
After the sounds of knocked,the door has be open by outside.

They looked over to know who's it.

It was the guy in school uniform who is worn the spectacles come in.

Shi Yan observe the guy at the door. 'Oh?It's the glasses guy who had defend me earlier.So kind and cool!I have to thank he after this.Also,he even said that my business's his problem too but..what does it meant?Did he known me?I don't kn..Huh?!Is this....' When she were thinked,she sniffed the fragnance and looked solemnly at the guy.

The glasses guy walked towards Shi Yan who's on the bed.

He smiled and greet her. "Hi,are you Shi Yan?Nice to meet you!I'm Fang Xuedao from class 11-2.You can call me Senior Xuedao or by my surname,Senior Fang.I'm fine if you wanted to call me all of them.By the way,you don't know me right?Well..I'm not too popular to be known by everyone,so you don't heard anything about me.Though,I'm okay with that.Oh!Are you alright?You seem unconscious awhile ago..It makes me felt bad when saw a girl fainted."

Shi Yan just stared at the glasses guy who's talked in front her. 'He...when he at the door,I don't suspect anything..but when he walked to me in this room..his fragnance smells familiar..that's by Giorgio Armani..Acqua Di Giò Eau De...The Prince Charming perfume!'

She glanced at Li Shuxian who sat on the chair. 'When I thinked about this,it make me reminded about this annoy guy beside me fragnance.Although it was by Giorgio Armani too,it's still different from my Prince Charming's fragnance so...'

Thereafter Shi Yan thoughts that,she look askance at Fang Xuedao again with curiously and make some assumptions. ' this glasses guy....Prince..Charming?!!Oh my!!!His perfume are totally same!!Ahhh!!!I found him finally!!!!Yes!!!Now,I should ask him to confirm!!'

Shi Yan open her mouth and speak something to Fang Xuedao with happy face. "Ohh!Nice to me you too!It's my pleasure to met you!Are yo...."

"My daughter!!!Sorry for late.Let's go home now!" Shi Xiao suddenly walked into the room and shouted loudly to his daughter.

Shi Yan looked at the sounds.It looks like her beloved dad had return. "Dad!Why are you so long?What did you talked about?I have waited for you,you know?!" Her voice sounds like mad to her father.

"Okay,okay...don't be mad!I just told your homeroom teacher,Teacher Qingye after that I chatted a little bit with Teacher Jiuyang.No worries.So,let's go home!" Shi Xiao gave short explanation to her.

He looked at the two guy beside his daughter. "Oh?Xuedao are here too?Sorry if I didn't realize you earlier.I'm panicked with my daughter so I don't saw you."

Fang Xuedao was wipe his spectacles with his hand.After he heard his name been said,he wears back his glasses and looked at Shi Xiao. "Uncle Xiao?How have you been?Are you fine?It's sure been a long time that I have not see you.You seems have more wrinkle than before."

"Hahaha!..I'm getting older,kid!Oh!I can't called you kid anymore,your looks became mature!But your behaviour always be like a kid!" Shi Xiao laughed and slaps Fang Xuedao's back amicably.

Fang Xuedao laugh and smile to Shi Xiao. "Haha..Thanks for your comment uncle.I'll improve my behaviour!Don't worry!"

"Fine,keep that word on your mind!I'll see you next time we meet!Oh!Are you already know Shi Yan?She's my good daughter." Shi Xiao asked he.

"Yes,we're already knew each other awhile ago.She seems more pretty than before." Fang Xuedao glanced at Shi Yan and talked to Shi Xiao.


'Huh?What?Uncle?Than before?Why did he sounds like already known for a long time?Even he knew my dad..Something's fishy here..Better I don't ask him about that...' Shi Yan's face looked so puzzled and suspicious .She gazed at her father and Fang Xuedao.

Li Shuxian who's sitting on the chair beside her,looked at her.

"Hey,are you okay?" He wave his hand in front Shi Yan's face.


"Hello,do you heard me?" He continued his talk.


'What's wrong with this girl?She makes me feels like don't exist beside her.Huh?She looked at something?' Li Shuxian glanced at Shi Xiao and Fang Xuedao. 'She looks fine,but why would she stared at his father and that glasses guy like wanted to kill them?Ah? would she wants to kill them?She stared like...hmm..I don't know how to describe this..Anyway,her face just now looks like assasin.Like in the murder drama I usually watched..hmm...interesting!' He smiled and gazed at them.


Shi Xiao then realized his daughter and Li Shuxian were looked at them. 'Oh my!I made my daughter waited!She must be angry...huh?' His faced turned odd when he saw his daughter stared. 'Gasp!Why would her face like a crazy woman assasin?!And Shuxian too!Why would his smiled like masochist?!Oh no!My eyes!I should not watch this two killers stare!' Shi Xiao are getting goosebumps and chills.

"Xiaodao,uncle had some work to do and have to go back.See you later kid!" Shi Xiao hurrily goes to Shi Yan and talk.After that,they go out from the room so fast and disappear.
