The next morning.

The weather so cold and the sky start to turned dark.


The sounds of rumble from the clouds were heard.

In the Shi Yan bedroom.

Shi Yan was lay on the bed and hold her cellphone with her hands.She was searching on the Weibo to looked over for the recent news  thereafter she glance at the windows beside her.

"Oh?..looks like it's going to be rain outside..."


The sounds of lighting were heard after she said that.Then the rain started to fall down.

"Ah!!..better watch my mouth!"

'..I'm too bored's weekend and my leg were I can't go out...Hmm..What to do?...' She was thinked something and stared at her leg.

She askance at the table beside her. 'Read the books and novels or..playing the games?or..hmm...'


While Shi Yan's thinking about what to do,there was notification about new message have been send to her Weibo.

"Huh?..who's this?" Her hand touched the message and observe at the name.


Shi Yan looks surprised and check repeatly. 'Oh?It's looks like this's Tao Mei!Where did she know my weibo's username?Let's me check the chat first!'

[Hi!Are you Shi Yan?Actually,she don't give me her username so I tried to search her.I just want to confirm that if you're Shi Yan so I don't make any mistake!]

[I'm waiting for your reply now!]

[Still waiting!]


-Miss Koala Mei


Shi Yan smiled and type the message while she thoughts. 'As expected from Mei!Her username's so cute!'

Well..her username suits her personality very well too.

[Hi Mei!Yes,it's me.Shi Yan!I didn't expected you'll searched for me!About that,I really sorry because I forget to give you my username!]

[Sorry again!]

[By the way,you're amazing Mei!You really startled me!How could you find me?I'm not using my name at all on my Weibo!]

-Breezy Ice Girl

'Huh?You guys thinked that my username's weird?Well..Yep!That time I don't know what to used and I suddenly thinked about that nickname from the novel I had read!That novel's plot are very sad!It make me cry a lot!Let's me tell you!The ending of the novel's the girl protagonist,discover have been dead in the cold winter.Her body were meet under the heavy snow because of the sudden avalanche.And the one who's met her first was the man protaganist!That night was supposed to be he revealed about his love feeling and propose to her.But when he went to her house,she wasn't there and the man searched her all the day.One day,he walked beside the cherry tree that they met for the first time and always sat behind there and looked at the scenery.Because of the location a little bit hidden from everyone's eyes,the girl like to painted and drawing the scenery at there everyday.Oh!Back to the story,the guy walked beside the cherry tree and stared at the tree.After that,his instinct like trying to told he that the girl was there.He worked hard searched for the girl until the snow fell and his body's getting cold.While he wanted to give up and walked away,his leg stumble and collapsed.At first,he thinked that it was the rock but then he felt that it's odd.While he tried to see what's that,he looked the necklace beside his leg.It was the girl's necklace..With the fast speed,he searched right away with his hand until his hands stained with his blood because he hurted himself.Thereupon,he saw the blue and cold body under the snow.The guy cried very hard and hug the body after he looked at it.It was the girl who's he searched for a long time..the girl who's he waited to propose..the girl who's he loved for the rest of his life..finally he found her,but she was died..He sat on that place and hugged the body till the weather became extreme cold.He didn't moved at all until he felt that his body's getting colder than ever and in his last breath,he whisper to the girl's ears although the girl doesn't breath anymore.. "" Then,a few day later,two of them are found dead by the people who coincidentally walked ahead there.

It was truly tragic love story..The man's protaganist embraced her until he dead..even though he can choose to stay alive,he risk his life chose to die with the one he love..right...he knew that he can't live without her..he knew that if he continues his life and love someone else,that's not gonna be same..and he will be always remember her in his life..That's true love..Well..sometimes,when we just realized about our truth feelings,they have been gone from ours life..that's the sad fact though..I like that story very much!'

When Shi Yan just have finished her story-thoughts about the novel she read to the readers,the message seems like had been replied from Tao Mei.She looked over at the message.

[Yan Yan!It's really you!I'm glad that it's you!I thought that I was wrong!]

[It's okay!Don't be sorry to me,I was fault too!I'm forgot to ask you!Let's not think about it now!Just chat happily!]

[Oh?Actually I found you accidently!I'm trying to type your name,and it's popped out like the popcorn!]

[Yan?Are you read my message?Why you didn't reply it?]

[Shi Yan?]



Shi Yan burst into laugh after read that.


[Ah!Yes,is that so?By the way,I'm sorry!I just thinked about something awhile ago!]

She replied the message rapidly and chatted with Tao Mei.

After a moment later.


Looks like her stomach's making some sounds.

"Mention about the popcorn earlier..suddenly,I felt hungry...I want to eat..Hmm.." She stare at the door for a long time.


"My daughter!!Time to eat th..." Shi Xiao who was about to opened the door,close the door back. "Nevermind!I'll give you later!"

Shi Xiao wanted to go in,but after he saw the eyes of Shi Yan,he closed it back.The eyes of Shi Yan like the eagle look for the victims.

"Dad!Just come in!I'm hungry!" Shi Yan shouted to her father.Looks like she really hungry.

"Okay!Okay!Don't be angry!" He opened the door swiftly while carrying the tray that full of foods and some medicine.

"Wow dad!Smells good!" She praised his cooking smell.

Shi Xiao just smiled. "Of course!I'm the best chief in this house!Now,try taste it!" He goes toward the table beside the bed and place the tray on its.

"Alright!" Shi Yan pick the spoon and taste the foods.After that she give the comment and thumbs up. "Super delicious!" She continue her eating after she said that.

"Hahaha..don't eat too fast!You might choke!" Shi Xiao just laughed and warned her.

Shi Yan stop eat and looked at he. "Okay!You're the best father ever in this world!I'm so lucky to have you,dad!"

Shi Xiao just smile and rub her head. "And I'm so grateful to have you as my daughter!"