the young tatiee

the king was awaiting the queen as she gave birth for the second time he still was not used to being a dad but now he was one again. his son was three, he was standing not to far away from his father but to nervous to go any closer too his father who was standing right outside the door of his mother's bed Chambers while he listened to his mother scream and yell and watched his father pace and look more nervous by the second his shark senses could smell blood and lots of it but he was good at not going crazy from the smell he had practiced with the sharks to be able to stand here so he could see his baby bother or sister ( he was sure it was a bother since his mom's belly was so big) and since he was going to be a big bother after today he wanted to know his sibling and mother where ok.

the king was of the human fish clan and had no problems with blood but the cave air pocket that his wife was in was a big one but it only could hold three tatiee at once and with the midwife's and the doctors he and his son had to stand in to outside of the air pocket and wait but the blood was still coming out there was a lot of it and he could only start worrying about the worst as his wife was the real ruler of the kingdom and not him and he wasn't sure how he would survive without her . the Queen was beautiful and elegant and had the smarts to go with it all it was like she was the whole package she had but one flaw she would have rather fight the people in a brawl then talk them down and get their opinions on the matters of politics so since she was like that the king being of a more talk till a solution is found was the face of the kingdom and in charge of politics while the queen was pretty much his Shadow and instructed him on how to go about things.

while the man in her life where worrying about weather she was ok and had anticipation for the little one in her stomach the queen was sure she was going to be fine and that her daughter was going to be vary special but the pain of child birth was terrible and all she wanted was the whole thing to be over like yesterday and as the doctors said he saw the head she was even more determined to get it out of her then she was a minute ago she was a small tatiee that seemed to be giving birth to a whale tatiee . the doctors weren't sure if the queen was going to be ok ever again but she was going to live for sure and with the queen being of the Betta fish clan she was going to be a fighter for the rest of her life so maybe she'll be fine.

of course he would never say any of this out loud it is just way to unprofessional.

as the doctors where thinking about stuff the head and shoulders came out and the rest of the little girl came out and because she was covered in blood her markings where hidden so they had vary little idea what tatineenee she was but she was of the large tatiee for sure. the doctor then said ' its a girl my queen of the large tatiee group I'll tell you her species when we get her cleaned up