During the school break time (lunch)


The bell's ringing make a sign of the lesson has to stop for the students to cease from study.

After Zhao Bei went out, Shi Yan suddenly remember something. 'Ah!That guy!He said to meet him!I totally forgot!' She look at Tao Mei beside her. 'I guess I've to ask her later then.'

Shi Yan talk to her after thinking properly. "Mei, I've something to do.I must to meet someone so could you go with Chuanli?"

Tao Mei nod and smile. "Oh?Is that so?I'm okay with that, besides, I want to follow your advice earlier.."

"Okay, then good luck with that.See you later!"

"Alright, see you!"

Thereafter, Shi Yan goes to the school's rooftop by ascend the stairs.


At school's rooftop.

"Pant..pant..So many stairs.."

Shi Yan open the door and she arrive at the top of the school building.She glance and search for Li Shuxian, but she doesn't seen any sight of him.

"Huh?Where is he?"

She move forward to the edge of school's rooftop and see the the scenery from above.

Shi Yan petrify for awhile after she saw the scenery. "Wow..This is so fascinating!I've never seen this before!"

The scenery in front her was the mountain, homes, others building, a flock of birds flying cheerfully, and some student's playing basketball at the basketball court.Because of the school was located in the middle of the Shenzhen Town and in front of Xingzhu Mountain, its have such a great and wonderful scenery for anyone who look at it.Plus, the population that live in Shenzhen Town felt that they're very happy dwelt at there because the landscape gave them the feelings of cosiness and freshness.

"Ah!I forgot to bring my sketch book!Aww man..I want to draw this scenery!...Well..maybe next time I'll bring it.First of all, I can't let go this opportunity, I must enjoy this scenery."


While Shi Yan engross with the scenery and smile alone, she didn't realize that she have waited at there for ten minutes.

Shi Yan aware from her ponder. "..Ah!I think that I've waited here for so long...just where is he?"


Just right in time after Shi Yan talked about Li Shuxian, he suddenly appear from nowhere.

"Hey, talking about me?"

"Ahh!!!" Shi Yan shocked and shriek at him.

After gained some breath, she glare at Li Shuxian. "You!Who's talking about you!I just thinking someone else!"

Li Shuxian raise her eyebrows up and look at her. "Huh?I see, then I must go down now." He rotate his body toward the door like he want to go downstairs.

Shi Yan quickly follow his step and deter him with her hand and stare at him. "Wait!Wait!Yes!Yes, I'm talking about you!Why are you so late?I've been waiting at here about ten minutes, you know?!"

He just look at Shi Yan and reply shortly. "Yep,I know."

"What?You know?What did it meant?" She look at Li Shuxian with confused face as she need the certainty.

Li Shuxian just make expressionless face like there was nothing happened before. "Actually you've waited here for ten minutes and thirty four seconds."

Shi Yan look at he with unbelieveable face. "You..how did you k.."

"How did I knew?Well..That is secret.I can't tell you." He remark it with smiley face.

She look at Li Shuxian again. "Uhh..forget it.By the way, why do you wanted to meet me?What do you want to talk about?"

"Oh, about that.Come here." Li Shuxian start to walk and goes to the place that looks like a little conceal, but it would be the best place if playing hide-and-seek.He sit at there with something beside him.Looks like it was some foods in the container.

Shi Yan follow his step and sit beside him. "I guess this is the place you have sat before huh?That is why you knew what's the time right?And you even let me waited for you for ten minutes?"

Li Shuxian ignore the question and look at her like, his hands expel the container in the plastic then he give it to her. "Here some foods for you.I think that you don't eat yet, so I bought it for you."

Shi Yan feel a little touched when he give her some foods.Well, it's true that she didn't eat yet since morning. "Thank y..."

"Don't thank me, thank to your father.He gave me a call this morning told that you don't eat breakfast yet, he can't delivered you to school, and many things he talk about." Li Shuxian said while open the container and start to eat.

Shi Yan stare at Li Shuxian beside her. "My father?"

Li Shuxian nod and continue talking. "Yep, your father.Furthermore, if I don't gave this to you, maybe you'll die in hungry."

"You!!" Shi Yan glance at he with angrily.

He look at Shi Yan and open her container. "Woah!Just a joke, no need to mad, girl.Now, start your eating first before you angry."

"Fine, fine!I've forgot that you're my bodyguard." She look at the container that have been opened by Li Shuxian. "Oh?A bento!"

"Yep a bento.What?Have you never saw this?"

"No, I have seen this...did you cooked it?" Shi Yan look and asked Li Shuxian.

Li Shuxian answer it with confident. "Yeah, I cooked it.Why?"

Shi Yan look at him with startled. "Really?Are you really cooked this?"

He nod and say "Yeah, of course I'm not cooking this."

Shi Yan who is believe what he said, realize that she had been playing by him. "You..You Li Shuxian!"

"Yes, me."

She glare at him. "You really wanted to eat my shoes!I'm asking you again!Did you really cooked this bento?"

"I'm already said that it was not me." He said that with innocent face.

Shi Yan's face turn to like she want to who's cooking the bento after hearing that. "Then, who's it?"