Path of collision (3)

The prison, the meeting room…

Shatter! Shatter!


The sharp sounds of breaking classes and bounding on the tables could be clearly heard in the meeting room.

Right know, the high ranking warriors and magicians in the prison were all present in the meeting room, but none of them dared to say anything or even make the slightest sound.

'Luckily, that mad man Derek isn't here! Otherwise, he would have flew in rage and offed some people already!' one of the magicians, couldn't help to think.

"He was actually killed! HE WAS ACTUALLY KILLED!"

With a bellow of rage that conveyed inexplicable hatred and malevolence, the prison leader was completely sunken in state of hysteria.

Just few minutes ago, one of his missing son followers, a man called Billy, crawled to the prison in an extremely pathetic state.

His clothe were torn, his body filled with cuts and wounds, and his hair burnt in some places. It was obvious that he had gone through a hellish time outside during this month.

Before he completely passes out, he had recited the crisis that had transpired to their team.

Apparently, they weren't attacked by some horde of beasts or a single powerful beast… instead; their team was a tacked by another group of survivors.

He told the leader that their team was ambushed, and that his son was attacked and killed first by some lightening shooting summoned beast that one of the attacking group magician's summoned. Afterward, the attacking group took the fallen gemstone of his son, and attempted to negotiate with their group to drop the matter.

Apparently, the attacking group killed his son only for the sake of the gemstone. They weren't interested in the rest.

However, just then, one of their group members threw some threats at other group, promising them a gruesome death when they report this matter back.

At that moment, the other group started attacking them in an all out assault, wanting to silence them. They started annihilating everyone in their team.

Afterward, and realizing the huge gap of strength between them and the attacking group, the few survivors started running in every direction, hoping to get the news across, and alarm the prison leader about the dangerous group.

Next, and to get rid of the pursuers, he was forced to escape to areas that were filled with beasts. And after an entire month of hiding and suffering, he finally found a chance and escaped from that group.

His last words before falling unconscious… was that the other group had Lv.2 warrior in their ranks, and some magician that can project octopus-like arms from his back.

Right now, the prison's leader was boiling with so much wrath that he was breathing roughly, while bulging veins were moving like worms on his forehead and neck. In his eyes, there seem to be blazing flames of hatred.

After awhile of breaking tables, chairs, furniture, interspersed with throwing all types of vulgar curses, the leader seem to have regained some of his sanity, after venting some of his rampaging emotions.

Turning to look at one of the captains, who used to be one of the prison guards, the leader asked with bloodshot eyes: "What are the closest population centers to this prison other than the city?"

In response, the captain gulped down, nervously, before answering: "two villages, one residential compound near the city, and another residential compound near the borders."

Hearing the reply, a ruthless killing intent filled the leader's eyes. "Give the location of these places to Derek, and tell him to scan them for a group of survivors that have a summoned beast. Inform the warriors and magicians to prepare! Tomorrow, we set off the moment Derek brings the location of these filthy things!"

To the side, Curtis maintained an expressionless face. However, inwardly, he was laughing nastily. 'Let me see that psychopath torture you and then burn you to death! Tomorrow, your relaxing days comes to end. My brother's death will not go unsettled… will not go unanswered…!'

The compound…

As the night descended, everyone went to sleep.

Ramie and Lance were the only ones awake in the house. Ramie's vitality was high enough that 20 minutes of sleep was more than enough for him to regain his vigor. As for Lance, sleeping few hours was enough for him.

Before, they used to sleep only at day time while stay up all the night, for the fear of beasts attacking the compound and killing them in their sleep. Now however, and with Brian's group addition, there are now enough warriors to organize two shifts of patrols, the day shift, and the night shift.

As for the azure gazelle king, after advancing to the second rank, no tier-1 beast was crazy enough to even approach the compound any more, much less attacking it. Apparently, to the other beasts, the act of the gazelle radiating his aura meant that he had taken this place as his territory. As such, unless they wanted to challenge his authority, no beasts below the second rank dared to go anywhere near the compound.

Currently, ramie and lance were exchange some idle talks, to pass the time.

Suddenly, Ramie went silent for a second, before standing up, abruptly. He then ran to the door.

Seeing ramie act in this manner, Lance was taken at first. Then, he followed ramie, and asked: "Mr. Ramie, what is it?"

Opening the door, and then walking to the front yard, ramie started scanning the sky with his shining yellow eyes.

"Am not sure, Mr. Lance… I think I just felt the aura of magician, passing right above the house!" ramie said, while surveying the sky.

"Passing above the house? Are you sure?" Lance asked, confused.

"Am not sure myself…" ramie replied.

After few seconds, Reem walked down from the second floor, and confirmed ramie's sense. Apparently, the azure gazelle king sensed the same thing.

The next day, at morning...

After conveying this information to the others, a large gathering of warriors and magicians gathered in Brian's house, to discuss the incident.

"Why would a magician fly above the compound in the night, and not announce his presence?" one of the warriors asked.

"Maybe it was just a beast, coming to hunt a meal. However, and upon sensing the azure gazelle king, it just fled away." Another one blurted.

"Are you stupid? Do you thing that the azure gazelle king can't tell between a beast and a magician? He didn't make such a mistake when he was in the first tier. Not to mention now, when he is in the second tier, with even higher perception!"

"You're all forgetting the Mr. Ramie too sensed that it was a magician. So, drop this beast matter already."

Since the compound leader, Brian, hadn't said a single word yet, opinions and theories flew about, as the warriors and the magicians started giving their own estimation on the incidents. For a while, the chattering noises filled the place.

It went on until Brian raised his hand, thus stopping the commotion, after seeing that it led to nowhere. Turning to look at Ramie, he asked: "Mr. Ramie, what are your thoughts on the subject?"

Seeing that Brian was asking him a question, Ramie inwardly sighed.

After learning their intention of leaving the compound, Brian had done all that he could to convince them to stay. And he really had good reasons to do so. If not for the fact that their team has a Lv.2 warrior, or Ramie's ghost glare spell that could even impact a tier-2 beasts, then it was for the fact that they had a tier-2 magical beast.

The azure gazelle king domineering presence had rendered the compound a restricted area, where beasts below the second tier wouldn't even think of sneaking into the compound anymore, due to the summoned beast's radiating aura. The azure gazelle king in this action of his had claimed this compound as his own territory, which kept all of the beasts away.

So, to change their minds, he first used the individual approach, trying to convince them one by one, to brake off from the team and join the compound, in return of many promises and benefits.

However, since it didn't work, he then tried many times with Lance to convince him to stay, so that he can have him change the other's minds. However, that was all to no avail.

Departing to the capital was something that they had made clear right from the beginning. Also, even if they left, it wasn't as if the compound would be helpless in the face of beasts.

Not to mention that the compound already had three warriors in the second level, but also, there were more than 70 warriors in the first level. As for the past month, and after the huge power leap in the total power of the compound, Brian spared no effort in organizing regular hunting missions for tier-1 beasts in the compound surrounding areas, thus amassing a considerable number of cores for the compound inhabitants to ignite their life energy and join the defensive force ranks. Not to speak of the inscriptions that Brent was making relentlessly.

These facts made ramie and the rest feeling less guilty for leaving the compound. To them, the only safety could be found in the heavily defended capital.

Also, the nagging sensation that ramie had was still buzzing at the back of his mind nonstop, like relentless fly. At this point, there was nothing anyone could say to change his mind of leaving this compound.

Anyway, looking at Brian's express, it was obvious that he had yet to give up on his intent to convince them to stay. He was trying to involve them in this matter in hopes of changing their mind.

Seeing Brian's expression, ramie guessed that Brian already had his own thoughts on the matter. However, to make him feel more involved, he asked him. Sighing inwardly, Ramie had to answer, as he was being asked directly: "There are two possibilities. If he was a passing magician, then we probably won't see him again. But, if he was scouting the compound intentionally, and at night time, then he should have means to see in the dark. In this case, he must have already seen the azure gazelle king and the patrolling warriors, which mean that he already knows that there are people here. So, we should just wait for him to contact the compound, and see his intentions." Saying so, ramie displayed a pondering expression, before adding: "If this magician is alone, then there is nothing to worry about. However, if he's part of a group, then, before we determine their numbers, strength, and above all, their intentions, then we shouldn't relax…"

After ramie finished saying so, a commotion broke out among everyone in the meeting.

In the compound, there were a lot of good things going on for them. For instant, the compound location that wasn't far away from the river, which meant a stable source of water and meat from the herbivores beasts that gathers there every day. Also, the location was secluded, and far enough from the cities, and other places that are heavily infested with beasts.

This meant that it was completely possible for other survivors group to want this compound for themselves. More ever, if a group of survivors that could survive this long in such hostile environment had a design on their place, then the consequences could become very dangerous to them.

After that, the meeting went on with a heavy atmosphere lingering about.

Several kilometers away from the compound, at the peak of a large hill…

The prison leader glared at the distant compound, through a scope. His eyes were shining with a dark sinister glow, as hatred rampaged in his heart without end. His mind was flickering with all kinds of savage ways to kill those wicked people.

The hatred he felt was so strong that it was driving him crazy. He had to kill these people in the most barbaric manner possible, to avenge his son.


The shocking figure of a man landed from the sky, few meters away. His heavy weight caused a heavy, dull, thudding sound to echo out and kick up a short pillar of dirt and dust.

The man was wearing only a trouser, with his feet and upper body naked. His exposed body was covered with blood-colored, interconnected network of scales that ran from his head to toes, completely shrouding him with scale armor that gave off the feeling of absolute defense.

There were two thick horns atop his head that was covered with long white hair. The two horns were black in color and were bent backward. Resting on his back; was a pair of gigantic scaly wings. The swinging figure of a thick, two meter long tail could be seen bounding the ground where he stood.

His body was constantly radiating savage and strong magical aura the installed fear on whoever sees him. His presence was indeed overwhelming.

This man was the older son, Derek!

Looking back, behind the hill, about two hundred warrior, and eleven magicians were stepping out of few tenths of vehicles.

With a fire spitting eyes, the leader said to the crowd: "Derek has ascertained that they have less than half our numbers of warriors, and fewer magicians than us. However, with Derek around, as long as they don't have any rank-2 magician, or Lv.2 warrior with ignition percent above 50%, then those filth can forget about living past this day!"

"We'll fight them the way we fought the horde of beasts a month ago. To avoid any losses on our side, we'll use our superior numbers to separate them from that damned beast, divide them and prolong the fight. We'll do that while Derek picks the powerful warriors up one by one. Then, and the moment all of the level two warriors die, we'll take our time to execute the rest, and the beast…"