Back to work.

Lurk wondered why he had not gotten FBP from his mother, guessing that the menu only took things into account from his own actions. But if his daughter would go out and have children of her own, he would still collect FBP, then their children would also give points and so on.

Lurk also worried about something else he saw in her Menu.

[Goblin Body]

She was a goblin after all. But he had seen the various types of goblins, they all looked extremely varied like they all had different mutations and were not uniformed except for a few details like they all shared a short stature but their various traits would varied wildly.

Thinking on the new trait he had only seen during her neonatal state, the menu opened up its description.


[Goblin Body]

Goblins are a base template that all humanoid monsters originate from. Goblins will over time eventually evolve after having been subjected to sufficient stress over time. This evolution would cause them to adopt new traits and become a new species with entirely new abilities and potential.

This evolution will continue in the new species until a stable form has been achieved.

Stats (Average base adult -without any class / stress additions)

[STR] : 5

[AGI] : 10

[STA] : 7

[WIS] : 3

[INT] : 4

[LUK] : --

Health : 10 / 10

- Abilities -

Chance for random 0-2 random natural skills : Low

- Traits -

Chance for random 0-1 random natural talent trait : Low

Night Vision

[Goblin Soul]


("Hmm. a basic template.. So all goblins can suddenly change depending on how they are stressed?. I do remember that Vrek was slightly larger than the other goblins, he was clearly stronger than them by far.)

Lurk also brought up the new traits he had collected of Frel. But there was nothing of particular note he was a standard Goblin 75%/Human 25%. But he did have one very odd ability modifier down the list that made lurk chuckle a bit.

- Abilities -

[Dagger] - [Slice] *New Skill!

[Intimidate] : Strong

[Crafting - Clothier] : Exceptional

- Traits -

Lurk would have to try that [Slice] skill later, apparently it was a weapon skill? Much like how spells were a part of the magic traits. But it was clearly a magical ability! no one could move like that suddenly.

The skill that made Lurk chuckle was the clothier one, Frel could have become a extremely talented tailor, if only he had not been born a goblin in a cave. His talents was never realized, instead he became a evil boss leader that dominated his subordinates with violence and threats. Lurk knew he could see peoples best talents and guide them to their "perfect" job or lifestyle choices.

("I can even change them if i have FBP points for others too, am I born to be the Cheat Job Consultant.. Why yes mam i can tell you would be the very best cow farmer ever. BUT if you act now i can change that Cow farmer to a glorious Movie Superstar instead!")

("These traits... Who puts them into living beings to begin with. I cannot rule out gods, since magic is now confirmed to be real. But what would they gain? I have not been told to worship anyone. Unless..")

[Slightly Evil] Blinked in front of him in the menu.

("this was not in the [Goblin Body] so its not part of it naturally... So Evil and Good.. is a thing and someone/something must be judging or categorizing it. I i began to do only good deeds would this trait fade away? Or is it a locked curse. It seems to vary in potency from Slightly Evil to Beyond Evil. Even Frel was only [Evil] just like Aurk. They must be easily effected by the urge that comes up when the chance to act evil is there... But why would they ever resist it? Even Sala would have no real reason to resist and just go with it.")

Lurk rubbed his head getting a headache over this annoying metaphysical trait that was imposing its will onto him and his friends.. Yeah he would have to say they were his friends.

Lurk got out of the furs leaving Sala behind, he had been casting his regeneration spell ever since he woke up, wanting to get his hand back was a priority after all. He moved over to the many items that was stored at the wall. All of Frels things were here including the gear he had worn. Leather gloves, Leather boots, Pants (child size), Fur Armor and pouches with various things in it.

Strings, Small hooks, carving knifes, axe and then two small vials with green liquid in them. Lurk could guess this was the poison he was subjected too. Lurk wanted to clean and fix all of this gear especially the pants since they had been sliced along with the bottom of the fur armor.

Spending some time making some makeshift tailor tools, and recovering material from some of the things stored here he managed to fix the pants up.

[Crafting : Clothier] Raised to 0.5

[Pants] Durability restored.

He just knew how to do things, but he was still clumsy and the urge he had in his mind when he began working was vague, but he could feel how he should be doing the tasks to make the pants.

Clearly the stronger the modifier was the better he could imagine what needed to be done. It got easier the more he worked but it was still amateur work at this stage.

But if someone had told Lurk to sit down and then fix the pants without this skill. He would have been here for a much longer time trying to fix it. It just came to him naturally. The skills all seemed to raise when ever he used them. But it did get slightly rarer the more he used a skill before it increased. Especially his magical skills, they had thresholds that were not easy to pass. But abilities did not seem to have that issue. He had raised skills up much faster than with the magical ones.

Finishing up the pants he worked on the fur armor, he had seen a lot of armors from his role playing days and knew this was a very crude armor. It would not help a lot against most attack types. Now that Lurk had inherited Lula's [Blacksmithing] he also seemed to be able to remember those notes and pictures he had studied back when he did a lot of roleplaying. Was the skill itself pulling on information i viewed a few times making them more clearly? He would never be able to suddenly recall the facts of the armors, he once read about on a whim as he could now.

Now all he needed was a smithy... He doubted the raided town had one.. But he would have to ask Aurk later if he had seen something like that there.

[Crafting - Primitive] Raised by 0.2

[Fur Armor] Durability Restored.

Now he only needed to clean them, his nose was not offended by the blood or the smell. But he just wanted to get it cleaned. His old life nagging on him.

("Hmm.. I wonder if i can use magic.. But what kind of "element" would cleaning be under?")

Lurk tried to focus on the blood stain on the pants, wanting to slowly make it vanish. But he could not picture it in his mind how either Holy, Wind or Earth could make a stain vanish.

Lurk vaguely remembered back when he was out from the poison he had that dream, he could not remembered the specifics with perfect detail. But he recalled working with runes and how they resembled the ones that appeared when he used a spell that the system had created.

He refreshed his regeneration spell, in front of his hand a green glowing circle with rune symbols floating around in it. So designing spells would be easier if i had the runes and how they were constructed would maybe make it easier. Having terms that was connected to actions and being able to target and give the spell limitations and options to optimize it.

("It reminds me a lot of coding, making a specific task that needs done. Hmm I will need a Element that can do this... Wait... Cleanliness is next to godliness. Being clean is a sign of spiritual purity or goodness. That is a saying at least.. Focus on holy.. Come on Lurk.. Use this Holy power as a Laundry machine...Remove the filth, clean it, remove the taint. Target dead cells, grime and dust.")

Lurk could feel something happening, he was affecting something at least. Looking at the stain there was a slight glimmer appearing making the stain shine it began to fade and then vanish. His mana burning out fast, since casting spells he did not have a foundation on seemed to burn through mana fast.

[Clean Cantrip] Has been created!

("hah.. That burned a lot of mana.. I better stop for now and save the rest for emergencies and my regeneration spell")

Lurk was getting dresssed, when he heard a voice from the main corridor.

"Where is Frel!" a loud voice that Lurk could identify as Vrek, the goblin that took him off his mother and also got his arm severed.. Sala woke up looking at Lurk, she also got up putting her rags on and the nodded to Lurk with a "Go get em champ" smile.

"Hey... at least i will have something to bond with him over.." Lurk looked at his arm giving Sala a weak grin, covering it up before he walked around the corner to face the music.