Three days later...

Shi Yan have sat at home for three days after she took Medical Certifate (MC) from that male doctor.Therefore,her father always beside her and take care of her all the time.Futhermore,he even asked his boss to took the sick leave for awhile from his work to look at Shi Yan.Luckily,his boss is so kind and understandable.He just agreed to give him sick leave.Today,she is going to go to the school after her leg had been recover from sprained.Like a magic,her ankle doesn't feel any pain now.

In Shi Yan's bedroom.

While she is wearing the school uniform,Shi Yan glance at her leg and hopped happily. "Wow!Thank god!This is like a magic!My leg were heal!Looks like the medicine that the doctor gave me works so well!Oh yeah!I could even walk and jump now!"


"Shi Yan,are you okay?Did you feel any sick or pain?Are you really wants to go to school today?" Shi Xiao enquire her with worried expression.

Shi Yan askance at the door and shout. "Yes!I'm okay dad!Not felt any sickness or what!I feels so refresh!That doctor's medicine was good and work properly!Moreover,I have been recovered so I wanted to go to school!"

"All right!Then you must hurry up!I'm waiting for you at the downstairs.Oh!One more thing,the breakfast are ready!So you must hurry,if not I'll eat all the dish on the table alone!Bwahahaha!!..." After Shi Xiao said that and laughed,he goes to the stairs.

"Daddy!!Don't teased me like that!"

She go to the door and open it.


Well..there was no one there...

Shi Yan search for her father until she saw he at the downstairs and was about go to the kitchen. She bite her lips and shriek. "Dad!Don't you dare eat the all the foods!"

Shi Xiao who was heard that,appear his head from the wall.He reply her with yell. "So what?I cooked all of them so I can eat the foods isn't it?"

Shi Yan just curse her father after she can't control her madness. "Dad!!!You jerkk!!!"

Well..her father's cooking skills like that chef in five-stars hotel.No..not like that chef!Actually her father had been a chef a few years ago and she don't know how could her father just stop being a chef although he don't get any fired from his manager and his personality also good.He even got the trophy from that hotel like Excellent and Talented Chef For Five Years and tittle The Best Chef from the people who have ate at there.So it can't help and it'll be bad if she can't taste or eat it for a day!Her father's cooking feels like giving her energy and courage so she must eat it!Must eat!Must eat!Must eat!! OwO

"Bwahahahaha!..My lovely daughter,you looked so funny and cute now!Thank you for your curses!I like it!Wakakakakah!!" Shi Xiao just laughing loudly and give her broad evil smile then goes to the table in the kitchen.

"Tsk!Daddy you jerk!You jerk!Jerk!Jerk!Jerk!!!"

"Haha!My daughter you cute!You cute!Cute!Cute!Cute!!!"



Thereafter,Shi Yan give her father assasin eyes then goes to her bedroom after she said that and close the door.

Welp..sometimes the action react opposite the heart..

In her heart now,she laugh hardly with breadth smile on her face.Then she start to talk. "Haha!Help!I feels like want to vomit when I heard you said like that too..Hahahaha!!So far,I never seen a man talk like that!Hahahahahahahaha!"


In the living room.


Shi Yan walked into the kitchen and sit on the chair beside the dining table.


She looked over in the kitchen and realize her father doesn't there at all.She start shouting and search Shi Xiao.

"Dad,where are you?"

.... (the sounds of wind)

Shi Yan just silent and thinking positively. 'Well...maybe he was outside or watering his lovely plants in the garden ahead..

Think about that..looks like his plants is more important then me..humph!'

She just ignored about her disappearance father and start to look the breakfast on the table.When she lift up the cover from the plate,she speechless when she saw what is on the plate..


Shi Yan shocked and shrieking while open another cover.


On the plates now there's nothing that called breakfast neither foods.Looks like Shi Xiao really meant it.He ate all the foods.

"Grr..daddy!You jerk!Where are you?!You have knew that I like eating your cooking!So..why would you do this to me!Plus,you even ate all the breakfast that you made for me!You are unbelieveable!I've underestimated your attitud..uuhhhh...my head are hurt now..better calm down first...."

Shi Yan just sit again on the chair and talking to herself. "Relax Shi Yan,relax..calm down..be patient..control your anger...there are nothing to be mad of..as there was saying,your life is not worthy when you always throw your times to be angry.."

She just breathe in and exhale. "Yes,that's right..my body just recover from sick so I must take care of myself and be more careful.."

After she been calm a little bit,she glance at the plate and entire kitchen. "So..I guess this is why would dad suddenly disappeared from my foresight huh?The reason was because he ate  my breakfast?Hmm..well...looks like I has to cook the breakfast for myself though...."

Shi Yan stand up and goes to the refrigator to pick the materials then she stopped. "Wait a minute.." She looked at the watch on her right hand to see the time. "Oh no!There are plenty of times before I have to go to school!"

Thereupon,she gazing the materials and vegetables while thinking about what to cook. 'What to do?..What to cook?..I have to make it in a short times..hmmm...'


The mentol on her head suddenly shiny means she got an idea. "Aha!I get it!"

After she said that,Shi Yan start to searching again the ingredients to make breakfast.


"Huh?Why would it's not here?I think that it was here before...could dad have move it?.." She glance again at the watch and search the ingredients back while thoughts. 'Uh..it's still seven o'clock..still early...'

 "Ah?" Then she looked seriously at the watch and the clock in kitchen. "What early?!!I'm latee!!!!!My watch are stop ticking!Dad!!Hurry upp!!Don't played hide and seek again!I forgive you okay?So show yourself!I'm late noww!!"

While she screaming and rushing to the living room to wear her shoes.Suddenly,her cellphone got a notifications message in the kitchen.


"Huh?Sounds like message from my cellphone..."

She slap her forehead with her palm and remember. "Damn!I forgot my bag and cellphone!"

Shi Yan running to the kitchen and open the lock on the phone then tap the message.

[ My daughter,sorry if I have left you and ate all the foods on table earlier.I'm having emergency situation so I hope that you can grab the taxi to go to school. ] -Daddy.

"Uhh..what??Emergency situation?What's more emergency than yours daughter situation?Sigh...."