Just Us Two

Sinclair and I walked out of the church, where everyone was waiting and cheering. We ran to the car, and he helped me in before getting in himself. "Okay, driver, we are ready to go!" The driver nodded, and I waved at everyone as we drove off. Sinclair put his hand on my face as he pulled me close and kissed me deeply. The kiss was long, rough, and passionate. He slowly pulled away, and he looked into my eyes with a serious look. "I won't let you sleep tonight... You're mine for the next week." I blushed as he kissed me again and gripped my butt. "Mmmm, it's going to be hard to be away from the twins for so long" "I know, but my mother and Meredith are going to take good care of them, baby." I nodded and smiled as he pulled me close, "Don't worry. This is time for us to relax together." I smiled at him and kissed him softly as we made our way to the private airstrip. After a while, we arrived. I climbed out of the car. Sinclair swept me off my feet and carried me onto the jet.

Sinclair and I were finally married, officially together. I sat on the jet, looking over at Sinclair. Nothing had ever looked better. I looked down at my ring and smiled widely. Octavia Russell sounded good to me. Standing up, I sat on Sinclair's lap and kissed him deeply. After a few hours, we landed, and Sinclair carried me off the jet. We got into a car and made our way to our hotel. "We have a few hours before dinner. I've planned some horseback riding for us." I looked over at him and smiled, "Horseback riding?" He nodded and grabbed my hand, kissing it. "I've brought us both something we'll be comfortable in. I remember you telling me you used to ride when you were younger. So, it's time to get back on the saddle." We both laughed before I leaned over and kissed him deeply. As we arrived at the hotel, Sinclair got out, approached my door, and helped me out. I took his hand as we walked into the lobby, and we were greeted by a tall thin lady holding a tray of drinks. "Mr. and Mrs. Russell, welcome to Bora Bora."

She gave us both a warm smile before offering us a drink. I smiled back and took one, "I am Sarah. Here is the key to your bungalow." "Bungalow?" "Thank you, Sarah." I looked over at Sinclair, and he smiled as he pulled me outside to a long pier. We walked along the dock, looking around; the water was a beautiful crystal blue. The mountains boomed in the back of the scenery. This place was beautiful, and I couldn't wait to explore it with the love of my life. We stopped at the end of the dock at a huge bungalow. Sinclair unlocked the door, and we walked in. "Wow. This is where we are staying!?" The bungalow was anything but small. When we walked in, the room was huge, with a king sized bed. I walked over to two sliding doors, and as I walked out, it led to a pool. I smiled and saw a small staircase leading into the ocean. "Wow, this is so beautiful." Sinclair wrapped his arms around me from behind, and I smiled. "How about we get you out of this dress?' I nodded, and he gently pulled me inside.

After changing and unpacking, I looked in the mirror. "You look fine. Come on, honey." "No, wait, let me change." He rolled his eyes and came over, wrapping his arms tightly around me, then started kissing my neck and tickling me. "Hehe, stop it!!!" He laughed and slowly stopped. He grabbed his phone and snapped a picture of us. "Okay, baby girl, let's go." He slapped my butt before grabbing my hand, and we walked back to the car. I followed him happily and excitedly; as we made our way to the car, he smiled. "Xavier, please take a break. I can drive my wife and I. Please enjoy yourself." "Thank you, Mr. Russell." Xavier was our driver. He smiled happily and nodded before walking away.

"After you my lady." Sinclair opened the passenger door for me, and I smiled at him before getting in. He closed my door and ran over to the driver's side, then climbed in. "Okay! Here we go." I smiled at him as we made our way to the stables. I turned up the radio, and we both started to sing loudly. This was the man of my dreams, the man I was spending the rest of my life with. Nothing could ruin this honeymoon. Nothing could ruin my family. After a long car ride of laughing and singing, we arrived at the stables.

We got out of the car and walked in, hand in hand. "Ahh! Sinclair Russell!" "Georgie!" A short man shook Sinclair's hand before smiling at me. "Mrs. Russell, it's a pleasure." He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "When you told me you were marrying Octavia Locke, I was so surprised! Mrs. Russell, I've been buying your photos for years." "Wow, really!?" He nodded and smiled, "It's such a pleasure to meet you." Sinclair smiled and kissed my head. We made our way through the stables, and I smiled at all the horses. "Octavia, please see how you feel around the horses. Find one you are comfortable with, honey." I nodded and slowly pulled away as I walked from stall to stall. I looked at all the horses of different sizes. Walking along, I slowly stopped at a stall. I looked down at the plaque to read 'Aztec.' I smiled at the name, and as I looked up, a huge Clydesdale walked up and poked it's head out.

"Hehe, well, hello there." I smiled widely at his shiny black and white coat. There was a beautiful white marking on his head, almost looking like a star. "You are so beautiful…." I gently rubbed my hand across his head, then opened the stall. I walked in and ran my fingers through his mane, "You are big." I laughed as Sinclair and Georgie walked to the stall, and I looked at them. "I've made my choice." He looked over at me and laughed a bit. "Octavia, that's a big horse. Are you sure?" "Of course, I'm sure." He nodded, then Georgie started to tack Aztec up. After we finished, we walked out of the stable and mounted our horses. "Are you ready?"

I nodded at him and we both rode off.

We spent hours riding around and exploring the island together. As the sun set, we stopped at the end of a cliff. He took my hand and smiled, "I love you, Octavia.." "I love you too, Sinclair." He leaned over and kissed me deeply, slowly pulling away and smiling. After a few hours, we returned to our bungalow and showered before dinner. I dressed in a long sheer white dress and then curled my hair. Sinclair took my hand and spun me around. "You look so beautiful. Mmm, I can't wait for tonight." I laughed and then kissed him.

The feeling of her lips pressed against mine made my mind go blank. This was the first time in forever that I wasn't thinking about work or money. I had the love of my life in front of me. As we broke away from the kiss, I looked at her up and down. I admired how she looked in her beautiful dress, loving everything about her. I kissed her neck, then wrapped my arms tightly around her. "I love you, baby girl….so much." She smiled widely and seeing her smile made everything better. "I love you too." After we finished getting ready, I took Octavia's hand, and we walked out to the beach. I had planned a beautiful candle-lit dinner for the both of us. I wanted nothing more than for our honeymoon to be perfect. My wife was the center of everything for the rest of my life. As we came to our small candle-lit dinner, I pulled out Octavia's chair so she could sit. I made my way to my seat the smiled at her. "I hope you enjoy dinner, baby girl….." I smiled at her as the servers lifted the covers off our plates.

As the servers lifted the covers I smiled widely at the lobster and steak. They poured a glass of wine for Sinclair and me as I looked at him. "This is beautiful, Sinclair. Thank you." I smiled at him then I started eating happily. After dinner, we walked back to our bungalow. Without a word, Sinclair lifted me and carried me inside. He kissed me passionately as he slowly laid me on our bed and then pushed his hand up my dress. "I need you, Octavia." I blushed as he looked into my eyes, removed his shirt, and pulled off my dress. He pressed his body against me roughly and started kissing my neck. I arched my back up and wrapped my legs around him as my mind went blank.