At a later time.

After the handsome young man had left not so long,Shi Yan wake up.When she woke up,she feels like her life was after the death...but she realize that she were still alive.


Shi Yan look at herself and talk.

"Wh...what had happened to me?Why I'm here?Why my clothes are so wet?Wha...Oh my!Dad!"

She see the time at her watch but it had stopped.


"!Why would my watches be damaged at the times like this!"

She askance around her to search her sliding bag.

"Ahh!..There you're!"

Shi Yan pick up her sliding bag and her hand  search in the sliding bag to find her handphone,but she stop when something's fall off from her hair on the grass.


"Hmm..?What's this?Hairpin?"

She pick it up and checked it.

When she checked at it,she feels that the sun was so dazzle at her.She turn her sight from that ornament and see the sun.It looks like the sky gonna start to become sunset.

"Ohh!..right!I remember I was at the school it's still evening..and I..Oh my god!better go home now and think about it later!"

After she said that,she put the hairpin into her sliding beg and brought it on her shoulder.She ran away as soon as possible to home.


At the gate Shi Xiao's home.

Shi Yan looked at the her father home's gate.Her father's car wasn't there.

"Thank god!I thought dad was at home now.It looks like his meetings didn't finished yet.Better go in and take bath first!"


The sound of the door's house being opened.She goes into her home.

Shi Yan went to upstairs and go into her rooms.She put her sliding bag on the bed and take off her clothes then got into bathroom.


In Shi Yan room.

After take a bathed and wears her home's outfit,Shi Yan sit on her bed and reflective about something...then she talk.

"I remember that I was at the school back dad called me said that he can't pick me..After that I decided to walk to go home...In my walked,I were felt someone's followed me...and that person attacked me with pushed me into river...I was drowned..and someone else saved me..."

She continued his talked with suspicious face.

"If I was true..I recall it back about that person who attack me...were a girl!Ohh!A girl!A girl with long hair,weared black cap,and wears a half-mask..with her clothes was same as my school uniform..I thinked that I didn't have any enemy..In fact,I'm newly there!What on the earth that person's!Who's she?How dare she pushed me!If it were not someone saved me,I would have dead!"

She stopped awhile and try to remember about that.

"Someone?...Someone..If I not mistake..he's a guy..a young man..with red jacket...but I didn't saw his face..however he smells so sweet..his fragnance were by Giorgio was Acqua Di Giò Eau De...that my dad usually wears....My god!Who's he?I wants to know about and thanks to he!He...."

"!!!..Wait a minute....."

Her hand rushes to her sliding bag beside her..She picked the hairpin in her bag...and gaze at that..she make some assumption.

"This colorful's not hairpin was blue..not this colorful it was that guy hairpin?Why would he had this hairpin?My blue hairpin were disappeared too..maybe he took it..Is he gave this to me as exchange my blue hairpin?"

Shi Yan silent for a minute and still gazing at that ornament.

"Ahhhh!!!...why would this sooo complicated?!!My mind's getting crazy thinking about this matter!"

She shouted loudly like a crazy woman.

Well..maybe she's really crazy...

She then put her face on the pillow and hug her bolster..

"Better I sleep!I'm so tired..."


Shi Yan sleep very fast because she exhausted.

She sleeped with restful and relaxed on her face..

Because she dreamed about..

The unknown guy who had saved her...

She talking something in her sleeped with slow voice and smiled...

"Thank you for rescued me,Prince Charming..."
