'He just said that I looked attractive! Argh! Oh no, I can't help my feelings!'

Shi Yan turned her body and shook her head several times while patting her face with both hands.

She's trying to get rid of the thick feelings of embarrassment.


A few seconds later…

After she calmed down, Shi Yan turned back to Li Shuxian with a calm face. She said in a low voice. "Thank you for your compliment."

Li Shuxian, who had just eaten another Dim Sum, looked at Shi Yan with an innocent face.

He replied with a short reply. "You are welcome."

"By the way, how can you be here?" Shi Yan asked him curiously.

Li Shuxian replied as he asked her back. "Oh! Because we have promised before?"

Shi Yan frowned her smooth forehead while asking. "Promise? What promise?"

"Did you forget the promise we made?" Li Shuxian asked back in a relatively low tone.



Shi Yan was silent for a while. She felt her head throbbing as she tried to remember it.

*** Ting! ***

After some moments, her face was surprised after she remembered the deal she made. 


'How can I have forgotten about it? I promised him a deal yesterday to meet him today and tell him my story! And he will also read his poem about me and that cherry blossom flower! Argh!!!' Her conscience screamed in her heart.

'Oh, no!'

"Aaa…I didn't forget about it! Ca-Can you tell the poems first?" Shi Yan asked in a stuttering voice.

Li Shuxian looked at Shi Yan's frightened face as he answered and nodded. "Alright."

He continued his speech. "But we have to sit there first."

Next, Li Shuxian pointed to his favorite hiding spot.

A hidden place that has a roof under the rooftop!


Shi Yan and Li Shuxian walked to the hiding place and sat cross-legged.

After that, Li Shuxian gives her the bento container and mineral water from his sliding bag.

Shi Yan took the bento container and the mineral water. Then, she starts to eat the Dim Sum. She opens her mouth and asks him. "So, you can start to read now."

"Alright." Li Shuxian replied shortly.

Li Shuxian corrected his voice as he stood in front of Shi Yan. "Ahem. Ahem!"

He began to open his mouth slowly.

A melodious voice came out of Li Shuxian's red lips.


Yes, you,

You are like a cherry blossom that grows and blooms,

Flowers that bloom in Spring,

And the flowers that disappear in Winter,

Your smile is so charming,

That makes me speechless,

Until I can't do anything.

When you are sad,

I can feel it, too,

How does your heart feel?

I know it,


Do not be sad,

Sadness will make you feel as dark as the rainy sky,

Be happy.

Cherry blossoms also grow seasonally,

Seasons change from time to time,

Like your attitude that quickly changes from cheerful to sad,

When the rain stops,

And the sun comes up,

Your smile is back, too,

The color of the pink cherry blossoms,

It's the same when your face is red with embarrassment,

That's why I tell you,

You are just like a cherry blossom flower.}

Li Shuxian finished his poem while staring into Shi Yan's eyes.


Shi Yan was stunned when he heard the poem recited by Li Shuxian. She's gazing at Li Shuxian.

'It's so beautiful! His voice sounds smooth and melodic, too!'


After a few seconds of staring at each other, Shi Yan snapped out of his thoughts.

'Ah! Damn it! I stared at him for too long!'

Confused, Shi Yan turned her gaze to another direction.

Li Shuxian just smiled at Shi Yan's behavior while asking slowly. "How is it? Do you feel my voice is so melodic? The poems are good, aren't they?"

Shi Yan just kept quiet and nodded. "Yes, it is…That is correct..."

"Oh? I didn't expect you to agree so quickly?" Li Shuxian raised his eyebrows as he sat down next to Shi Yan.

"What? I can't agree?" Shi Yan glanced at Li Shuxian and asked him back.

Li Shuxian shook his head and answered. "Well...This isn't like you."


Shi Yan was speechless when she heard it. 'Yes, this is not like me, is it?'

After seeing that Shi Yan was silent, Li Shuxian opened his mouth and asked her. "Oh well, it's okay. Now it's your turn to tell your story."

Shi Yan woke up from her reverie. "Ah!"

'Is it my turn already? Argh! So quick!'

Shi Yan's face turned pale as she bit her lip. She scratched her non-itchy head and held her forehead with her right hand.

Li Shuxian only looked at her agitated demeanor. "So, you may start your story now."

He continued his talk, reminding Shi Yan to remember her promise. "Promise is a promise."

Shi Yan glanced at him, and her face became upset. "It's dealt not a promise!"

"Well, to me, it's the same thing." Li Shuxian smiled mischievously at her.

'Argh! This guy!!'

Shi Yan just shut her mouth after hearing him say that.


After some thinking, she started to open her mouth.


Li Shuxian smiled as he adjusted his seat to listen to Shi Yan's story. He seemed eager to hear it.

Shi Yan shrieked from her conscience.

'Ah!! You seem very prepared to listen to my story!'