When Li Shuxian arrived at the student's treatment room, Teacher Jian Jiuyang was surprised to see him carrying Shi Yan in his arms.

"Li Shuxian? What happened??" Teacher Jian Jiuyang asked as she ran towards the student's treatment room door and helped Li Shuxian carry Shi Yan.

Li Shuxian replied as his face looked worried, looking at Shi Yan in his arms. He looked very nervous. "Shi Yan passed out, Teacher Jian."

Teacher Jian Jiuyang then spoke in a hurried tone. "Put this girl on the bed over there." She said while pointing to the white bed beside the window in the room.

"Alright, teacher." Li Shuxian nodded and replied quickly, and then walked towards the bed. He placed the girl in his arms on the bed. Then, he stood beside her, staring at Shi Yan's face with worry.


Teacher Jian Jiuyang stood beside him while patting Li Shuxian on the shoulder. "You seem to like this girl, don't you, Li Shuxian?"

Li Shuxian just nodded and replied slowly. "Yes..."

Teacher Jian Jiuyang smiled when she heard his honest answer.

"Ah, how beautiful love is in youth and adolescence, right? Don't worry. I will help your girl. I will check on her condition first."

Then, the teacher continued her speech. "But, first of all, you must leave, Li Shuxian. You can wait in the chair outside this room. I need to check the condition of Shi Yan's body. You can't be in this room because I'm afraid it will interfere with my work as a student nurse doctor."

Li Shuxian then turned his gaze away from looking at Shi Yan. He nodded as he glanced at the teacher next to him. "Alright, Teacher Jian Jiuyang. I understand, thank you."

"You are welcome." Jian Jiuyang replied shortly.

As Li Shuxian stepped out of the room, he glanced back. He saw a faint and pale Shi Yan being examined in the pupil area by Jian Jiuyang. Teacher Jian Jiuyang's face looks serious and devoted to her work.

* Creak..*

After that, the door of the treatment room was closed tightly.


A few hours later.


Shi Yan woke up from a deep sleep. She rubbed her eyes with both of her hands.

'I feel like I passed out...where am I? Is it a student treatment room?' She asked herself quietly.

When Shi Yan got up from lying down, she sat on the bed.

* Tuk! *

Suddenly, she bumped into someone's body when trying to wake up from the bed. There was someone who was sleeping beside her.


Shi Yan's scream caused the sleeping body soundly to move slightly. A guy was sleeping quietly beside her. His face cannot be seen because he buried his face in both of his arms. Shi Yan covered her mouth slowly so as not surprise the young man.

'Li Shuxian?' Her heart asked silently.

'Why is he here?'

She just stared at Li Shuxian, who was sleeping soundly, sitting on a chair.

Li Shuxian's peaceful face seemed quite handsome, with his black hair covering part of it. His red lips look seductive when he sleeps soundly.


'He looks handsome and masculine, though.'

As soon as her heart said that, Shi Yan stopped staring at him when she suddenly thought about something.


Shi Yan bit her lip as she began to remember what had happened. 'I feel embarrassed to be around him...'

Li Shuxian, who was sleeping peacefully and soundly, suddenly woke up.


He continued to turn his face and stared at Shi Yan, who was already awake.

"Oh? Are you awake, Shi Yan?" Li Shuxian asked in a hoarse voice, having just woken up.

Shi Yan covered her face with the blanket she had with her.

She nodded slowly. "Yeah, I just woke up..."

Li Shuxian began to smile at Shi Yan while saying in a teasing tone. "Hi, long time no see."

Shi Yan began to feel the heat on her face. Shame began to dominate her.

'Damn it! Why do I feel so embarrassed to be with him now?'

She silently nodded as she lay down and pulled the blanket over her face. "Yes! Hi, long time no see you too..."

Li Shuxian's face turned to a warm expression, and he just chuckled.

* Haha! *

He was amused to see the behavior of Shi Yan, who used to be fierce like a lion but is now shy and quiet like a rabbit. There is only one word that fits with Shi Yan's facial expression.


Meanwhile, Shi Yan began to feel uncomfortable because this was not herself. She bit her lips slowly.

'Wait, why am I the one who feels embarrassed? I should have said and done as usual in front of him!'

As soon as Li Shuxian finished giggling, Shi Yan pulled down the blanket that covered her body.

She began to look at Li Shuxian's face.