"Li Shuxian, where am I? What happened to me?" Shi Yan asked in a low tone as she looked at the handsome face beside her.

Li Shuxian returned the gaze of Shi Yan, who had seen him. "Well... Actually, you are in the student treatment room at school right now. You have been passed out all of a sudden." He answered honestly to Shi Yan in his masculine voice.

"Oh? Ohh...I see..." Shi Yan, who heard this, was stunned. She nodded at him.

Shi Yan just stared at the white blanket that covered her body. She thought as she said softly in her heart. 'I fainted suddenly. How can it be like that? As I recall, my head was quite dizzy and painful before my vision went dark..'

Seeing the girl remain silent made Li Shuxian sit uneasily. He started teasing Shi Yan with a mischievous smile on his lips.

"Ah, after you passed out, I carried you in my arms. It looks like your body is so heavy that I feel like my arms are getting broken from supporting you."

Li Shuxian continued his speech as his lips parted in a cheeky smile. He lifted one of his eyebrows as he asked spontaneously. "How much is your weight?"

Shi Yan's face immediately turned red. She felt embarrassed when she heard Li Shuxian's words. She replied to him with an upset face.

"How dare you say that I am heavy? I only weigh forty-seven kilograms, you know!"


Shi Yan covered her mouth quickly with both of her hands. 'Damn it!!! Do I just reveal my weight to him right now?? How dare you, mouth, betray your owner!'

She smacked her lips softly and hit them with her fingers.

"Hahahaha! "Li Shuxian just laughed aloud at Shi Yan's childish behavior. He shook his face repeatedly left and right.

'It seems like she has gone crazy, isn't it?' His lips curve in a smile.

Shi Yan, who noticed Li Shuxian laughing at him, started to get upset. "Hey, you! Stop laughing at me!"


Seeing Li Shuxian, who did not stop laughing, Shi Yan began to take the next step to stop his laughter.

"Li Shuxian! Stop laughing!"

* Buk! Buk! Buk! *

She gently hit Li Shuxian's shoulder with her smooth little hand while scolding Li Shuxian angrily.

* Tap! *

Li Shuxian held the hand of Shi Yan, who was hitting him. He began to stare at Shi Yan's dark, liquid brown eyes.

Shi Yan, who had stopped hitting him, was surprised when she saw the guy in front of her holding one of her hands. She stared at Li Shuxian's luminous and deep blue eyes. His liquid blue colour eyes look so beautiful and miraculous.


* Chirp, chirp, chirp *

Only the birds chirping outside the bedside window could be heard. Silence began to envelop the room.

At that moment, their eyes met in silence. They stared at each other's faces for a long time.


Out of the blue-

The door to the treatment room is open. It looks like teacher Jian Jiuyang entered the room slowly.

They did not realize that Teacher Jian Jiuyang entered the room because they stared at each other's faces. Teacher Jian Jiuyang was stunned to see two lovely young people staring at each other silently. Then, she carved a smile and reprimanded them in a low tone.


Shi Yan and Li Shuxian woke up from their staring and began looking away immediately. They both started to feel embarrassed with each other's faces, which changed into red cheeks. There was an awkward silence between them.

Shi Yan was seen playing with her fingers on the blanket as she looked at it. Meanwhile, Li Shuxian turned his body to the small table beside Shi Yan's bed.

Teacher Jian Jiuyang, who saw this, smiled more and grinned. 'A couple of lovebirds, huh?'

"Li Shuxian."

Jian Jiuyang calls Li Shuxian to break the awkward situation.

After that, Li Shuxian turned to Jian Jiuyang, who was walking towards them.

"Ah, yes. Thank you, Teacher Jian." He stood up and said his gratitude with a smile on his face.

Teacher Jian Jiuyang just smiled thinly. "You are welcome."

Then, she turned to see Shi Yan sitting on the bed. "Shi Yan, how are you feeling? Does your body feel sick again or not?"

Shi Yan looked at the female teacher, who asked her how she was. She nodded slowly and smiled. "I am fine, teacher. My body is also all right and does not hurt anywhere. Thank you for your treatment, teacher."

"You are welcome." Jian Jiuyang just nodded her head.

Not long after that, Teacher Jian Jiuyang's facial expression turned to shock. "Oh my, I forgot to bring your medicine."

After that, the female teacher put her hand on her forehead. 'How can I forget to bring it?'

Teacher Jian Jiuyang then continued her speech. "You two, wait here. I will get Shi Yan's medicine first."

Both Shi Yan and Li Shuxian nodded and said in unison. "Alright, teacher."

After that, Jian Jiuyang rushed out of the student's treatment room.

Shi Yan then continued lying on the bed. She covered her body with a blanket.

Seeing that, Li Shuxian adjusted the blanket on Shi Yan until it covered Shi Yan's neck.

"Thank you." Said Shi Yan briefly.

"You are most welcome." Li Shuxian replied with his mischievous smile.

Shi Yan asked as she frowned at the guy's cheeky smile.

"Hey, why are you smiling like that?"

Li Shuxian then gazed at her, opening his mouth to ask something.

"You haven't forgotten our promise, haven't you?"