Path of collision (4)

"A large number of warriors and magicians are approaching the compound from the west side; they're coming over at a high speed."

Just as the meeting was about to end, Reem's eyes suddenly flashed in shock for a moment, before she recovered and reported the stunning news.

At her words, every ones hearts constricted. The possibility of hostile intentions was the first thing that everyone thought of.

"How many are there?" Brian asked with haste. A sense of urgency prevailed in his tone.

"Over two hundred!" Reem replied, agitation clouding her expression.

Hearing the number, fear plastered across every ones faces.

"Call everyone to assemble, take out the weapons, and prepare to fight." Brian roared his orders with haste. And everyone charged off the house with anxious hearts.

The other group's large number rendered everyone nervous.


Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Only seconds after the announcement, the rumbling sound of a huge explosion shook the entire compound. Everyone felt terror, as an impending sense of crisis shook the hearts.

Seconds afterward, the sounds of multiple miserable cries started ranging nonstop from a certain direction in the compound.

Brian, Lance, Gregory, and Kevin, the newly advanced warrior, soon arrived at the explosion site. They were warriors in the second level. So, their speed allowed them to arrive at the scene faster than the others.

The moment they reached the scene, a terrifying sight met their eyes.

A large portion of the outer wall surrounding the compound had shattered, creating a nine meter long gap in it. Tenths of men and women were pouring in through the wall nonstop. They had ruthless expressions on their faces, and they were holding bone weapons of various types.

However, this wasn't the worse part – the worst part was that they were currently in the process of massacring the compound warriors that were patrolling this area. More ever, and judging by the displayed strength, there were at least three Lv.2 warriors among their ranks.

Seeing that over a dozen of warriors had already turned to corpses on the ground, Brian's eyes turned bloodshot: "You mad Dogs…! Stop this madness at once…"

Shouting atop his lungs, Brian didn't wait for the response, and exploded with strength. Letting out another cry of anger, he dashed at the attackers to put a stop to the carnage. The other three followed a suit.

Every warrior was of great importance, so they couldn't allow the compound to bleed out such precious essence.

As they attacked, the azure gazelle king dashed, overtaking them in a moment, in response to Reem's orders. Arcs of lightning constantly dancing around him, forming energy shield.

On the other side, and seeing the strongest individuals in the compound charge at them, the prison higher ups let out war cries, and dashed out from the group to meet the challenge.

Facing the charging summoned beast, the prison leader started breathing roughly, as veins popped up on his forehead, his face flushing with rage.

His magic aura of a Rank-2 magician surged, as he injected his magic energy into the artifact.

He immediately yelled atop his lung – EARTH GUARDIAN!

The moment he casted his rank-2 spell, the ground underneath him rose to his body, and enveloped him, forming a four meter giant made of soil. The giant had a humanoid shaped body, with abnormally thick proportions. Also, there were many magical runes moving about on its surface.

"You damn beast! You'll pay for what you did…!" letting out a booming roar of rage, the earth giant walked forth, causing the ground under him to shook with every step, which showed how heavy this thing was. Then, as the giant raised his massive hands, he smashed downward the location of the summoned beast.


Under the heavy smash of the earth guardian, a reverberating explosion sounded out, as a violent tremor spread outwardly, shaking the entire compound, and along with it, the hearts of the residents.

This attacked stunned Ramie and the rest, who just arrived at the scene.

Right now, around two hundred warriors with some magicians were standing at one side inside the compound, while on the other side, stood Ramie, Neil, Reem and the rest of the compound warriors and magicians.

In the middle, between the two groups, was an open ground where the strongest forces in the two groups were busy fighting each other.

The azure gazelle king was now facing an earth giant, with a mid Lv.2 warrior. Brian and lance were engaged in one VS one fight against two mid Lv.2 warriors, Gregory against a low Lv.2 warrior, and Kevin fighting a rank-1 bloodline magician.

On the compound side, every one's expression was stiff…

The battle among the strongest in the two groups had just started. However, no matter how one looked at it, it was obvious that their side was at a terrible disadvantage here.

For starters, Gregory had only one arm, yet, he was fighting a warrior with a similar level to him, and with all of his limbs intact. He was already receiving hits more than he delivers.

Kevin was Lv.2 warrior. More ever, he was fighting a bloodline magician that was only at the first rank; yet, he was already completely suppressed, in every possible way. The confrontation between him and the magician looked less than a fight, and more like a torture.

Lance had a life ignition percent lower than 25%, which made him low Lv.2 warrior, yet, he was facing a mid Lv.2 warrior. Judging by the moves of that warrior, it appeared that he had battle experience that was even better than Lance.

Gregory, Kevin, and Lance were at a severe disadvantage in their fights. It was obvious that they were spending life energy at a crazy rate, just to cope up with their opponents. Not to mention throwing attacks, the three of them were struggling to defend themselves.

Battles among warriors at the same levels or with small levels difference were fights of attrition. Unless one party is much stronger than the other, the possibility of quick conclusion was minimum.

The compound side was on the losing end in three of the five major fights.

As for Brian, he was fighting against a warrior with similar strength to him. Thus, he was fighting on an equal ground.

The azure gazelle king on the other hand was engaged in a heated battle against a Rank-2 earth magician and mid Lv.2 warrior. However, he was in no disadvantage at all. As for the reason… he was magical beast, which meant he had more magic energy at his disposal than magicians of an equivalent level. More ever, when magical beasts advance in tier, all of their innate spells rank up alongside them, and not just one. Thus, right now, the azure gazelle king was abusing this advantage to its fullest, shooting out one spell after another, hence, preventing the two opponents from using their numerical advantage.

"Charge!! Let's finish off these filth!"

After one excited shout, the prison group warriors were all railed up, and they started roaring with war cries, as their blood boiled for battle.


Then, with another roar, the prison's large group brandished their bone weapons and charged at the compound crowd with great momentum.

At the compound side, some were afraid, some were angry, while others were anxious. However, regardless of what they felt, in the end, they all had their families in the compound, and there was no other place to escape to. So, there was no way for they would back down.

Even though the charging group had a ferocious expressions, but the compound group had went through many hardships and struggles. Each of them was refined through beasts hunting missions. They were in no way easy to swallow.

"Assume defensive formations!"

"Activate your energy shields!"

"Let's avenge our fallen brothers, and kill those savages!"

Many determined shouts thundered from the compound group. And in no time, the shields inscriptions lit up at the front line, and many shields of energy flickered into existence.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Before the two groups meet, many types of attacks flashed from the back of the prison group, and traveled the distance, landing on the front-line of the compound warriors.

The magicians had started casting their spells. And fire, water, ice, wind, and other types of spells flew toward the compound crowd.

However, and luckily, the compound group had energy shields inscription that protected then. Otherwise, many would have fallen, thus increasing the number difference between the two groups ever further.

Fire ball!

Unwilling to stay silent, Neil threw a fire ball at the charging enemy, from behind the warrior group. Since the enemy magicians shot the first round, he wanted to respond.

The enemy warriors didn't have the energy shield inscriptions. And they only had their life energy protection. So and seeing the fire ball streak at them, the enemy warriors at the front-line dodged the spell.

The fire ball landed straight at a warrior that was running at the back. This warrior had very low life energy ignition percents. So, his reaction speed wasn't that high. More ever, he was running behind other warriors, so, his sight was blocked. As such, he only noticed when the blazing ball was practically upon him.


With a thunderous explosion, and a high temperature fiery mass, the warrior flew backward, as charred corpse.

The fire ball had landed straight at the warrior, and released a fiery shock-wave, killing him, and injuring another warrior that was running very close to him.

"Kill the invaders! Kill the invaders!"

Seeing the fire ball claim a life among the enemies, the compound group morals was ignited, and their fighting spirit surged.

They had no idea why the these people were so fierce and determined to kill them, and why they didn't even bother to negotiate or threaten them first… however, the few corpses of the patrol warriors on the ground had already conveyed the enemies intentions. Hence, no one said anything, or questioned, but just attacked.

Next, the two masses of warriors violently crushed into each other, like a mad mob.