
The journey was rather uneventful, and the sights along the trip were not as interesting as Lurk had seen in the travel brochure. Granted the basket was the main cause of this, as it only had so many holes to look out off. Of course the he would never speak ill of the holes, since they were the main reason he could save Mercia.

From what he could gather they were in a forest/hill area with the occasional large rock formations jutting out of the ground. Creating a lot of small nooks and tiny valleys every so often. The goblin group moving swiftly through without much pause. And compared to how noisy the goblins were inside their safe nest - now they were silent, only the shuffling of feet and the goods, and the occasional sound of metal armor from the bigger goblins.

The hierarchy was easy to spot. The goblins wearing the most items, weapons and decorations they had on them spelled it out clearly they were strong, cunning or powerful enough to keep the items to them selves. When he had the time in the main cave, before they left, he spotted 4 goblins that all were the most decked out. Vrek, Boor and two other goblins. Clearly they were the leaders of this group. But the group Lurk was with only had Vrek, the others took different paths apparently.

The other locations they were moving to, might not have enough room for all the goblins Lurk suspected. Lurk tightened his fists, when he sometimes caught a glimpse of Vrek through the holes in the basket. Lurk had never hated anyone as much as he did now, not that he ever hated anyone before in his old life. He was a meek person then, but now when thinking back to how Vrek tried his best to murder Mercia. He wanted to leap out of the basket and strangle Vrek.

But for now his body was not strong enough for such amazing feats of revenge. Which reminded him that he might as well use the time to get more acquainted with this Progenitor Menu.

With a thought the menu opened up before his eyes as usual - his vision going straight to the Flashing "*New!" in the menu.


[Progenitor Menu Access!]

Race : Goblin Progenitor (100% ★)

Class : New Class is Available!

Name : Lurk - Goblin Progenitor

Sex : Male

Age : 0

Stats :

[STR] : 2 (+1) *New! (body growth)

[AGI] : 6 (+3) *New! (body growth)

[STA] : 4 (+2) *New! (body growth)

[WIS] : 10

[INT] : 15

[LUK] : 30

Health : 14/14

Mana : 50 / 315

Abilities : (New Abilities detected!)

[Speech : Goblin]

[Speech : Elf]

[Brawling] *New!

[Dagger] *New!

[Bow] *New!

[Stealth] *New!

[Survival] *New!

[Dodge] *New!

[Wind Magic] *New!

[Earth Magic] *New!

[Holy Magic] *New!

Traits : (New Traits detected!)

[Elven Soul]

[Goblin Soul]

[Slightly Evil]

[Night Vision]

[Heighten Senses] *New!

[Mana Sensitive] *New!

[Mana Aura] *New!

Titles :

Goblin Progenitor


Elven Savior *New!


("huh. My stats increased due to body growth? That was quite fast. I wonder how long it takes till i am a adult goblin...")

Peering through the list, as he took notice of the changes in his stats the "*New!" tags vanished. As if the Menu acknowledge that he has understood a change had occurred.

("Neat. So whats next... My Health increase by 4 too, must be because of the STA increase. And my mana has been recharging up.. Why do I have so much mana though. it seems odd compared to my health.")

As Lurk thought that, the menu brought his attention to the Traits list, the trait [Mana Aura] flashed and a description popped up.


[Mana Aura] - Inherited from Mercia Suntree

+300 Max Mana

Through hard training and dedicated attention to magic and understanding of how mana flows through ones body. The owner of Mana Aura has gained a significant Mana pool boost!

"Mastery of magic requires a strong will.. And lots and lots of mana!" - Merlinor Grandmage


("Ah. That explains that... But I do not remember dedicating myself to any such thing...How on earth did I get this.. is it some cheat start ability? Wait. I inherited it from Mercia?.. but this sounds like something you would train - not some genetic trait?")`

Once more as he thought about how he acquired this the menu once more brought his attention to a line of text all the way at the top of the list. And another description expanded out.


Race : Goblin Progenitor (100% ★)

The Progenitor is the head of a new species - a great leader of a culture - the head of a grand family - the great ancestor. The Progenitor is the master of his bloodline and has a great deal of control and knowledge of his bloodline. A progenitor will bring great change and power to his bloodline!

Any member of the bloodline that the Progenitor has been within range, will impart their Traits and Abilities onto the progenitor to make sure none of the traits are ever lost to time - and to spread them through his future bloodline.

The stronger the connection in the bloodline the more access is granted!

Range : Touch *

Rank : 1

-Level of Progenitor is not high enough to access more information or other uses.

*Some abilities are absorbed differently (languages and others)


(".. wait this does not make sense.... Should traits not flow.. Down a bloodline.. why would they flow back up towards the ancestor of a bloodline... This is such a ludicrous cheat!!!")

Lurk looked at his Traits and abilities, seeing all the "*New!" tags on all the skills and checked each one - and found out they were all inherited from Mercia. But they were all at rank 0.

("...hmm I doubt my mother was only rank 0 in these abilities.. so I only inherited the foundation of the traits?.. Hmmm.. [Wind Magic] and [Bow] had a extra notation under both of them that none of the others had.")


[Wind Magic] - Inherited from Mercia Suntree

*Exceptional Natural Talent! 200% Increased


[Bow] - Inherited from Mercia Suntree

*Strong Natural Talent! 150% Increased


(".. so Mother was a powerful wind mage?.. And good at bows.. that feels like something all elves have. At least how I have always seen or heard about in fantasy - Elves are always good at bows. Its kinda their thing.. I guess I am now too?.. So all the other skills are basic?.. So I can collect natural talents and improve them that way.. hmm since I do not have a bow to test, can I cast magic maybe?")

Lurk held out his hand and tried to focus on it, imagining wind to spin in his hand. For a while nothing happened but then he felt a very weak push of wind in the basket. it was not much. But there was definitely a effect! Lurk grinned like mad at this - How awesome was this! He thanked his mother in his heart for this great gift.

[Level 0.1 Gained in Wind Magic!]

[Gained Mage Class]

("..I guess I am gonna be busy training for a while..")