the man was startled, then he took his gun and walked out "Who is there?" he yelled.

Out of the dark, a shuriken came flying and stab him in the neck. "THUD" he fell to the ground without making any sound. James slowly sneaked into the shack then saw a light coming from a room upstairs

Beatrix could feel her body doing something but she doesn't know what, she can feel someone touching her body and she wasn't refusing, it was like she was possessed by some spirit and she can't control her body.

The boss tore her T-shirt revealing her milky white skin and slim waist, he touched her abdomen up to her neck which made her mourn a bit, he grinned the kissed her cheek, she raised her hand then unbutton his shirt, she rubbed his chubby body slowly which made him want her more. The two other men took off there shirts and started touching her.

James stood by the door staring at them, his blood boiled up, his eyes were red, he clenched his fists and without warning her barged into the room and threw two shurikens at the two, Jimmy and Randy straight to there neck. He then threw the last on at the boss but he dodged it and took his gun that was on top of the bedside drawer, he shot twice but James rolled out of the room.

The boss stood up then came and leaned against the wall close to the door, that was exactly where James leaned outside the room, James could hear the boss's deep breaths, he turned and put his ears on the wall to listen carefully. He sensed the boss's presense, he then took a step back and took his katana, he aimed it at the wall then with all his might, his pierced it through the wall. The wall was made of wood and the wood was already old and weak, so without much effort, the katana went straight through.

On the other side in the room the katana went straight into the boss's stomach, James walked into the room slowly, he walked up to the man and held his chin "Who sent you?"

He boss chuckled maniacally "I will...never...speak" then he coughed blood.

James smirked "You know even though i stabbed you, you can still live for about...." he looked at his watch "Thirty minutes before you die"


James took out a small box from pocket then put it on the table where the laptop was, he turned the laptop off then opened the box, it contained 2 needles in it but they are a bit bigger than normal needles. He took two of them then walked to the boss who was stuck to wall due to katana stabbed through his body, he took the boss's palm then asked "Are you gonna tell me?"

"Never" then he spat on the floor

"Fine by me" he pierced one of the needle into the mans hand, the boss gritted his teeth to endure the pain. After 5 seconds, James took out the needle and put it back into the box, he pulled the sofa and sat staring at the man infront of him.

"What?, are you gonna stare me to death?" he laughed

"We will see"

Suddenly the man felt his palm hurting, more like burning, like his hand was on fire, he raised his hand to check and he saw his skin peeling off, his muscles just vanishing and he started seeing his bone

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" he screamed in pain, James stared at him with cold expression.

"AHHHHHH!!, What are you doing to me?" the man screamed with tears in his eyes.

James took out his phone then tapped a button, the burning sensation stop but the boss's palm up to his elbow muscles are completely gone only his arm bone(radius and ulna) can be seen.

"Welcome to the future, nanobots. My design, they decomposed you muscles slowly until only bones remain. You like them" James smirked then continued "Now talk"

"Ok, Ok fine. A woman asked us bring her here and sleep with her then upload the video on the web, she want to destroy the dignity of the entire Mark Family, she wants to ruin their image in the eye of the public" he explaned while panting.

"Who is she?"

"I don't know, she wore a mask when we met and when she handed over the lady to us"

James stared at the floor in confusion 'Emily?, What does she have against the Mark family, i thought it was only Beatrix' he thought.

"And one more thing, everything that we recorded here is sent to a ghost server she has, it is untraceable. Please let me go" the boss pleaded. James glared at him then took the other needle and pierced it in his neck, then took his phone and tapped a button.

"NO!, NO!, NO Please!!!!!" the man screamed as the nanobots continued decomposing his muscles turning him into bones.

James turn to Beatrix who for some reason fell unconscious when he barged in, he took off his Polo long sleeve shirt and put it on her body, he carried her in his arm and left the man in the room screaming in pain.

As he walked out of the shack, Chris and the Special force team arrived. James slowly lay her on the stretcher and the medical team took her away.

"I need to handle an issue, i will come tomorrow" he said to Chris then walked off without waiting for reply.

He entered his Lambo and drove way as fast as he could.

"Ok, Clean up the mess" he told the Special forces then followed Beatrix ambulance to the hospital.