
After she closed her eyes..


The water were splashed.There was someone got into the river..

And swims to her...

There were some handsome young man who's wearing red jacket...embrace her body that was so cold as the ice...

Shi Yan...who was closed her eyes..felt someone hugged her...and she smells..the elegant world's famous Italian fashion designer...Giorgio Armani..Acqua Di Giò Eau De...

After that..she feels her body was warms..then she breath at her last time...she cries and turned unconscious....

The guy...who see the girl unconscious..let go his hug...put his hand..on the girl's face..and kisses her gave his her...

Then he saw...she didn't give any reaction..the guy turned into panic...

He grabs the girl's body with his hands,and they swims up to the surface..They floated on the river...The guy piggyback the girl..on his back..Afterwards,the guy swimming towards behind the river...


Ground behind the river.

On the grass...

The young man..put the girl's body beside he...check her pulse on her wrist..there's no pulse...and he put his ears..on her hears her heart..her hearbeat..didn't gave any reaction...

The guy...he inhale his breath..then breathe out..after that..he does the CPR to her...



The girl's mouth..let off some water that she was drank..then faint again...

The guy who's saw the girl awaked..were relieved..After he saw she fainted back,he turns into panic again and quickly check her breaths...

Then he relieved...she's alive..but fainted..

The guy stand up,and looked at the girl's face.He thought.

'This girl..quiet pretty and seeing the pictures from classic potret..everyone who see this,can tells that..they like saw the perfect girl from the sleeping beauty..she look so calm,like no problems at all in her life....'

Then his eyes looked at the girl's nametag on student ID card and her school badge.

'Shi Yan'

'Yumnan High School'

After that..the young man talks to himself and smile.

"Shi Yan huh?..looks so 'gorgeous' as her face...her name's so suitable with the body's owner..."

The guy voice like a mad-man voice,but sound so gentle and his smiled so sweet that could make anyone who look and hear at him,melt their hearts...

He continue his talk with slow and make some conclusion.

"How could this girl could be in that river?Is she jump over there?If I don't save her earlier,she would became died.Is this suicide?However,I don't think so.Because she got into the deep base of the river.It had caused a big impact,how can she get into there quickly..unless there was someone pushed her from behind."

After the young man said that,he look over around him,there was no one there except these two.He askance at the girl and talk with deep voice.

"Little girl,don't worries...because I feels that I've found my first-love sight.And it's you.I wanted to make you become mine.But I'll make you fall in love with me first.I wants you to be knew how much I like you at this first sight when I looked at you"

He looked at the girl in front his and sit beside her.The girl's wearing full school uniform with blue hairpin.His hand pick up the blue hairpin on her head into his trouser's pocket and expelled another colorful hairpin from his jacket's pocket and put on the girl dark brown hairs with carefully.

"Luckily I have this hairpin.Now,it fits you very well and this means you'll become mine.I'll find you no matter where you are and will go save and protect you from danger.This's my promise.I'll see you later,my princess."


The guy kissed on her forehead for so long...Then he got up and leave from there.

The love-story secret admirer begin now...



Ohh!I make some vocab for those who didn't understand the meaning.Well then,later!See Ya!~

"Vocabulary Meanings"


Abbreviations for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

CPR's a method used to keep someone alive in a medical emergency if there was no pulse or hearbeat to make their heart and lungs begin to work again.This method,in which you blow into the person's mouth then press on their chest and then repeat the process until there was reaction from that person.


The word Yàn means colorful,gorgeous,gaudy and to admire.

(It has another meaning too,but I make it be short)