After that Shi Xiao goes to kitchen and put on apron,he left Shi Yan alone at living room.


Shi Yan observed at his father from living room. 'I still not believed that dad would skip his work just for me.'

Thus,Shi Yan ponder about how they got to home before.

In their way back from school,Shi Xiao were not drived his car towards home.But he drived his car went to the hospital to did further medical check up for Shi Yan.Shi Xiao even called his boss,request to took half-day leave after he saw that she looked very difficult to move around with her leg.Althought Shi Yan said that she felt alright,he invariable with his decision to go hospital.Indeed,he really care about his daughter's condition.At the hospital after check up,Shi Xiao face were nervous.But the doctor told that it's just light injured,she dislocated her ankle and can be treat with ointment until heal.That doctor also gave some tablets and medicine to her and said she have to come again.They went home late before the sunset.


"Shi Yan?What did you thinked?Hurry up,dinner's ready.The special vegetables soup for you!" Shi Xiao's head appeared beside the wall and yelled at her from the kitchen.

"Yep,I'm coming!It must be delicious! " Shi Yan reply to her and her hand touch the wheel.

'Uhh..I'm don't know how to use this.Why would I have to sat on this?If I not collided to that annoy guy,I'm not sitting on this!Uhh..My ankle was hurted!So this's the feel of pains!'

" you help me?I'm stucked at here." She tried to appeal helped from his beloved father.

"Oh?I forgot that you're hurt!Don't worry,I would helped you." Shi Xiao move forward to his child after said that.

At dining table.

While the father and daughter's eating the food tastily,Shi Yan open her mouth to enquire the questions.

"Dad,I wanted to ask you something."

Shi Xiao who's eaten the crabs looked at her. "Huh?What's it?Just say it."

"Are you know that glasses guy,Fang Xuedou?You're seems so close with him.Even he called you uncle.Tell me!."


The sounds of the crabs have been disgorge out from Shi Xiao's mouth was heard.It looks like Shi Yan's bad habit came from his own father genetic.

"Daddy!!!!!My face!!!" Shi Yan touched her face with her palm.

"Huh?What's this?!" Looks like the crabs leg has been adhere at her face.

"Dad!!!!Your crabs leg's sticking on my face!" She shouted angrily at he.

Shi Xiao quickly take the glass of water beside he and drink it. "Uhuk!Uhuk!Hey my daughter!Why are you so worried about your face than me?"

Shi Yan just stared at her father with assasin eyes. "Well..first,because you spat that crabs leg.Second,this attitude come from yours."

"Okay,I'm sorry for that spitting crabs leg.But that second's from me?" Shi Xiao asked and looked at Shi Yan. 'Gasp!Oh no!That killer eyes again!' He shrieked from his conscience with fear.

"..Fine!It's from my perfect face behaviour!" Shi Xiao rapidly agreed and told the truth.

After Shi Xiao said that,he continued the talk. "Shi Yan,you have finished your dinner right?You have sleep early in order to recover faster.I'll take you upstairs and massage your ankle with ointment.Ah!Before that,you must eat the tablets and medicine first."

"Alright!" Shi Yan had no objective to deny that because she have finished ate the dinner.


At late night.

That night was very peaceful.No sounds of anything like everyone were sleeped and in good dreamed.The sky looked so dark,but then its bright because the beautiful full-moon emerged beside the clouds.

In Shi Yan's bedroom.


The sounds of the door have been opened slowly by someone.

The ray of moonlight,appeared from the Shi Yan's windows.It's show the face of that person.

The person who was opened the door were Shi Yan's father,Shi Xiao.


Shi Xiao gazed at her daughter with sorrowful face and still silent.

He flashback about how he talk over with Jian Jiuyang and the doctor.