{ For this chapter, I suggest you to play the song Rival & Cadmium - Seasons (feat. Harley Bird), to feel the started of the new seasons of the novel. Thank you :) }

Link Youtube:

Name: WaveMusic


The seasons come and go like thoughts of you

Like a wave returns to the sea into the blue

They change but in a cycle that I can't lose

Each painful but delightful to live through

You came into my life

Just like another season

Not for long, just a time

Just like another season

Maybe this time next year

You'll reappear for no reason

But I'll cherish every day

Until you come my way this season

The seasons turn and change just like your mind

Like the sun gives into the moon into the night

Time continues marching, it slowly crawls

With each new one starting, I recall

"Then..I will see you next time, my Little Princess."

Shi Yan heard the sweet voice of a young boy speaking to her. The little boy who can't see his face, smiles at Shi Yan after singing a song and speaking the word before his little body vanishes into the haze and shadow.


At the Yumnan High School.


The bells rang while someone was calling Shi Yan's name.

"Shi Yan? Hey, Shi Yan! Wake up!"

Shi Yan, who heard someone calling her name, replied with a lower voice.


She grunted as opened her eyes.

'Wait…Hold on a minute. Did I just sleep just now?' Shi Yan rubbed her eyes with her fingers. She feels very sleepy like she just went to sleep for a very long time. She blinks her eyes at Tao Mei, who is waking her up.

Tao Mei looked at her with an upset face, she makes a muzzle mouth while opening her mouth.

"Yan Yan! You are very rude! You just sleep in the class the whole day until the class ended after going out for lunchtime!"

"Wait, what? Seriously? I slept that long??" Shi Yan answered her with a disbelief face, can't accept what she Just said.

"Yes! I'm talking the truth!" Tao Mei replied with a serious face.

Shi Yan shrieked while looking at Tao Mei. "Oh My God!"

After that, she continued to ask. "Hey..Mei Mei…What time is now?"

Tao Mei "It is 6 p.m. already!"

"What???!! I must go home now! It's crazy to think that I sleep for that long!" Shi Yan screams while putting books and her belongings in her bag.

Tao Mei turns her face to front Shi Yan. She opens her mouth with a mood speed blabbering for Shi Yan.

"Yep, I think so too. Everyone just left 30 minutes ago, after the class ended, but I am still here and trying to wake you up! But you are just like a Sleeping Beauty princess that never awakens, you know? However, I felt relieved because I successfully woke you up! Pfft! Hehe!" She chuckles as she teases Shi Yan. Shi Yan looked so panicky just now because she slept for about 6 hours at school.

"Hey, Tao Mei! Don't laugh at me with your cute face! You silly girl!"

Shi Yan just looked at Tao Mei with an angry face but burst into laughter after she saw Tao Mei sticking her tongue out. She feels like Tao Mei just teasing her. "Pfft! Hahahaha!"

Shi Yan quickly continued her speech after the laugh. "Sorry, I'm just joking. Thank you for waiting and waking me up! You should know that you are the prettiest and smartest girl that I have ever known." She said while pinching Tao Mei's cheek with both fingers.

"Yes, I know! Hehe, welcome! You are my sweetest girl too, Yan Yan! Let's go back, now!" Tao Mei hugged Shi Yan's arm while replied with a smile on her face.


Shi Yan glances at Tao Mei and smiles at her. She feels glad that have met a girl like Tao Mei in this school. 'Yeah, I thought that I never had a very good friend until the end of my life. It feels..nice to have a friend…'

They both go out of class while carrying their backpacks while talking about funny things that Shi Yan misses when she sleeps in the class.


At the gate.

Shi Yan and Tao Mei come down the school's stairs heading towards the gate.

"Ah! My driver has come!" Tao Mei shouts when she sees her father's butler outside the car.

"Well then! Goodbye, Shi Yan! See you tomorrow!" Tao Mei gives a huge smile to Shi Yan while waving at her when she went into the driver's car.

"Yeah, goodbye Tao Mei! See you tomorrow too!" Shi Yan replied while waving back to her.


Shi Yan just looks at Tao Mei's driver's car going far away from her until outside sight.


Shi Yan just walked quietly to the school's bus stop waiting. She's thinking about the dream when she falls asleep. 'Wait, I think that maybe it is not a dream? Because it feels so real that really happens in my life! Ah! My head hurts!' She is holding her head because of a sudden headache. A flashback of the dream suddenly tingled and crossed her mind.


A cute little boy's face reappears. He smiles. He laughed. He cherished and talked about something to calm her.

"…..By the way, you can just call me Cookie!"

"What's a pinky promise?"

"I see! Then, this will be a promise!"

"I trust you that you're not the kind of person that can make anyone becomes angry!"

"Then..I will see you next time, my Little Princess."

He smiled and disappeared after the last word he said.


Shi Yan realized after the flashbacks across her mind. She stands up and shouted out her voice and pat the hands of her on the head.

"Ah! That little boy! The memories! How come I forget about it?!"

She looked out on the street while talking to herself. "Sheesh…How careless I'm…don't remember about something that is so precious to me! But…Why did I forget everything about him? Arghh...My head hurt when trying to think about it!"

After saying that, she tried to sit down back at the bus stop's waiting chair. Some moments later, her father's car arrived.

'I think, I will ask my dad about my headache later.' She thought about that while glancing at the car and then walked towards it.

Shi Xiao opens the side mirror and looks at Shi Yan worriedly.

"I'm sorry my daughter! Dad has something urgent that coming up that's why I arrive here late!"

Shi Yan just smiled at her father and replied.

"Dad! It's okay! I'm glad you come to pick me up!!" She opens the car door and gets into the seat beside her father. She wears the seat belt while looking at her father. "Let's get going, Dad!"

"As you said so, my daughter! Hahaha!"

Shi Xiao replied while laughing happily when seeing his daughter smile at him and didn't look mad at all because of his late pickup at school.

*Vrooom! *

The car's engine started up and went to the road towards Shi Yan's home.