Waking up from a nightmare

Sound of birds singing and chirping slowly stirred the woman on the exquisitely designed bed.

Mercia sat up slowly and felt completely at ease. Closing her eyes she could feel the calming aura of the world tree and the sense of nature everywhere around her. She was home in the elven capital of Sunsitell, her room at the palace she had not been back to in at least a decade.

Wrapping her arms around her knees as and letting her forehead rest on her knees. She thanked the world tree for being free with all her heart. But she had suffered and lost a lot. Her friends and a lot of her team mates were either dead or missing still. She prayed they were not suffering as she had been. A wave of guilt hit her as she thought of how only she could be saved from that dark hell.

"Emily, Shera and Geraldi..."

She raised her head and a tear ran down her cheek, thinking back when it all went wrong. They were visiting the Kingdom of Caraltor, Emilys home in a attempt to gather more support against the Dark lords renewed aggression's against both Caraltor and the elven forest. As usual it was a constant fight to get the humans to agreed to work together with the elves. Only a few people and groups would provide any help. The kingdom it self was not willing to assist..

"things would not be like this.. but we brought it on our selves after all..."

Ever since the first calamity, that brought down the greatest Kingdom of the realm - Luxenplain. Where calls for help went out the elves did not respond, they were safe inside their great forest protected by the endless might of the world tree. Though most elven historians would argue that even if they had helped, nothing would have made a difference in the end due to time.

The Kingdom of Luxenplain was a vast area of readily available farmland, sealed on all its borders by impassable mountains. With just enough sea routes and just the right land entry points into the country, this allowed them to be the central trade hub between all other civilizations. Their defenses were unassailable. Magnificent castles and a trained strong army at all their entry points, their great wealth and endless food supply the plains gave them, made them the reigning kingdom of man for centuries.

But then the rifts started to appear. Monsters and demons of endless types, would appear in single small numbers across the realm - causing mayhem where they went - but it was handled by the adventures and kingdoms without much loss. But it would continue to happen despite what the greatest minds of the realm tried to do to stop it. But it was manageable at the time.

The biggest threat was if beings of a particular intellect and cunning appeared, that also possessed the magical powers to needed to set up strengthening magical constructs around the rifts to allow more monstrosities to keep appearing at a faster rate. All focus was on fighting the rifts that became opened up permanently by these beings.

Luxenplain had only a few rifts opened and they were handled fast and with determination. Not a single permanent rift was ever allowed to be formed inside their borders. But then...

The great Kingdom had a hidden pest inside its kingdom that was not detected from their last rift they sealed off. Its multitude of farming villages that filled the plains, with little to no defense and highly populated by happy peasant families.

At first it was not noticeable, but villages in a small area in the middle of the kingdom started to have cases of missing people. Distress was sent to the nearest noble family that sent out adventures to check on the area looking for a rift, but they never found any. What they did find was a village that was completely ransacked. Corpses and empty buildings was all they found.

The adventurers kept looking but all they kept finding were that the villages in the area were all looted with not survivors. They did notice that most of the dead were men. The managed to finally track it down to a cave..

From that cave poured out goblins, the adventures were completely overrun by the sheer number of the goblins. Like a domino effect each village, filled to the brim with food and healthy population was destroyed, women were captured and the goblins numbers would explode from each village taken. This new monster that appeared through a rift, filled with evil in their soul, cunning, ruthlessness and a ability to breed faster than anything. Despite being small and weak in stature. Broke the greatest kingdom the realm had ever seen.

Its greatest strength, its numerous people and endless supply of food caused a endless tide of goblins to fill the area and spill out from the kingdom. Eventually this calamity was broken, not by a grand victory or a specific hero that could kill the singular threat. No, when the goblins had looted everything and finally began loosing more bodies than they made, they then tried to escape out from the now destroyed kingdom that was collapsing in on it self from its mortal wound the green plague had caused.

Goblins would appear in other kingdoms despite having been brought down to low numbers, as they were sneaky enough and knew when to lay low. But now it was known what to look for and safeguard the villages better. Adventure guilds grew stronger and more numerous. The great kingdom was now desolate and rifts began appearing inside and were not stopped or reported in time. The second calamity, the dark lord appeared within this dead kingdom.

He brought organization to the monsters that appeared. The dark kingdom was born inside the corpse of Luxenplains. The central trade hub of the realm was shut off. All the kingdoms now suffered greatly and starvation and wars occurred in great numbers - the rifts would keep appearing on occasion to steal the other kingdoms attention, but after the dark kingdom was formed the rifts became rarer and rarer.

The elves did begin to strike out, but it was only because they discovered that the pemanent rifts caused the world tree to weaken. The elves now felt the threat along all the other races of the realm.

"...if only we had done something sooner.."

Mercia thought to herself, not caring if it would have changed anything at all, she felt in her heart that it would have helped even a little it would have been worth the risk. Which was why her and several of her countrymen and siblings decided to go out from the protective area of the world tree to help the humans despite what the elven council said.

Her last battle was to defend a human city, alongside her friends and other adventurers and soldiers. But the enemy was to strong. A army of monstrosities and demons would slam against the defenses of the city, but what changed and broke the city was the appearance of a Royal demon that destroyed the cities magical defenses and its wall.

Mercia herself was caught by the demon after trying to stop him along side her friends, Shera was torn apart trying to give cover, Geraldi was vaporized by the noble demon and then her and Emily were overrun. The demon took special notice of her elven heritage and decided that she should suffer at the hands of their weakest forces. Battered and drained she and her friend Emily was then thrown out to the side, to goblins that were part of the army. Now mere cannon fodder and worthless compared to all the other monstrosities.

Mercia closed her eyes not wanting to think about it anymore. Instead she thought of the goblin.. the goblin she had birthed. And the message she saw before her eyes at the time.

[You have gained the title - Mother of the Goblin Progenitor]