**** Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! ****

A ringing bell signals that break time has come.

"So, our class today will end here. Don't forget to complete the assignment, my fellow students." Mu Gongye said that after hearing the bell, it signaled the end of his teaching time.

The head of the class, named Hua Yi, rose from his seat and spoke. "Everyone, get up from your chair! .... Thank you, Teacher Mu!"

Followed by the other students who also got up from their respective seats, including Shi Yan and Tao Mei. "Thank you, Teacher Mu!"

"You are welcome. You can all go eat now." Mu Gongye said as he carried a Mandarin book and walked out from class 10-2.

Other students were seen flocking out of the classes after Mu Gongye disappeared from the classroom. Looks like they all are going to eat in the canteen.

Tao Mei was packing her books while greeting Shi Yan, sitting beside her.

"Yan Yan! I have a promise with our head class teacher, Teacher Jie Qingye!"

Shi Yan, who had just placed the book under her desk, gave a short reply. "Yeah? Oh, okay."

Tao Mei looked at Shi Yan with a glassy eye. *Blink! Blink! *

Shi Yan frowned as she asked. "Mei Mei? Why are you looking at me like that?"

She gazes at Tao Mei's eyes while saying in her heart. 'Like a little koala bear's eye! So cute!'

Tao Mei said with a sad tone. "Yann...You can eat alone, right?"

Shi Yan nodded slowly. "Yes, it's okay! I can eat alone."

Tao Mei hugged Shi Yan's shoulder as she said. "Yan Yan! I'm so sorry! Next time, we'll eat together, can you?"

"Yes, we can! I'm free anytime for you, Mei Mei." Shi Yan smiled as she nodded her head.

Tao Mei shouted happily.

"Yeay! Thank you, Yan Yan! So, I'll get going now!"

Tao Mei waved her hand at Shi Yan as she ran out of the classroom.

"Yeah, you can." Shi Yan said so and returned Tao Mei's wave with a smile.

Shi Yan chuckled as she saw Tao Mei running away from their class. "Hehe! Mei's behaviour is adorable."

'I feel delighted when I have a friend like Tao Mei...' She said in his heart while looking towards the classroom door where there was no longer a glimpse of Tao Mei.

"Ah! I'd better go eat too!" Shi Yan held his hungry and rumbling stomach as she left the classroom.


Shi Yan headed for the stairs in the canteen while passing the other classes. She reached into her pocket to retrieve her small wallet but was shocked to realize no money was there.

"Argh, I forgot to ask Dad for money!"

She thought momentarily before approaching the upper stairs leading to the school's rooftop.

"Well...Though, it cannot be helped. Because I had breakfast with my dad this morning, maybe it's okay for me not to eat."

She climbed the school's stairs one by one until she arrived at the door of the school's rooftop.

*** Pant! Pant! ***

Shi Yan sighed heavily and panting. "Finally, I arrived here!"

She opened the rooftop door of the school while strolling.

*** Shhhh… ***

The wind howled loudly on the roof, blowing Shi Yan's dark brown hair.

She felt a cold wind on her body.

"Ouch! It's so cold here!" Shi Yan hugged her own body with both hands.

She went to the rooftop's edge and looked at the soul-soothing view of the mountain.

Shi Yan chuckled as she remembered her first meeting Li Shuxian at the rooftop. "Hahaha...I still remember when I met that annoying guy here."

"Yes? Did you say something earlier?"

Suddenly, a hoarse voice of a man behind that asked her.

Shi Yan was surprised to hear the voice as she turned around.

"Ahhh! Shock me to death! You?!!"

She was shocked to see the guy in front of her.

'Li Shuxian? How could he be here?'

Shi Yan's heart was increasingly wondering about this guy's sudden appearance.

"Pfft! Hahaha! Your face looks so much funny right now." Li Shuxian just laughed as he held the bento food container. He walked beside Shi Yan.


Shi Yan's face was red with embarrassment and upset.

Li Shuxian ignored Shi Yan's anger and continued his conversation while asking. "Do you want to eat this Dim Sum?" He showed the food in his hand.

"What?" Shi Yan asked back as she frowned.

Li Shuxian looks at her while smirking annoyingly. "Well, if you don't want it, I'll eat it all."

"Just eat it all!" Shi Yan stared at Li Shuxian angrily and looked away from him.

"Alright, if you say so." 

When Li Shuxian wanted to eat the Dim Sum, Shi Yan's stomach suddenly rumbled.

*** Grumble! Grumble! ***

Shi Yan's face turned red when she realized her stomach rumbled with hunger. 'Damn it! My stomach! How dare you sound so loud!'

"Ahem! I see that someone is hungry here."

Li Shuxian teased Shi Yan while raising his eyebrows and winking one of his eyes at her.

*** Wink! Wink! ***

'Argh!!! This guy!!!!!'

Shi Yan's face was getting redder as she held back her embarrassment.

"Here, take this as to reduce your hunger."

Li Shuxian handed the Dim Sum to Shi Yan with his right hand.


Shi Yan took it with a feeling of embarrassment thickening and ate it slowly.

*** Crunch. ***

While eating that, she said in a low tone to Li Shuxian. "Thank you."

Li Shuxian, who saw Shi Yan's behaviour, involuntarily smiled at her. "You are welcome."

'She looks like a little girl who is angry because she can't get her candy.' He said softly in his heart while gazing at Shi Yan's face.


After Shi Yan finished eating the dim sum that Li Shuxian gave her, she noticed he was staring at her face.

"You! Why are you looking at me?" Shi Yan asked with her cheeks blushing.

*** Blush! ***

Li Shuxian just chuckled while opening his mouth and smiled cheekily. "Because you look attractive."

After hearing him say that, Shi Yan felt ashamed, and she wanted to run away from there.

'This guy likes to tease me!'

Shi Yan felt she was getting crazy from embarrassment because of Li Shuxian's teasing!