Parental 101

Lurk sat still for a while looking at the menu. A fly could have flown into his opened mouth, made a home, had children, gone away and then come back as a grandparent.

Fly :"This was where we started our family kids.."

This was how time seemed to flow for Lurk who was stunned.

("... So i forgot something important, Beyond Fertile huh... I knew i should have listened in school during sex ed... When two goblins like each other really well, they will bump uglies and end up with a horrendous evil monster you have to take care of till it goes too college.... I cannot even send it off to college... How can I handled this? I know nothing about being a good parent. Will the kid try to eat my face when its born?!")

Lurk shook his head, and slapped his cheeks hard.

("Right.. Snap back to reality... Name huh.. So I can personally name my kids, instead of the menu giving it a four letter name. Its weird how all goblins have four letter names, at least so far all I have seen. Maybe i should ask Sala?..")

Lurk looked at Sala still sleeping, when he remembered something.

("Family Bloodline Points... I got two points?... Will I get two points for every child?.. Wait no. It says -Bloodline- .. Will I get two bloodline points.. Per.. Descendant..")

Lurk opened up the Family Bloodline points and confirmed it was indeed per descendant! But!

It was one point per individual born directly of the line, if a new parent from outside was entered in, that also gave one point...

The speed goblins can reproduce... Yes points could be rolling in, but this is gonna be a problem, Lurk could feel if he did not control this properly. But how can you control goblins in this way!. Lurk worried that this would be a dangerous path of having to beat the living crap out of everyone and tell them to practice safe sex, whilst also picking willing partners..

("Right.. Lets take it one step at the time...")

Lurk wanted to know first what gender the kid was, for some reason it started with a name. Then as he thought this the menu fizzled, a new option appearing.

[Pick a Gender and name for each gender]

[99%] Male

[1.0] Female

("huh one in a hundred is a female for goblins. No wonder they go assaulting other species for their reproduction... How can i change this?.. Oh")

Thinking this, the menu slowly changed the numbers

[Pick a Gender]

[50%] Male

[50%] Female

[*Warning This change will carry down this bloodline, and will have to be changed manually later*]

("Right.. Wait I can change it later?.. Oh yeah the bloodline manipulation trait said something along those lines... Wait I can alter those in my blood line?.. Like I can change Sala?")

Moving the current menu out to the side he touched Sala gently on the cheek, bringing up her information.


[Progenitor Menu Access!]

[Edit Options] : Costs FBP points to alter

Race : (65% Goblin, 25% Human, 10% Ogre)

Class : Pugilist Level 2

Name : Sala

Sex : Female

Age : 3 Months

Status : Second Cousin - Twice removed

Father : Blud - Skullcrusher (Goblin 75%, Ogre 25%)

Mother : Lisa Sofenweim (100% Human)

Children : *Unknown*

- Stats -

[STR] : 14 (7+7)

[AGI] : 10

[STA] : 12

[WIS] : 6

[INT] : 5

[LUK] : 20

Health : 34/34

Mana : 12 / 12

- Abilities -

[Speech : Goblin]





- Traits -

[Goblin Soul]

[Slightly Evil] (Reduction detected, unable to go lower due to Progenitor Limit)

[Night Vision]

[STR Boost Medium]

Titles : Head bonker, First Consort to the Progenitor


("Ok I can change it, But would it not be best to alter Sala, so the child would have more options?.. Like just in nature finding a mate with more desirable traits, I just have the luxury of being able to manipulated both sets of - Genes? - This is not just gene manipulation though.. Its also exchange of knowledge?.. Like I can give Sala Earth magic?")

Thinking this the menu highlighted the Edit option and brought up all his traits he had collected. Zooming too the earth magic it showed the listing for it.


[Earth Magic]

Weak : 1 FBP

Normal : 2 FBP

Small : Not possible - collect a stronger affinity

Medium : Not possible - collect a stronger affinity

Strong : Not possible - collect a stronger affinity

Exceptional : Not possible - collect a stronger affinity

Powerful : Not possible - collect a stronger affinity

God Tier : Not possible - collect a stronger affinity


("Hmm.. Because I do not have anything but the earth magic normal I cannot grant anything better than that.. how much would it cost to give her the same Exceptional wind tier... What the!")


[Wind Magic]

Weak : (Very High Chance of descendants learning this - unless other bloodlines thins it)

Normal : (High Chance of descendants learning this - unless other bloodlines thins it)

Small : (Good Chance of descendants learning this - unless other bloodlines thins it)

Medium : 1 FBP

Strong : 2 FBP

Exceptional : 4 FBP

Powerful : Not possible - collect a stronger affinity

God Tier : Not possible - collect a stronger affinity


("So the stronger the affinity I have, the better it will be if I decide to buy it. But if I do not buy it there is a random chance they have a lower version any ways?.. Huh ok")

Lurk concentrated on showing all the traits, this kid would potentially learn without him buying anything.


-[Inherited Potential Traits]-

[Stealth Boost] : Chance to learn (weak, normal)

[Bow] : Chance to learn (weak, normal)

[Wind Magic] : Chance to learn (weak, normal, small)


[Speech : Goblin]

[Night Vision]

[Goblin Soul]

[Goblin Body]

[STR Boost Medium]

[Slightly Evil] (tiny random chance of increased potency due to outside interference)


[Ogre Pure Power : Ogre] 25% chance (Female parent has potential but is not unlocked)

[Ravenous : Goblin] 75% chance (Female parent has potential but is not unlocked)

[Beyond Fertile : Goblin] 75% chance (Female parent has potential but is not unlocked)

[Chance for random number of traits to appear] : 0 to 2


("My elite traits have a chance of being carried on?, but only because there is a shared connection. The vampire trait is not in there for instance.. So Stealth, Bow and wind magic have a chance to carry on. Then all the basics of being a goblin are included, oh and STR boost since we both have is also there?... And.....")

Lurk looked at the trait [Slightly Evil]

("Becoming evil from birth is still not fair.. Hmmm outside interference? Someone or something is effecting the trait? Someone pulling the strings from behind the stage. Sure would be nice to block that.")

The menu flashed and brought up a option.

[Slightly Evil]

Block outside interference - Cost 1 FBP

Lower Potency - Cost 10 FBP

("I do not like that someone else is changing me, Sala or my kid.")

[Purchase Accepted "[Slightly Evil] Block outside interference" On target Lurk] -1 FBP

[Purchase Accepted "[Slightly Evil] Block outside interference" On target Sala] -1 FBP

[Purchase Accepted "Pure Ogre Power" On target Sala]

After confirming that if both he and Sala had these traits, then it would be a 100% chance of their kid to also get it. Even during this phase where the kid should technically already having had been given traits, as long as it was still in the womb when lurk bought the traits and if he had not confirmed a name/gender yet. It would carry over from his side too. Lurk bought it without looking back. He had never liked the notion of greater grander powers, holding sway over people in such a way giving them some kind of forced debt that they cannot escape.

("So this is what designer babies would be like.. I can mold my future offspring and their offspring on a whim.. This is a lot to take in.. Am i not myself becoming one of those grander powers that manipulate others according to my own whim?..")

Lurk thought about it for a while, looking at Sala and her stomach.

("Nuts to that, i just want me and mine to be safe, strong and able to cope with what is thrown at us, so we will not be alone...")


[Progenitor Menu]

[Race : Goblin (special)]

Class :

Name : Lula

Sex : Female

Age : 0

Status : Firstborn Daughter (Goblin : Special)

Father : Lurk the Goblin Progenitor (Goblin Progenitor 100% ★)

Mother : Sala the Headbonker Goblin (65%, 25% Human, 10%Ogre)

[STR] : 2 (1+1)

[AGI] : 0.5

[STA] : 2

[WIS] : 0

[INT] : 0

[LUK] : 20

Health : 4/4

Mana : 0/0

- Abilities -

[Speech : Goblin]

[Crafting Blacksmith : Strong] *New ability learned!

[Brawling : Medium] *New ability learned!

[Stealth : Weak]

[Wind Magic : Normal]

- Traits -

[Goblin Soul]

[Slightly Evil : Blocked]

[Night Vision]

[STR Boost Medium]

- Elite Traits -

[Pure Ogre Power]

Titles : Firstborn of the Progenitor


"Hi Lula..." Lurk said as he gently caressed Sala's stomach..."