Last Year’s Competition (Part 1)

1 year ago

"Charlotte! Quickly finish your drink or I won't have enough time for standby!" A dark blue short haired girl reminded her junior.

"Wait! Sherry-senpai! This is THE Japan limited premium vanilla frappucino! I can't just finish it quickly! It's such a waste!" A girl with waist-long wavy hair said as she slowly slurped her drink with a blissful face.

"Well then just throw it away!" Sherry said as she glanced at her watch. It was only half an hour away before the competition starts!

"B-but!" Charlotte looked at her drink longingly, her eyes becoming watery at the thought of throwing it away. She then muttered, "limited… premium…vanilla… MY VANILLA!!!"

The two of them were standing in front of a sign with the words written in red bold letters, "NO FOOD AND DRINKS INSIDE THE STADIUM".

"I won't wait for you then! I need to prepare!" Sherry said as she quickly dashed to a standby room dedicated to her.

"Good luck, senpai!" Charlotte cheered before she continued her drink blissfully.

After what seemed like 20 minutes, Charlotte was finally done with her drink. She then walked leisurely to her senior's standby room without forgetting her purpose. She was here to cheer on her beloved senpai!

However, after walking for a while, she started feeling that she was back to the same place. All the rooms looked the same! Where was the room for Sherry-senpai again?

Charlotte had forgotten the reason why her senior was waiting for her. It was all because she was a directionally challenged person!

The initially happy Charlotte was now filled with anxiety. Will I be able to reach her room before it's her turn to perform? Oh, why didn't I quickly finish the drink? But then again, it's THE Japan limited premium vanilla frappuccino! VANILLA!

As Charlotte was lost in thought, she didn't notice that she was about to bump into someone.


Charlotte headbutted the person in front of her with great force.

"Ouch!" Charlotte let out a yelp as she was about to fall onto the floor from the rebound.

The person in front of her quickly grabbed her waist before she could fall. The faint sweet scent of vanilla entered her nose the next moment.

"This scent… It's our vanilla macaroon!" Charlotte exclaimed as she recognized the scent. Her father was a famous patisserie and would always bake her his vanilla pastries since it was her favorite. She could never forget the scent of each of her father's pastries!

"Pfft! Missy, the first thing you say to the person who saved you is about scents?" A man's sexy whisper entered her ears.

"Huh?" Charlotte then realized that she wasn't alone and that she was currently very close to the man, in fact, she was in his embrace!

Charlotte instinctively pushed him away. She had never been so close to the opposite sex before, making her heart beat very fast.

"Not only are you not thankful, you even pushed me away?" The man asked jokingly when he saw how red her face was.

"Thank you for just now!" Charlotte thanked him honestly when she realized that he had helped her not to fall.

"You're welcome." The man smiled back.

"Also, thank you for purchasing our pastries!" Charlotte didn't forget to thank him for the buying her father's macaroon.

"'Our'? You mean that the macaroon I just ate was your family's? It was really good! Wait, how did you even know I just ate one?" The man seemed surprised.

"Yes! Well, technically, it's my father's. I have a great nose, especially when it comes to my father's pastries and vanilla! I can never forget each scent!" Charlotte proudly presented.

"Miss, what was your name again?" The man asked with great interest.

"I'm Charlotte Mochizuki! How about you? What's your name?" Charlotte asked in a friendly tone. Anyone who loved her father's pastries was surely good person!

"I'm Wang Jinyu. I'm the male representative from Saint Rosa. Are you the representative from Saint Luna? Nice to meet you." Wang Jinyu extended his hand.

It was at this moment that Charlotte realized that the man in front of her was actually wearing a school uniform. She had thought that he was one of the staffs from how tall and mature he looked! Was this guy really in middle school? He must be a third year!

"Nice to meet you too. I'm not the representative though. That's my senpai. Sadly, I got second place during the competition. I'm here to encourage my senpai." Charlotte replied as she shook his hand.

"I see. You're still a first year so you still have plenty of chances. Don't give up." Wang Jinyu encouraged her.

"How did you know I was a first year?" Charlotte asked curiously.

"I just had a hunch that we are fellow first years." Wang Jinyu said before he continued, "Anyways, I've got to go. See you soon, Charlotte."

He then turned his back and waved to her as he walked away.

'Fellow' first years?

That guy was actually a first year?! How did he get so tall and what's with that mature aura?

Just as Charlotte was getting lost in her thoughts, a voice called out to her.

"Charlotte! What took you so long?" Sherry's voice sounded from behind.

"Sherry-senpai! Sorry, I kinda got lost." Charlotte turned to look at the voice.

"I thought so. Sigh, Charlotte, are you really going to be fine after I graduate?" Sherry started to worry for her cute junior.

"I'll be fine! I should be… I guess?" Charlotte wavered a little.

"Anyways, it's nearly time for my performance. Be inspired by my stage!" Sherry said as she took Charlotte to the room dedicated to her.

After a while, it was time for Sherry to perform.

Soon, all eight contestants from the male and female sections finished performing.

The host started announcing the results and Charlotte noticed that Wang Jinyu had actually gotten first place!

It was now time for the female section. Charlotte saw Sherry and was nervous for her.

'This is senpai's last year! Please, please! Let her win!' Charlotte wished with all she could.

The host started announcing the 4th and 3rd place and Sherry's name wasn't mentioned. This made Charlotte feel nervous and hopeful.

"The second place goes to…" the host hyped, "Sherry from Saint Luna Academy! Please give her a round of applause!"

Charlotte's heart fell when she saw how heartbroken Sherry looked.

"And lastly, the first place goes to Vanessa from Saint Chrysalis Academy! Congratulations!" The host enthusiastically announced as everyone cheered. However, Charlotte didn't care about who Vanessa was. She was worried that Sherry was going to feel down.

Charlotte stared intently at Sherry, her eyes filled with worry. Sherry looked a little shocked at first and disappointment filled her heart. However, she soon recovered and smiled brightly, trying to erase the disappointment in her heart. At least she got second place!

Charlotte's eyes watered as she felt bad for her senpai. She knew how much Sherry was working hard for this competition and to think that she still couldn't win the competition…

After the award ceremony, it was time for everyone to go home. Charlotte quickly went over to Sherry and hugged her as tears filled her eyes.


"Charlotte… It's fine! At least I got second place!" Sherry tried to calm her junior.

"But senpai! You've worked so hard for this! Don't you feel frustrated?" Charlotte cried.

Seeing Charlotte cry so hard, Sherry started tearing up too.

"Of course, it's frustrating! I've worked so hard for so long! But I still lost to a first year!" Sherry cried.

The two girls cried as they hugged each other. After a while, Sherry had calmed down. She places one hand on Charlotte's shoulder as she said in a serious tone, "Charlotte! Next year, you need to win the competition for me! Even if I didn't win, if you won, I would feel equally happy! I know you actually held back during the academy competition since you wanted me to advance, right?"

Charlotte was shocked when she realized that Sherry had noticed the fact that she held back.

"I know I shouldn't have accepted your help just like that. That was really selfish of me. No wonder I still lost." Sherry said as she wiped her tears away.

"No! It was me who was selfish! I didn't want all your hard work to go to waste!" Charlotte interrupted.

"No, it wasn't your fault." Sherry shook her head.


"Anyways, you must win next year! I'm counting on you!" Sherry looked at Charlotte determinedly.

"*sniff* Yes, Sherry-senpai!" Charlotte replied with determination.

— — —

The next day

As Charlotte was about to go out of her house to go play with Sherry, someone rang the bell.

"Coming~" Charlotte answered the door without thinking too much.

"Hey there, Charlotte!" Wang Jinyu greeted her cheerfully.

"Wang Jinyu! What are you doing here?" Charlotte asked. How did he even know where my house in Japan was?

"Charlotte! You know him too?" Charlotte's father's voice sounded from behind.

"Father, you know him too?" Charlotte asked, feeling even more confused as to what their relationship was.

"Yeah. Yesterday, he called me saying that he wants to be my apprentice!" Mr. Mochizuki replied cheerfully.

"What?! Are you serious?" Charlotte exclaimed.

"Of course, I'm serious! I even transferred to Saint Luna so I could follow Mr. Mochizuki back to England! I really loved his macaroons! Learning under such a master would be very educational." Wang Jinyu replied with a smile.

"Huh? You even transferred? Wait, are you going to quit being an idol? Being both an apprentice and idol is hard work." Charlotte asked as she still felt a little freaked out.

"Of course not, I'll still be doing aikatsu while being an apprentice. There are plenty of idols who work and learn new things at the same time, right?" Wang Jinyu replied.

"Well, that's true…" Charlotte replied.

"So that's it! Please treat me kindly from now on!" Wang Jinyu slyly smiled at Charlotte.

"O-okay…" Charlotte still felt a little dumbfounded.

"From now on, he'll be living together with us so he can learn the most from me too. Get along with each other." Mr. Mochizuki said with a smile before he went back inside.

"What?! Why have I never heard of this?" Charlotte freaked out once again.

"Well, you just heard it. So please excuse my intrusion!" Wang Jinyu said as he entered her house nonchalantly.

It seems like from now on, her peaceful quiet life at home will be changed!