as the doctors cleaned up the princess the started to notice something they where unfamiliar with, the markings where vary new and had vary few species of Tatiee that had those markings and none of the doctors or midwife's where familiar with them the child was still not cry so the doctors turned her upside down and hit her butt and then she cried, but it was not the cry they were looking for it was still a healthy cry but it was so loud it shook the ground and called a tsunami to the land of the papoo. the king rushed in worried that the air pocket would fall in and crush his wife and newborn child. but when he saw what was going on he was over joyed with the site of his wife being okay and asleep and his child crying healthily. He was so over joy he snatch the child from the doctor and then held her up and said' she is beautiful I shall call her saloo for the ancient tribe and their great powers' he said not realizing he had just named his daughter after what she was. he then held her tight and she calmed down as he held her securely and the child then latch on to him and disappeared as if wasn't their at all the king was so shocked that his child was so powerful he couldnt believe it the disappearing ability was a very distinct ability for small fish such as Plankton and other types of Tatiee never a large tatiee but here his daughter was with the invisible ability and being a large tatiee.
just then the mother of the child woke up and started looking for the child and was distraught that she couldn't find her, She then saw her husband looking happy and worried and looking at his chest she looked where he was looking and saw movement their as if their was so tatiee that was using the invisible ability she jumped up grabbing the thing on his chest and holding it up to see if it was her baby.
the doctors were trying to grab the queen as she was not supposed to move for a couple days after the birth for medical reasons and even with the healing magic and potions she would still be here in the air pocket for a week while the child was getting use to the air and water for the younger ones needed to be In the air pocket for a week and since mother tatineenee where vary protective of their young they usually opted to stay in the air pocket with their young until it was the end of the week for the children they're where some types of tatineenee that would give birth and then leave their children in the air pocket to fend for themselves but it was a old practice that only certain ones of certain tribes would go with for they believed the old ways was better but with the new magics and cloaking spells that would hide them from the papoo they where going into new medicine and cultures even some of the human population off the oceans where tatiee that disguise the themselves as human and learned the human way along with medicines,history, and geography along with having jobs with them but they hide their identities from the papoo and vary few would be vary close to the papoo for fear of the legends and horror stories of the past.
back to saloo it was the 7th year after she was born and her bother was leaving for the shark clan to learn and understand more of his tribe mother and father told her he could either stay and be in the clan the rest of his life giving up the right to rule the tatineenee or go and learn form the tribe for 20 years then come back and use his knowledge to rule as wisely as possible. bother was nice he liked playing chase and bit the fish that pass by I would play sometimes with him but he got upset one time that he lost to me in chase so he stopped playing with me witch made me sad but we still had chats and he promised he was going to come back with tons of knowledge and rule the kingdom of tatineenee so I could just be a pretty princess and not worry about anything lest of all what type of Tatiee I was all that was known of what I was was my markings but their was vary few that had the marks I did they went up my tail fin and then circled right in my middle and then there was a giant circle right in the middle of my midsection they where pointy and would change depending on the power I would use, another odd thing was that I could do any magic from any one of the tatineenee tribes and sometime do it better witch made some of my fellow tatiee scared of the powers I could hold later on but they also then worshiped my Powers also. I was just curious about myself everyone seemed to be at a loss when I asked what tribe I am from even though everyone could have any type of tribe we tried to learn from our one just so their was none that would be alone and not realize something that they had too late like the shark clan having blood lust problems and how they are to deal with it or the Plankton tribe and their sacrifices to the whale tribe and how they are supposed to reproduce as much as possible even if it doesn't end up as another plankton child.
their was much to learn the Coral sheets of books and other types of information that I could gain took years and years and before I new it my bother had chosen to stay in the shark tribe and give up the throne good thing my mother gave birth to another prince and princess of the Betta and human tribe tatiee clans they looked the pretty twins they where both going to their perspective tribes today to learn and strive for their tribe hopefully one of them come back and take is out of my hands it is my 27th birthday today and also my send off since mother and father were getting old and couldn't find anyone who knew what tribe I was in they are sending me and two knights tatiee one that's a swordfish tatiee and the other one is a swamp tatiee they belong to the human tatiee clan but look more fish then having smooth human skin they have fish scales all over their body it is hard and the tribe pride themselves on their strong ability in being able to fight off even the sharpest of shark teeth