What’s Wrong And What’s Right

"What?" "I don't want her near my kids…." "Octavia, you ca-" "I can. They are my children just as much as yours." I glared at him, and then I glared at her. I was so angry. Why didn't he say anything? Why did he let her talk about me like that? I felt so disrespected and so hurt. I shoved past them and went up to Eli and Elena's room. I grabbed them both before entering my room and sitting on the bed. I heard Sinclair coming up the stairs, and I looked at the door. When Sinclair walked into the room, he softly whispered. "What's wrong, Octavia?" "I think that you agree with your mom…." I looked at Sinclair with tears forming in my eyes.

"Of course not. Why would you think that?" "You didn't tell her to stop. You just let her talk like that as if it was okay." "Octavia, I'm so sorry I didn't do anything wrong." "What do you mean you did nothing wrong!? You let her talk down on me, making me feel unworthy!" As I yelled, the tears started pouring down my face. Inside I felt like my heart was dying, it sunk to the bottom of my stomach, and all I could do was cry. Sinclair slowly walked over to the bed and sat beside me. "I'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't mean to offend you." "It wasn't you. It was her! "You just didn't care what she was saying about me." "I do care. I didn't know what to say." "Get out…"

Sinclair slowly got off the bed and walked out, then went downstairs. After a few minutes, I heard him leave with everyone. I carried the twins to their room before laying them down, and I walked to the bathroom. I grabbed a tissue, wiped my face off then took a deep breath. I went back to my bed. I laid down and pulled the covers over my head. After a few hours, I pulled the blanket off me and slowly got out of bed. I walked out to the twin's room. Seeing them asleep, I smiled softly.

"Never be ashamed of who you are. Never think you are wrong for being you." I heard a creak, and when I turned around, I saw Sinclair standing there. "Octavia, you can't expect me to take your side over my mother." "It isn't about taking sides. You let your mother talk about me like I am nothing. Your children are half black. If you can't stand up for me, stand up for them." "I won't go against my mother, Octavia…. I'm sorry." I shook my head and then looked back at the twins. "You won't, but I will. I want you out of the house tonight." "Octav-" "Pack a bag and go…" I walked out of the room and went to the kitchen. I started making the babies' bottles, and a few minutes later, Sinclair came down with a bag over his shoulder. He stared at me and said nothing before he just walked out. I slowly fell to my knees and started crying quietly. A feeling of emptiness spread throughout my body. Sinclair wasn't who I thought he was—the man who would fight for his family no matter what was gone. Once again, my life felt like it was falling apart; I only had my babies. After a few minutes, I heard Eli wake up crying. I took a deep breath and stood up. I grabbed both bottles before I went up to their room. I grabbed Eli first and started to feed him as I sat in the rocking chair.

"Mommy has you… Mommy is here." He slowly opened his eyes and stared at me. "Hehe, hey, little guy." As I looked into his eyes, I saw nothing but Sinclair. I tried to hold my tears back as I gently rubbed my finger across his cheek. I spent the rest of the night caring for the kids, feeding and changing them. After they went to sleep, I went down to the kitchen; after eating, I then sat on the couch drinking a glass of red wine. I had no one I could turn to for help, Erica had been gone for over a year, and I wasn't close to anyone else. I didn't understand how Sinclair couldn't see how his mother was wrong for what she said to me. Everything was just starting to bottle up.

There was wrong, and there was right. I didn't think Sinclair would find himself on the wrong side again. The following day, I woke up to Sinclair shaking me, "Hey, baby girl.." I looked at him as he gently brushed my hair behind my ear. "You shouldn't sleep on the couch. It's not good for your back." I forced myself not to smile as I pulled away from his reach. "Can you go check on the twins, please?" He nodded and then went upstairs as I went into the kitchen and started making breakfast. I didn't know how to feel anymore. He didn't stick up for me or protect me at all. Yet I knew he loved me; letting everything overwhelm me, I poured myself another glass of wine.

As Sinclair came down to the kitchen, he looked at me and then took the glass away from me. "Too early for this, Octavia, I know you're stressed out right now, but drinking will worsen it." He sat the glass on the counter and wrapped his arms around me from behind. I closed my eyes and sighed softly. I missed the feeling of his arms around me. Nothing in the world felt better than him holding me close. I felt like nothing could hurt me, yet I was dying inside. He leaned down and whispered, "The twins are still asleep. I'll wake them and feed them after we have breakfast. Octavia, my father wanted to come and spend the day with us."

I looked at him as I realized he only mentioned his father then I looked away. "I was thinking we could go to the park and have a picnic. My dad was excited about the idea." I nodded, "Okay, that sounds good." He smiled and kissed me, then poured out my wine and replaced it with orange juice. I finished cooking breakfast, set the table, and dished us both up. I went to sit down, but Sinclair grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his lap. "Why don't you eat breakfast right here today?" "Sinclair." "I'm not taking no for an answer." "I'm not taking the disrespect from you or your mother either." He sighed as I got up and I walked to my seat. I sat down and started eating when Sinclair's phone rang. He answered it and then put it on speaker. "Hello?" "Hello, Sin, it's your mother calling." I looked at him, but he just stared at his phone.

"Did you need something?" "Not at all just wanted to let you know your father won't be attending your little get-together this afternoon. We shouldn't associate ourselves with…well, your so-called girlfriend. We don't want to get attached. I know you'll find better." I heard her snicker, and nothing but anger filled my body. "You do understand, don't you?" "I…yes, ma'am." "Good, now I need to go handle some business. Goodbye." She hung up, and I looked at him. Feeling the tears roll down my cheek, I got up and clenched my fist. "Octavia…" "Don't!" I walked upstairs to my room, and I started crying harder as I heard Sinclair walk out of the house. Maybe it was me who was confused, right? Perhaps I was wrong and should leave for good…