Sin Velasco, a normal average youth. His hobby is reading books, manga and riding a dirt bike when he was riding his bike in the mountain that is full of trees and unseen rock, he died by crashing into a tree and hit his head into a hidden pointy rock.
When he opened his eyes, which surprised him, he saw a middle age man with a black beard and black trimmed hair. He got asked by the middle age man if he would like to entertain him, but of course, he wouldn’t accept the request without asking the middle age man for a cheat
Author note: Hi, I’m new to this fanfiction thingy so please bear with my mistakes which I think would be tons. And another thing, if you’re a grammar nazzy please don’t read this, English isn’t my first language so I will make a lot of wrong punctuation and a paragraph which will make you cringe, of course, if you give me an honest review that will help me even if its harsh or full of insult I’d accept it with all my heart :)
I’ll be posting this on
The story's grammar and spelling isn't too bad but my main problem is I cant stand how the MC is. I have no problems with dark MC's but it doesn't fit the story here, it feels like it was written by an edgy 15 year old. The MC has a symbiote and has Tatsumaki's ability from one punch man both these abilities aren't that interesting or cool. Meliodas somehow lets him join them and keeps him around despite the fact he' practically a lunatic which the author states hes not but clearly he is he cannibalizes other people to increase his power weather they are good or bad (Which the only salvation of the cannibalizing is that he won't do it randomly according to the author), kills people despite others (as in the other sin's and Elizabeth) not wanting him too (which I get you need to be merciless to you enemies to stop them from coming back but he instantly killed Jericho which he knew would become good and that she was being controlled and kills everyone else he fights with except for Diane), it even sated he grins like a psycho when he fights and hes a dick to everyone except the love interest which are Diane and Merlin. If someone like that actually appeared in the original story Meliodas would almost 100% kill them let alone let them join him, like even the demons only eat peoples souls he eats people raw weather they are good or bad like I said before...he is literally worse than the demons so the fact that Meliodas and everyone didn't kill him or try to already doesn't make sense. It seems like the author just thinks dark and edgy MC's are cool. He also made his character look exactly like Meliodas except with red hair with the unique reason of "being small looks cool" which I've never heard anyone else with the same opinion before he made him have the most non-unique appearance possible literally just copying the original MC. The author also stated The MC is not going to have a good relationship or care about anyone except his wives/girlfriends which I don't think anyone thinks is cool except edgy 15 year old's like I said before. I would say if you really wanted to go with the dark MC so much and make it make sense it would have been better if he wasn't in the sin's at all and was a neutral party because you can clearly tell he doesn't belong with them.
5 stars since i’m proud of myself just for writing this fanfic This novel is not for light hearted people, although it’s not that dark to the point he eats everything he sees, you will still see a lot of death(including innocents and good people) It definitely has flaws since i’m a beginner to fanfiction stuff(i wrote story once but didn’t go too well) That’s it, I’m actually just reviewing it to give it 5 stars but if you have some questions you’d like to know please just ask
Very good I hope you don't stop like others I'll keep supporting ya until u decide to drop this novel or when it's finished it has to be 140 characters so Thssdbgdfghhfdddfhjhfdsdffddffg
Seems pretty neat man keep going I am votin for ya🤜🤜🤜🤜🤜🤜🤜🤜🤜🤜👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼😊👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿😊😊👍🏿😊😊😊
I really like it plz dont stop ill give me stones toooo ...................................................................................................................................................................................
I like it so far. Its pretty funny. Wacky a$$ character. Its good read it and write reviews so it doesnt drop. ...................................................................................
Reveal Spoiler
nanatsu to taizai???? then off you go to my library!!!! just hope you don't drop it, since you are probably the only one with natsu to taizai fanfic ;)
5 stars since i’m proud of myself just for writing this fanfic This novel is not for light hearted people, although it’s not that dark to the point he eats everything he sees, you will still see a lot of death(including innocents and good people) It definitely has flaws since i’m a beginner to fanfiction stuff(i wrote story once but didn’t go too well) That’s it, I’m actually just reviewing it to give it 5 stars but if you have some questions you’d like to know please just ask
i hope you don't drop it and i will give you energy stones everytime i got them so i hope you continue because this novel of yours are the best so please continue write and i will support you
Recently I’ve put down this novel as it stopped uploading. I’m glad to see it’s back up. Props to ikkarus! So the actual review, spoilers btw (no duh) I am very happy with the fact that this novel is not going down the harem path, especially as a fanfic. I’m also incredibly satisfied that the mc is also ruthless, not a white knight or a tagalong. There are some issues with the mc’s intelligence, but aside from that the novel is basically a perfect math for what I’m looking for.
Nenhum sistema? Eu ouvi bem?! Bem, de qualquer forma estarei deixando minhas 5 estrelas aqui, só tirarei as cinco estrelas caso a história seja realmente muito ruim. Bom, aqui vou eu! Abrir primeiro capítulo!
Seem Good, need more chapters tough , glad somone picked up a fanfic in this universe not a singel fanfic har been done in here hope you can start a New trend really like the characters in this story
I’m not sorry I won’t apologize I’ve stolen a few of his concepts and ideas for one of my own novels and the thing is that his writing is superb and if I could make him write more I would.