Last Year’s Competition (Part 2)

"The first place goes to Vanessa from Saint Chrysalis Academy! Congratulations!" The host enthusiastically announced as everyone cheered.

Vanessa Wright stood on the stage, still feeling shocked as her name was called. She had expected to at least be in the top 3 but never would she think that she would actually win first place! After all, she was just a first year and being able to participate in the cross-academy competition was already surprising.

"Vanessa, please come forward!" The host's enthusiastic voice brought Vanessa back to reality.

She walked forward, still feeling like everything was just a dream.

Niranan Arunsri, last year's Saint Queen walked towards her elegantly, holding a crystal tiara. Niranan was said to be the best Saint Queen the academy ever had.

"Saint Queen". This was the title bestowed on the winner of the annual cross-academy competition.

"Congratulations, Vanessa! You are the next Saint Queen!" Niranan said with a smile as she placed the tiara on Vanessa. She then handed Vanessa the trophy.

The crowd cheered as Vanessa finally felt reality sinking in. She was really the Saint Queen!

"Now, Vanessa. Although you've won this title, it doesn't mean you can relax just yet. Your aikatsu journey is just starting! Good luck!" Niranan said before she moved aside for Vanessa to make her speech.

The host handed Vanessa the microphone.

"..." Vanessa felt speechless. She really didn't know what to say.

"...I...I'm really thankful to everyone for cheering me on! Being a first year, I didn't expect myself to actually win this competition. Although, I am still inexperienced, I hope you all will continue supporting me! Thank you so much!" Vanessa said as tears of happiness flowed down her delicate face.

The audience cheered and clapped for her. After the host said some closing words and invited the headmaster to give the closing speech, the competition came to a close.

Back stage

Vanessa walked down the stage and searched her eyes around. She then spotted Chronos and quickly ran to him.

"Chronos! Look! I got first place!" Vanessa beamed as she showed off her trophy.

"Congratulations, my lady." Chronos Galanis smiled as he congratulated her.

"How many times have I told you to just call me by my name?" Vanessa said.

"You know I can't do that." Chronos replied helplessly.

The Galanis family was a butler clan that served the Wright family ever since they moved to Greece. Chronos had been strictly taught how to be a first class butler and was forbidden to call his master, Vanessa, by her name.

"Fine. Anyways, congratulations to you for getting second place!" Vanessa said with a smile.

"Thank you." Chronos replied. He had also enrolled in Saint Chrysalis so he could serve her easily. Of course, since it was an idol academy, Chronos also had to do some idol activities once in a while. As he was a perfectionist, all the gigs he did was a huge success and not only that, he was really skilled so he was able to enter the cross-academy competition.

"Let's go celebrate!" Vanessa said as she took Chronos's hand and dragged him out of the stadium.

Chronos's heart skipped a beat. Being dragged around was already a normal thing for Chronos but he could never get used to the feeling of holding hands with her.

Vanessa glanced at Chronos's reaction and revealed a teasing smile. She thought to herself, 'He really can't get used to holding hands with me.'

The two of them exited the stadium together and saw Niranan talking to her chauffeur.

"Niranan onee-chan!" Vanessa called out.

Niranan, Vanessa, and Chronos were childhood friends. Niranan and Vanessa were as close as real sisters, even though they are three years apart.

Niranan turned around gracefully to see who called out to her. When she saw the two of them holding hands, she giggled before she said, "I see the two of you are still as close as ever."

Niranan had enrolled in Saint Chrysalis and lived in the school dorm ever since then so it had been a while since she met these two.

Chronos's face immediately became red before he took back his hand that was holding Vanessa's hand.

Chronos tried to compose himself as quickly as possible. He then felt like he was glared at by the chauffeur. Vanessa's chauffeur was actually Chronos's uncle and he was the one who taught Chronos all of the duties and attitudes of a butler. Chronos knew immediately that he would most likely be scolded once he returned home for holding hands with his master casually.

Vanessa giggled at how flustered Chronos looked before replying to Niranan, "We're childhood friends after all."

"Anyways, let's go celebrate, Niranan onee-chan!" Vanessa changed the topic.

"Sorry, is it fine if I follow you guys later? I've got some things to handle." Niranan replied as she glanced back at the stadium.

"Okay. We're going to celebrate at my house so just drop by when you're done. Chronos, let's go!" Vanessa said as she dragged Chronos into the car.

"See you later." Niranan waved goodbye before she made her way back to the stadium, looking around for someone.

After a while, she spotted the person she was searching for and walked towards the girl while trying her best to arrange the words she wants to say in her head...