{ For this chapter, I suggest you play/download the song Yiruma - River Flows in You to feel the Shi Yan's sadful memories. Please turn on the loudest volume on your phone and repeat the song for a better experience. }

Link YouTube:

Name of YouTube's owner: YirumaVEVO


In the Shounan Middle School.





The sounds of lighting and thunder were heard. It was not long after that, then the rain started to pour down. It was still evening at that time yet the weather looks so dark and there is a sign of storm will coming.

In some of the abandoned building that located a little far away from the school, there was a little girl shouted out loudly while banging on the closed door with her hands.

'Bang! Bang! Bang!'

"Help!! Help! Someone, please help me! Is there anyone out there? If you could hear me, please open the door!"

The little girl looks so messy. Her long hair was cropped up by the scissor, some of them were still on her head and the other hairs are on the floor. Her cute innocent face becoming very ugly, with the dust all over her face and clothes, the lipstick scratches near her lips made her look like a clown smile on the television. There was also a prank drawing and writing on her forehead and cheeks. It was writing some words on it.

' I'm a weak kid '

Judging by those words, it looks like not written by her but someone else. Someone that wants everyone believed that it was her that writing that. Someone that wants everyone to laugh at her when looking at her face. Someone that is become happy and laughing when seeing the girl's crying. After all, it was not someone who did that. But a group of the bunch little evil kids that outside the locked door which have the small little girl inside it.

There were three of them, the first one looks tall and big, while the second one is smaller and thin. The two of them seem like followed the other one in front of them. The face of arrogant and pretend of the slight girl ahead of them seems like the captain. She is wiping her ponytail's hair with a tissue. After that, she is staring at her colorful nails. Anyone who's seeing this scene would like to slap her arrogant face. Such a little kid that pretends to be an adult woman.

The arrogant little girl starts talking loudly while she looks up at the closed door in front of her.

"You deserve it, weak kid! Next time, just follow my orders and do not pretend to be deaf."

She continues her words as she smiled cynically towards the door.

"Hehehe...don't dare to not listen to my words. And don't tell anyone about this. If you do, I will call my Papa and made your father become suffer in jail. Hehe...Goodbye, the weak kid! You have to find your way to go out of this building! Good luck! Hahahaha!"

She turns back and opened the umbrella. She starts to walk to the school's route.

"Let's go. If not, I will be late to go home. Let's no waste our time here."

The two little girls behind her also opened the umbrellas. They are following her and they speak in a quick tone at the same time.



Not long after they go, the little cute girl inside the building stopped thumping the door. She just turned and lean her little body beside the door. Then she looked up at the roof upside her head in a long time and starts pondering.

'What have I done? Why did they hate me so much? I don't even make something that makes them mad at me? Why? Did daddy do something to her father? No, daddy will never make something like that...I've known dad since I was a baby, I knew that he would never ever do something that will give to harm me. If he did, he must have a reason. Although he always acts jokingly like that...'

The little girl sits down and her head looked at her leg. She's shaking her head while biting her lips up and then she's holding her head with her hands.

'No, no, no... I must trust daddy... All I have in this world is my dad now...'

She hugs her leg and closed her eyes. She remained silent. From her face, it looks like she wanted to cry, but she holds on her tears by clenches her hands.


The sounds of rain became louder the same as her heart feels so heavy.

The little girl's face looked so sore. Even she looks like a kid, her action and personality looks even more like mature than her actual age. She looks like to know how to manage things that the adult handle. Moreover, she also knew how to holds emotion and acts as calm as in the ocean.

She thought about how the girls bully her. From the first day she at the school, the three bunch of those kids often pick up fights and look for problems with her. Whatever she's doing, what time and what moments, they always not satisfied with her. They even poured out a bucket of full water upside her hairs when she at the toilet. Her school uniform became wet after that. They also made her stumbled across the rock when she was walking.

Many things happened to her as she was in this school. Her other friends in the class that close to her before this became keep away from her. She was once thought to report it to the teacher but didn't do it because get warned by them. She doesn't dare to complain to the school's teacher because they were threatening her with her father.

Today's incident was a bit excessive. They even cut her long hair until it becomes short and scribbling on her face with lipstick.

The little girl keeps thinking and thinking, but doesn't found the answers. Instead, more problems came up. She even doesn't know how to get out from here. But she sure that this old building was far away from her school because she doesn't hear voice nor anything.

Suddenly, she remembered the abandoned building in her school's area. There was a building that has been left out by the school's principal. Rumour said that the place was haunted. However, she doesn't know that the rumor was true or not.

'Oh! Maybe...this building was the one that I heard about? Yes, that could be!'

The little girl stands up with high spirits. She's rectifying red ribbon over her hair to becomes straight then she starts to smile.

"No. I must have to rely on myself to get out of here! Can't depends on others!"

She tried to look at everything around her and have found a way to go out. Her face changed to happy. She hops and wipes the dust on her face with hands. She starts to scream in joy.

"Yay!! A way to get out. I must try to go out from here!"

When she looks at the opened gaps, there were some rays of sunlight near the hole. It looks like her hopes to get out from here became brighter.