*Shi Xiao's flashback*

After Shi Xiao got out from the Student Treatment Room,he go to the Jie Qingye and Jian Jiuyang to ask for leave.

"Excuse me..You're headclasses teacher for Shi Yan right?Could she go home now?She can't continue  to study in the class with her circumstance like that." He asked Jie Qingye with polite voice.

Jie Qingye looked at him then answer. "Yes,I'm her head teacher.Well..I'm not too experience about this kind.You should ask Teacher Jiuyang.She's so expert with this and tend many student problems especially medication.She's like specialist.If she said okay then I just agree with her." She looked at Jian Jiuyang and smiled.

Shi Xiao nodded at her and talk to Jian Jiuyang.

"Teacher Jiuyang,my daughter wanted to go home now.It's not a problem right,if I take her home?" He asked Jian Jiuyang and waited for the answer.


"Yes,you can but..." Jian Jiuyang looked at he and Jie Qingye.

"Can we talk over there?I need some space to discuss." She point her forefinger at corridor beside her.

"Of course,go ahead." Shi Xiao followed her to the corridor.


"Mr. Xiao,before I tell you,I've been a paramedic before I became a teacher.So,I kind of known about the medical.You must not feel too shocked if I tell you." Jian Jiuyang gave some warn to him.

Shi Xiao observe at her with nervous face. "Oh..If that so?Just tell me,I'm ready to know."

Jian Jiuyang inhale and exhale out her breath slowly. "Mr. Xiao,if I'm not mistake,Shi Yan's undergo some disease called Thrombocytosis.I'm not..."

"Wh..Whatt??!!!What did you said?!I'm not heard it wrong right?" Shi Xiao shrieked in petrified.He shouted like a crazy man.Oh?No,not a crazy man but father crazy woman.It suits him very well.

Jian Jiuyang looked at he with sympathy. "I'm sorry but you're not heard that wrong Mr. Xiao.I suggested if you want to know furtherance,you should go to the hospital for check up her."

"..Fine...I'll go to hospital but..how do you know it?" He looked at Jian Jiuyang with puzzled  expression.

"I already told you right?I've been a paramedic."

"Yes,I knew that.But that's not what I meant.I asked you how do you know Shi Yan have this malady and what's this disease?" Shi Xiao repeat his word again to her.

She smiled then turned to serious face. "Mr.Xiao I can't tell you about how I know.I afraid that my speculations was not true.By the way,I knew it because she had some symptoms like diziness and fainted.If I was true,I suggested that you go to the hospital because I'm not too familar with this disease."

"Alright..maybe doctor will give me explanation..Thank you teacher." He go to Student Treatment Room back with fast speed.


At the hospital.

Shi Xiao got helped from his close friend who was work as a doctor there.

"Changyu,what's the result of Shi Yan?" He asked him without patient.

Wang Changyu who was sat on the chair looked at Shi Xiao with solemn. "Shi Xiao,if I tell you,you're not gonna be shocked right?"

'Of course I'm gonna be shocked if Shi Yan really has that disease!No way!I hope that the Jian Jiuyang speculation was wrong!She's my only daughter I had!My lovely daughter!No!' Shi Xiao stared at him and thoughts then he reply shortly.

"Just tell me."

Wang Changyu gazed at Shi Xiao and start to talking. "My friend,about your daughter's leg,it seems sprained a little bit.But don't worry,it'll recover quickly if she take ointment.Plus,her body have high platelets in the blood that repair the tissues and wounds.However,the problem's her high platelets.It have excessive number than normal.Also,I knew this disease.It's called Thrombocytosis and she's in the category of Primary Thrombocytosis or Essential Thrombocythemia.Well..the cause I don't know.Moreover,I think maybe she had the history of large blood loss from her injured then her platelets resolved on its own but she doesn't realize it.According to the check up that my assistant made,I'll give her low-dose aspirin to reduce her platelets." He told Shi Xiao with elaborate details.



The sounds of Shi Xiao's heart smashed by the rock and turn to dust..

'My..My daughter..have this illness?I..I couldn't believed it..Why...' While Shi Xiao thinked about this,he sit on the floor and touch his head with his hands.

Wang Changyu stand up and goes to Shi Xiao then hold his shoulders "Shi Xiao...Shi Xiao!Get up!Please turn to yourself!She's lucky because she doesn't has blood clots yet!This's my possibility but don't worry,I thinked she have this temporary and will be fine if she follow my advice!I'll help her!"

Shi Xiao looked at he with sad face and trembled body.

 "..You'll help my daughter?"

"Yes!I'll!You and I would help her to be normal again!" Wang Changyu gave a promise and courage to Shi Xiao.


A moment later.

After Shi Xiao felt a little calm,he start to talk. "Changyu,what's your plan to help my daughter?"

Wang Changyu smiled and speak. "My friend,I'll tell your daughter about her sprained leg,but I wouldn't tell about her malady to avoid her feels grieve and stress.It's not good for her health if we tell her about this although we should.But it's for her benefits we does this.Futhermore,I'll give her another pills and medicine for her Thrombocytosis disease until she heal.I'll inform her that's for her leg in order that she woudn't distrust us.How about it?Are you assent with me?"

"Hmm..You're truly a doctor...Alright,I'll assent you for my daughter benefits." Shi Xiao nodded in agreement.

*Flashback end*


As he remember that,Shi Xiao face looked more sorrowful and finally talk slowly.

"..Poor my daughter...."

After he said the words,he closed the door..


(For those who didn't understand)


Platelets are tiny blood cells that help your body form clots to stop bleeding. If one of your blood vessels gets damaged, it sends out signals that are picked up by platelets. The platelets then rush to the site of damage and form a plug, or clot,to repair the damage.


Thrombocytosis're more common and not caused by abnormal bone marrow. Instead, the cause is another disease or condition in the body that stimulates the bone marrow to make more platelets.Too many platelets can lead to certain conditions, including stroke, heart attack, or a clot in the blood vessels.Symptoms are usually not serious,and the platelet count goes back to normal when the underlying condition gets better.Symptoms like headache,light headness or diziness,weakness,fainting,numbness or redness in your feet or hands,and changes in vision.

3.Category Of Thrombocytosis.

Primary and Secondary.

Primary thrombocytosis.

Also known as essential thrombocythemia (ET),is a disease in which abnormal cells in the bone marrow cause an increase in platelets.The cause is unknown.It is not considered an inherited (family) condition despite the finding of certain gene mutations in the blood or bone marrow. People with this condition who have no signs or symptoms are unlikely to need treatment as long as the condition is stable.But if it's have signs or symptoms,it should be treat immediately to evade harm.Symptom like blood clots can form suddenly for no reason.

Secondary thrombocytosis.

Is caused by another condition the patient may be suffering from,such as anemia due to iron deficiency,cancer,inflammation or infection,surgery,and splenectomy (removal of the spleen)