Ghost Tree vs Carnage Dragon (1)

As the two groups clashed, a chaotic brawl followed.

"Kill them all!"

"Leave none of these bastards alive!"

"Kill the enemies, defends your families! Defend your compound!"

The warriors in the two groups crushed into each other like maddened bulls. And a chaotic fighting scene broke out.

In warrior's fights, unless the difference between two warriors is too large, then the confrontation would usually be a battle of attrition, which was the case here.

Punching, kicking, head-butting, elbowing, and stabbing were the main attacks in this brawl. Everyone had the protection of life energy. Also, all of them were Lv.1 warriors. So, no one care much for defending, instead, everyone was throwing attacks like crazy, wanting to kill their opponents.

Any random life energy-charged blow in the fight was more than enough to kill any normal individual, or magician. However, to these warriors, it only uses up energy to defend against.

One of the compound warriors charged his fist, and punched an enemy on the head. However, the other man wasn't affected by much. As he just turned his gaze at him with disdain, before delivering a destructive punch to his abdomen. The blow carried so much strength that it caused a visible air tremor to explode at the point of impact.

The compound warrior was thrown few meters in air, miserably, and landed outside the brawl. From this, it could be said that he had picked the wrong target – a warrior with very high ignition percent, much higher than his own, hence the power difference.

Normally, one would assume that this warrior should be crippled or dead by now, given the immense strength in the blow. However, the compound warrior simply rotated his life energy, got back up, and charged again into the masses, like a rugby player who had simply been pushed away from the formation. Next, he simply chose another target, before throwing a punch at his head.

Seeing that the man he struck had been pushed back, the compound warrior rejoiced.

Now, he had finally found someone he could confront using his power.

This scene repeated itself many times across the brawl. As for the reason, it was because warriors didn't have artifacts to give them accurate readings, so, it was hard to judge the power of the opposite warriors. Hence, they simply kept punching around, to find a suitable target to fight. Of course, if one weak warrior strike a much stronger warrior with a bad temper, then the stricken warrior might not let him go with a punch, but beat him to death right on the spot.

Sights like two or three warriors ganging up on one warrior and bombarding him with all sorts of attacks was not a rare scene in the fight. After all, the compound side had already lost several warriors when the compound wall was breached. More ever, their enemy had a number of about 200 warriors. So, the numerical advantage was not leaning to their side.

Normally, they should seek to escape from this fight, or find other ways to avoid it. However, they all had families here in the compound… so; no one had the luxury of choice.

It was either they defeat their enemies, or their enemies kill them and their families. At least, everyone in the compound side was thinking as such.

For this reason, the compound warriors fought with exceptional ferocity. Their souls were brimming with fighting spirit, as they gave it their all, fighting with the mentality of 'kill all of your enemies or your family gets killed.'

As the fight went on, and with some warriors dying, the compound group started realizing the implication of their smaller numbers. As such, they gathered in a circular formation, while their enemies surrounded them.

With their brimming fighting spirit, and coupled with their defensive inscriptions, the pressure on them was greatly reduced. However, and judging by their high consumption of their life energies, anyone could tell that they were losing this fight, slowly, and gradually."

In the middle of the circular formation, and with a pale face, Reem was constantly casting her buff spells on the azure gazelle king, to maintain his advantage, and press on his opponents in the fight.

She was aware that the moment her summon, or any other Lv.2 warrior on their side losses, then everyone in the compound will fall in a dangerous position. As such, she was monitoring the fight through her summoned beast's thoughts.

As for Neil, after casting his Fire burst spell five times, he had already used up all of his magic energy. Aside from the warrior that he killed using firs balls at the beginning of the fight, he managed to kill four more, using his fire burst spells. Right now, and with an ashen face, he was nervously monitoring the battle.

This was the sorrow of magicians! The moment they run out of magic energy – they become completely useless and dependent.

Ramie on the other hand had a lot of magic. But still, he fought very conservatively. So far, he casted his Green vine spell only once, projecting one vine.


Sending his vine outside the defensive formation, ramie depended on his perception of aura to choose a certain target.

Outside the formation, two very strong warriors grabbed one of the compound warriors that have been fighting at the border of the formation, and pulled him out. They then threw him backward, away from the formation.

At once, many prison warriors gathered on the horrified warrior, and started beating him up ruthlessly. This warrior was one of the strongest warriors on the compound side. So, they wanted to overwhelm him with numbers, and break through his life energy defense.

The prison leader promised three life energy cores for the three warriors that kill the most targets of the enemies. So, all of the warriors that have life ignition percent above 90% were especially eager to kill as many of the compound group as possible. They were dying to break through into the second level, to become captains, and enjoy the privileges and the good treatment that comes with it.

The compound warrior was in absolute despair. If he was being attacked by only one or two warriors, then perhaps he could break free from them and return to the formation. However, against four warriors, with two of them being stronger than him, he knew that his life energy defense would not be sufficient to take all of this damage.

Bang! Bang! Thud! Thud!

A barrage of attacks fall on the warrior, who assumed a fetus position, on the ground, trying to defend himself.

Indeed, being isolated from any help, and enduring frenzied attacks from four warriors, his life energy defense was approaching its limits, and his body started suffering heavy damage. He even started coughing up blood.

Suddenly, from between the many legs, a snake-like green vine slithered with high speed, dodging the legs, and moving between the spaces. The vine curled its tip around the warrior's leg. Then, and with a sudden jolt, the warrior's body was dragged on the ground, from between the four warriors, breaking the balance of few warriors on his way, and then disappearing into the defensive formation.

The entire thing lasted a very short while, and the four warriors were left stunned in their position.


"What the…!"

The strongest among the four had an expression that was darker than the night. He had already killed two, and one more would inch him one step closer to that core. However, his prey was snatched right under his nose.

Helpless, he could only shift his attention to another target.

Looking at the other three with him, he spoke, in a rugged tone, a one that perfectly matched his cruel face: "Don't stand like idiots! There are more targets to find!"

Saying so, he rotated his life energy to its max, and squeezed his way to the frontier, joining the fray. The three warriors exchanged few looks at each other, before following suit.

"Kill! Kill! Kill…!"

The rumble of the fight went on, and the numerical advantage of the prison warriors started pressing harder and harder on the defensive formation.

Ramie played a supportive role, as all of his current spells belonged to this type; he used his vine to alleviate some of the pressure on some warriors, when the enemy gangs up on them, by directly attacking the enemy warriors.

Although, by projecting another vine, and by using his ghost spell, he could definitely do a lot of damage on the attacking warriors…However, the five battles ongoing outside the formation between the powerhouses of the two groups were the real decider of this confrontation.

If the compound loses in any of these arenas, then this entire fight would be useless!

On the other hand, if they win in even one of those fights, then the victor could participate in another arena and help reducing the pressure on them.

For that reason, Ramie had a very narrow room to maneuver.

After advancing his artifact to the forth level, he gained another 20 unite of magic energy, bringing his magic energy to 69 point!

This meant that he could use his ghost glare spell three times, as every cast requires 20 magic energy units.

Anyway, after casting the green vine spell once, which requires 5 points, he now had only four magic energy units to spend on the vine and not one unite more. This would naturally leave him with 60 magic energy units, the amount needed to cast his ghost glare spell thrice.

His intention was to save those three precious casts on the Lv.2 warriors. He wanted to cast the ghost spell at a critical moment, to alter the outcome of the battle in their favor.

"Ramie!!! Kevin in a dangerous situation! He's about to lose!"

Suddenly, the high pitched shout of Reem drifted to ramie, conveying a very bad news.

Ramie immediately casted his gaze at the site where the battle was raging between Kevin and the towering bloodline magician…

His expression became dire at once… Kevin was in an exceedingly sorry state.

His face was swollen, his clothe tattered, and his body bloodied. The bloodline magician was laughing in a maniacal manner, like a crazy psychopath, while raining Kevin with heavy blows from his sledge-hammer like fists, scaly, clawed legs, and his thick tail.

The bloodline magician stood at a towering two meters tall, while Kevin heights didn't exceed 1.65 meter. The sight was like a grown up bullying a child.

Even though Kevin was Lv.2 warrior, with a thick, highly concentrated life energy, while opponent was merely a magician at the first rank… However, this magician's bloodline seemed to have granted him unmatchable strength, and a defensive spell that was so powerful – that it made it impossible to penetrate his defense even though Kevin had spend the entire time punching at his body with full energized blows.

This situation rendered Kevin's attacks useless, and let him suffer endless barrage of attacks that carried destructive power enough to turn any Lv.1 warrior into a meat paste.

His opponent was only a first rank magician, yet, his fists carried force and heaviness that not even his life energy shield was enough to fully protect him from.

The despair started creeping into Kevin's heart, and with it, his fighting spirit and battle strength started dropping at a dangerous rate. This led to him turning to a punching sand bag for his overly excited opponent.

If this damn beast would just give chance, he would definitely escape. However, this demon seemed adamant on killing him here.

Just as ramie was contemplating on how to get in range and use his ghost glare spell to save Kevin, he felt a cold killing intent locking on him. The hatred in that look was so intense, that ramie was able to sense it even in the chaos of the fight.

Without even turning to lock, Ramie immediately threw himself on the ground, as he sensed the killing intent intensifies.