"Who's it?"

Li Shuxian stare at Shi Yan.Looks like he's thinking about something after heard Shi Yan's question.

"It's my sis."

Shi Yan's wrinkle her forehead while talking. "Your sister?"

"Yes..Is anything wrong with that?" He asked her back.

She just shakes her head. "No, there is nothing wrong with that..but..I think that I've seen this bento..."

Thus, Shi Yan hold the spoon and start to eat the bento.Her heart felt something that can't be describe in words.

She mumble to herself. "..Even the taste feels so similar..."

Shi Yan look at Li Shuxian. "Are you sure that your sister cooked this?"

"Yeah..why are you asked me like that?" Li Shuxian look at her with odd face.

She shook her head again. "No..nothing.Just something that I can't remember."

He glance at Shi Yan with interest face. "What did you don't remember?"

Shi Yan look at he. 'I should tell he or not?Ah!Just tell to him!Maybe he can help me..' She turn her head and gaze at the mountain from faraway.She open her mouth then talk slowly.

"Well..I don't know..But this bento remind me when I was a kid, there is a boy that always beside me when I felt sad nor alone..The problem is, I don't remember his face and I only remember a little about him..."

Li Shuxian silent for awhile then ask. "Do you remember where did you met him?"

Shi Yan nod and answer. "Yes, I remember where I met him..It was under the bridge beside the river...It's actually are my favourite location after I've been bully...."

He was shocked after hearing her answer. "Bully?"

'Ah!I spoke it!I didn't realize that I've talk so many!' Shi Yan are in a big dilemma after that.

"What does you meant you have been bully?" Li Shuxian asked her the question once again.

"I..uhh..I mean..."

"You mean?"


'Ahh!!!...I'm doom now!What to do now?How can I tell him the truth?!The story that I had been bully!'

Thus, Li Shuxian done eating the bento and he take the mineral water bottle from plastic and open it.He give it Shi Yan and take another bottle then drink it.After that he look at Shi Yan. "It's okay if you don't wanna say it, though.Maybe it was a bad memory that you don't want to remember it anymore.I understand."

Shi Yan take the bottle and drink the water.She feels much energize and better than before.


She inhale her breath and breathe it out then she look at him. "Fine..I'll tell you.But you have to keep it as a secret.You're right that I want to remember it anymore.If I could, I want to forget all those bad memories neither story in my life."

"Include that boy too?"



Shi Yan just close her eyes and speak. "Except him.Because he taught me how to be myself and be happy.I don't want to erase him in my memory or my life."

Li Shuxian glance at Shi Yan who was shut her eyes. "I see..then he must be lucky person because he have someone that don't forget he and always remember about him."

She nod repeatedly and smile. "Yeah..he sure such a lucky person."

Li Shuxian's speechless when seeing Shi Yan's smile.After that, he wake from his gaze. "Well..I think that this is my first time saw you smile like that.Looks so cute like a ghost."

Shi Yan's face turn mad woman after hearing that. "What?You haven't see me smile?Maybe that because you always made me angry before.And what did you mean that I cute like a ghost?!That makes nonsense!Ghost never look cute!They look scary!"

Li Shuxian just laugh loudly and didn't give answer after seeing Shi Yan's face.That made Shi Yan more annoyed with him.

"Whatever.If you said that, then I don't want to tell you the story." She's trying to make a threat to him.

Li Shuxian quickly stop his laugh and try to persuade her. "Fine, fine..I just joking, okay?To tell you the truth, your smile looks like the cherry blossom flower at there, satisfied?"

"Not yet."

After that he use another method. "Why?Then do you want me to create a poem about you and cherry blossom flower?"

Shi Yan shake her head repeatedly. "Don't want it.My ears are going to hurt if you start to read the poem."

"Hey, you never heard me reading the poem.How could you said that?My voice are very dulcet you know?" Li Shuxian show his unsatisfied face.

Shi Yan just roll her eyes means that she don't believe it. "I know that you're very good at praising yourself."

Li Shuxian smile cheekily. "Huh, don't believe it?It's up to you doesn't believe it.You are going to regret you know.So you must do something if I right."

They continue to chat while enjoy the nature in front them.Shi Yan just finish eating the bento and place the container beside her. "If you're right, then what am I going to do?"

"Be at here everyday and lunch with me."

"What?!I don't have time to lunch with you!"

"Nah.You can't take it back.So, meet me again tomorrow and I'm going to read the poems."

"Uhh..why you don't read now?"

"Can't.I can't read it now because I've some problem."

"What is that problem?"

"..I've ate something that made my voice would be different if I read the poem."

"Oh, I see..then I guess that I'll tell you tomorrow too the story.Deal?"

"Okay fine, deal."


Just in the right time after Li Shuxian said that, the bell rang.

"Well..see you tomorrow and thanks for the bento!"

"Yeah, welcome..see you tomorrow."

Shi Yan smile to him and rush to the door then go down to the stairs.