James arrived at Greenwood city, he pulled up by the roadside, he took his phone from his pocket and dialed a number, it rang for some time before a lady picked up.

"Hello, James"

"Where are you?" his cold voice rang through the phone

"Am at my hotel, Royal Luxury Hotel. Why?" she asked

"Am coming now"

"Ok, its room 101" she used a seductive voice

"Ok, i will be there soon" then he hung up.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At the hospital, the nurses rushed Beatrix to the emergency ward and inserted IV drips in her hand, she was still unconscious. Chris called Sophie and explained what happened, he told her he will stay with Beatrix until she regains consciousness. He then ordered all the special forces to investigate the men and try to find any trace of the woman they work for.

After about 2 hours, the doctor invited Chris to his office.

"Mr. Christian, i have to say. Ms Beatrix is really strong to survive such a strong drugs" the doctor paused then continued "The drug they injected into her body is a Hallucinogens but this is beyond cocaine or ecstasy, am talking about custom modified drugs that attacks your brain within seconds of admission"

"But no harm done right?" Chris asked with cold voice

"Yes, i have to say her immune system is really strong to be able to fight back but when she wakes up she might suffer severe headaches for two to three days"

"Thank you doctor" Chris stood up and left the office.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Emily sat on a couch in the living at her hotel watching the TV, she had a wide smile on her face as she was expecting someone special. Suddenly a knock came from the door, she stood up and checked her gown before walking to the door, she opened the in excitement.

"James" she called excitedly and embraced him, he stood still with an expressionless face. She release him from her embrace and looked at his eyes.

"Whats wrong James?"

"Aren't you gonna invite me inside?" he raised his brows

"Oh am so sorry, come in" she shifted aside and smiled. He slowly walked in and she closed the door, he sat on the couch and she joined him.

"So what brings you here?" she spoke slowly

"Why did you do it?" he gave her a deadshot glare

"Do what?" she furrowed her brows

"I know you kidnapped Beatrix, stop pretending"

"Wh..What?" she shook her head "I didn't do anything to her, i didn't even see her since the day at the ice cream shop"

James anger reached its breaking point, he pressed Emily down on the couch grabbing her neck, he leaned forward with only a small gap between their faces "Why did you do it?" he grit his teeth as he spoke the words

Emily was helpless, her face began turning pale, she was feeling dizzy and it was hard for her to breathe "Let.me.go" she tried her best to break free but he was too strong.

"Tell me!" he shouted

"Ok.let.me. go" she started crying then James let her neck go and sat back down. Emily coughed continuously, he saw a glass of water a small table by the couch, he took it and passed it to her "Drink"

She took the glass and drank almost half "Thanks" she stared at the floor as she was afraid to make him angry again.

"Talk" he said with a cold voice

"For starters, i didn't plan any kidnap ok"

* Flash back *

Emily asked the waiter to spike Beatrix's drink and take her to a room in the club where she told a man to wait, she bribed the waiter and he agreed, she then sat and sip her wine while watching the show oblivious that someone who was planing same thing was observing at her from a safe distance.

The waiter did as instructed, but after Beatrix took drink, James said he will take her home which totally ruined her plan but Beatrix wanted to use the bathroom, this was her chance, she told the waiter to go wait for her at the door and take her to the room but after almost 10min he came back saying someone knocked him unconscious and he couldn't find Beatrix after he woke up.

* Flash back end *

"So, you see thats all that happened?" she looked him with a pitiful expression.

"Aren't you feeling disg......." he was interrupted by a news report on the TV.

{Breaking News: Ms Beatrix Mark of the Mark family was caught sleeping with 3 men, what a disgusting act by the Mark family descendent} then a video started playing, a video that the thugs recorded before James got there, it was edited and the part that he killed the two was trimmed.

James stared at the TV with a dark and angry expression, he clenched his fist, the veins his neck and forehead were popping out.

He calmed down then with a cold voice and a disgusted look stared at Emily "This is all you fault" he pursed and chose his words correctly then continued "I feel ashamed at the thought of me ever loving a woman like you" he stood up and left her on the couch. His words were like daggers stabbed straight in her heart. She felt tears rolling down her eyes, she stared him till he slammed the door before she broke down and started crying.