
At the Shi Xiao's house.

**** Vroom! ****

* Creak! *

"Shi Yan! Wake up! We are already home!"

Shi Yan immediately opens her eyes and rubs them with her hands when her father wakes her up.

"Uh? Yes, Dad?"

Shi Xiao smiled at her when he saw the blurred face she made. He whispered to himself. 'Such a sweet little daughter.'

He opened his mouth and started to slow his voice.

"Wake up, we have reached home."

Shi Yan took off her seatbelt car and rose from her seat.

"All right, Dad, thank you for waking me up."

She smiled at her father while saying that.

While they entered the house, Shi Yan asked his father.

"Dad, may I ask something?"

Shi Xiao looked at her with a confused face.

"Yes, what is it?"

He just took off his car into the car garage beside his house.

"Did anything happen to me while I was a child? Did you know a little boy that aged around me at that time? Did you know it?"

Shi Yan asked many questions at once that made Shi Xiao frown.

Shi Xiao, who just opened the home door with the keys, was astonished by her daughter's endless questions. The keys fell to the floor.


'I didn't hear it wrong, right?' He mumbled to himself.

"Yes, I am asking you, dad." Shi Yan emphasized her voice deeply.

*** Gulp! ***

Shi Xiao swallowed his saliva, which felt painful at the moment. 'Yep, I didn't hear it wrong, though.' He was sure he hadn't heard it wrong.

"About that..." He looked at Shi Yan's face, who was serious about whether she just asked. After that, he continued his speech.

"Let's talk about it inside."

"All right, Dad."

Shi Yan nodded his head quickly at her father's reply.


It was a peaceful night. Shi Xiao made a coffee and gave it to his daughter, Shi Yan, sitting on the sofa.

"All right, how should I talk about it? Hmm…"

Shi Xiao talked to himself while he rubbed his chin with his fingers.

"Shi Yan, you seriously want to know about it?" He stared at the face of his beloved daughter while asking questions.

Shi Yan immediately nodded her head. "Yes, I want to know about it! My head was hurt when I tried to remember the past."

Shi Xiao also nodded his head. "All right."

Then, he continued the story. He slows down his voice.

"When you were a child, an accident occurred in our family. A very tragic disaster. You are about around 3 years old at that time. I'm unsure if you remember it, but that accident changed our happy family. A natural phenomenon accident occurs when we are about to live our normal life. However, that day changed everything. I'm sorry about lying to you about your mother's death. She didn't die after giving birth to you. But she lived until that accident happened. I'm sorry. After all, I tell you now because I was worried about you. Sigh…"

Shi Xiao sighed, and his face turned gloomy after that.

Shi Yan was surprised when she heard his dad's story.

"What…accident?" She asked.

Her father's face turned very dark as a cloudy weather. "Yes, a tsunami occurred during our holidays on Hawaii Island. We went there for our family's location trip. But that accident suddenly happened in the blink of an eye. I was not informed about that. Your mother. Right, your mom was very kind and had a pretty heart. That is why I loved her so much. You have a beautiful face like her. During the accident, she tried to save you even though her life was in danger. I'm sure she loved you too, my daughter." His eyes turned soft when he said that.

Shi Xiao then smiles bitterly. 'Life hits me hard, though.'

He continued to speak. "I was careless then. I should have checked the weather conditions before going there on vacation. Your mother saved you, but then she was missing. I remembered that I tried to hold her hands after she gave you to me on my shoulders, but I missed it. I miss your mother's hand while trying to save her. I remember the smile on her face…It says farewell to me…"

Shi Xiao's burst into tears. He felt very sorry because he couldn't save his lovely wife.

"Dad…." Shi Yan also cried. She didn't expect this.

Shi Xiao continued to talk while wiping his tears.

"After I had taken you to the safe place, I tried to search her with the local police. But I didn't find her…We stayed there for one month, but there was no information about her. Then, the police concluded that your mother had died in the tsunami… " He bowed his head to his knees while holding his head with both hands.

Shi Xiao looked depressed.

Shi Yan wipes her tears. "No, this is not Dad's fault. That is my fault. Mother is live until she saved me…It's not your fault, dad. You have tried to save her…You are strong, father." She hugged her father and patted his back, trying to comfort him.

Shi Xiao feels a little calmer after a while. His daughter's patted comfortably.

"Yes…Thank you, my beloved daughter." He wiped out his tears and smiled at her.

"You are welcome, father. Dad, so don't be sad…The police said that they never found mother, right? Maybe mom was still alive?" Shi Yan pats his father's back and asks him with curiosity.

Shi Xiao just smiled at the question. "Yes, I hope that too…I really want to see your mother if she is still alive."

However, suddenly, he darkened his face. "But it was already 13 years had passed. So, I don't know…" His face turned gloomed again.

Shi Yan just patted his father's back. "Well…we never know, dad. I hope some miracle occurs to us."

Shi Xiao nodded at his daughter.

'Yes, I hope too.' He whispered to himself.


After a while, Shi Xiao remembered something. "Ah, you did ask about your hurtful head, right?"

Shi Yan agreed with his father's question and nodded quickly. "Yes, whenever I tried to remember about my childhood, there was a tingle thing that hurt me."

Shi Xiao exhaled his breath away.

"Yes, you also had an accident at that time."

His breath sounded heavy when he said that.

'Poor my little daughter…What a cruel life she has.'