Lurk continued to test his magic ability with nothing else to do, though he felt he should stick to wind magic. It was at least somewhat hidden. During the journey the goblins paused and started to eat. He was starving but he was also concerned. What do goblins eat? Well if what he would guess at - Anything, everything and... Everyone. The other baskets began to be noisy once food was in sight/smell range.
"""Food! Gob! Food!""" (Goblin spawnlings)
"..ehh..Food!..Food!" (Lurk)
Lurk sighed inwardly and decided to join the noisemakers, as it would be the only way to make sure that the goblins might know when someone was fed or not. He doubted their child caring abilities to the max. Eventually a good sized piece of meat was thrown into the basket. Lurk looked at the meat and sighed.
("...I really hoped for something non meat.. for all I know this could be a former person...") (Lurk)
Lurk touched the meat gingerly, meanwhile in the other baskets the sounds of gnawing and chewing was heard. Just as he touched it Menu interjected with a message.
[No Bloodline connection! - No Access!]
Race : Earth Boar *dead*
Stats - Locked
Skills/traits - Locked
("..Thank you dear Menu.. I retract almost all the bad thoughts I had about you... So the progenitor ability can check other species too.")
Now feeling a bit better about what he was gonna put in his mouth, he began eating it.
("Its sad to eat uncooked meat, ahh... I will never eat proper cooked food again.. goodbye my favorite pizzeria.. I will miss you.. Lasagna and Chicken.. I think I will miss you most of all..")
The meat vanished quickly, and Lurks stomach made all kinds of sounds as he was finished. He could literally feel his body absorbing what he ate at record speed. Goblins definitely had a fast metabolism. He was sure he was skipping months of growth a normal human baby had to do in hours.
He continue to train in wind magic, as the goblins took off again and after several hours the night sky vanished from the baskets view being replaced by rocky caves with roots on the walls and floors.
The cave passage expanded slowly until it opened up into a large room, the sound of water and also the sound of goblins shrieking heard. When Lurk managed to look out, it seemed Vrek was in the middle of proving that this cave was now under his leadership, using a impressive political campaign of stabbing the goblins that were already in here, till the rest agreed. He managed to do it by 2 goblins.
A deep crack about 5 feet wide in the room had running water about 10 feet down in the gash, several pieces of wood and sometimes planks were placed over the crack. the walls were covered in roots and had many horizontal cracks of varying sizes down the walls. At the back of the room was a particularly large root that had made a sort of miniature room beneath it. A ordinary dinner chair was placed inside with many bones and pieces of broken weapons placed around it. Near it were the two dead goblins that failed to see Vrek's great leadership abilities and Vrek promptly sat down on this "throne" and began giving out orders.
Once he got to sorting out the goods and organizing where everyone was to go and stay. Vrek came to Lurks basket he looked down into it and picked Lurk up by his neck.
"..Frel!.. Gegege! Got one for the Sun Soakers here!.." (Vrek)
Vrek then threw Lurk over to a goblin that managed to catch him by his arm, this goblin was fairly human looking as opposed to other goblins, he was wearing a wolf pelt on his body along with rags and leather with the head of the wolf acting as a helmet his yellow eyes that examined Lurk briefly before nodding at Vrek and returning his look to Lurk.
"You are now part of my Sun Soakers gegege, I am Frel. What is your name spawnling?" (Frel)
"...I am Lurk."
Lurk was rather shocked at being thrown through the air, and as he was hanging from Frel's grip having been lifted up so he could look straight into Lurk's eyes. Frel nodded at Lurks straight forward answer, putting Lurk under his arm while dragging a bag of goods along. He headed towards a horizontal crack in the wall, that went in rather deep and then exited into the middle of a passageway/room that was about 30 feet deep 10 feet wide on either end of the crack, each that ended off at both ends with many roots covering the walls.
Frel walked to one end, putting Lurk down on the ground. 3 other goblins were putting down their sacks and items and turned to look at Frel and the newcomer. Lurk noticed that all of these goblins like Frel looked a lot more like he did in his body shape - Like tiny humans without the excessive body differences from the other goblins. No out of proportioned traits in these, Except for one of the goblins - who seemed to be sporting two mounds hidden behind rags on its chest.
("..Huh a goblin female.. its the first one I have seen so far. If it was not for the slightly bigger ears, hands and those bigger canines she would pass off a miniature human girl - along with all the other goblins in here.. this is a weird bunch..they have the same looks as me, though i have not seen my face yet.")
Frel opened his bag and threw some cloth rags at Lurk.
"Gather the rest of your own items like a proper goblin.. This is Lurk gobs. No chopping he is a sun soaker like us, Sala handle Lurk til he is grown. " (Frel)
After stating that calmly he dropped off a smaller bag to one of the other goblins, he went down into the other end of the cave and began unpacking his things.
Holding onto the rags in his hands Lurk looked at the 3 goblins. Sala the female goblin stared at him with a frown on her face, they were all taller than normal goblins due to most goblins actually being slightly hunched over.
She had black hair that was tied up in a pony tail and had loing cloth rag and wrapped rags around her chest. With two actually leather bracers on her arms. The biggest goblin had his right arm covered in what appeared to tiny piece of wolf fur, and also sporting a loincloth with a belt that had many pouches.
His left eye was missing with scars running down that side of his face, and short black hair. The last goblin was tiny, this was the smallest adult goblin he has seen. Frail was a word to describe this goblin with, but he had ragged pants as opposed to the loincloth, his body was completely bald making him look even more pitiful.
"Tsk.. Why should Sala take care of you.. You look Scrawny and tiny.." (Sala)
"..I am a spawnling.. I will get bigger.." (Lurk)
*Bonk* Sala promptly did a not so gentle fist onto Lurks head. Causing him to hold onto his head rubbing it.
"Pff. You are scrawny and tiny now gob! Sala is strongest one, ... After Frel of course.. So you will do what I say!.." (Sala)
"..Ow! Yes yes. Just do not go bonking my head like that.." (Lurk)
"Nope!. Sala decides when to bonk! That is Vorm and that is Aurk. We are now your Party"
[Party activated - Sala, Vorm, Aurk, Lurk]
Lurk rubbed his head once more, and the 3 goblins turned around to their items and began to lay them out on the ground. The bag left by Frel was opened and meat was taken out. Aurk shared it with everyone leaving Lurk last.
"I am Aurk.. gege. Do not act weak. Learn from us.. Live longer.." (Aurk)
Aurk was the one eyed goblin. Now seeing him up closer as he handled the meat he could tell that the hand with the wolf pelt on it was not moving as well as the other. Clearly it was not just his eye that was maimed, also his arm was crippled. Lurk had to give this goblin credit. Living in this kind of group and being maimed to this degree and remaining alive, he was gonna be sure to listen to what this goblin had to say.
He handed Lurk the meat that turned out to be the same boar meat. Looking over at Vorm who just stared at Lurk for a brief moment before sitting down eating his portion of the food.
(".. Looking forward to working with you..") Lurk thought to himself as he ate his food looking at the odd trio. Before laying down on the rags and closing his eyes.