Ghost Tree vs Carnage Dragon (3)

After gaining the advantage in the fight, and breaking the siege, Ramie immediately shifted his attention on the wind magician. This guy was very ruthless, and it seemed that he was adamant on killing him. As such, Ramie wanted to take this chance to eliminate this threat.

However, the moment the enemy warriors escaped, the wind magician fled away, to the group of prison magician.

Seeing him retreat away, like a panicking rabbit, ramie had no choice but to put this matter on hold, as speed wasn't really his fort, unlike the wind mage. Now, Ramie decided to move toward Kevin, to make use of ghost glare to change the tide.

"DEREK! Stop toying around with him. Kill him quickly, and take care of the Lv.1 warriors. Also, look for the summoner! The moment we kill him, finishing off this beast will become much easier." Having seen the development at the battle, the prison leader issued his command.

To the prison leader, the matter of everyone in the enemy camp below the second level wasn't very important. In his thinking, the moment they kill the second level warriors and the summoned beast, this battle would end immediately.

However, even if he didn't place much importance on the enemy's first level warriors, still, he didn't want to lose too many warriors on his side.

Hearing his father's order, the towering Derek regained some of his self control, which helped him to break free from the blood thirsty state he was indulging in. Next, he gathered his fingers into a fist, and smashed at his short opponent, squashing him to the ground, like a fly.

Quickly, he turned and swept the enemy magicians with piercing eyes, to look for the summoner.


'WHAT! There is actually a magician like me here…!'

Abruptly, Derek's expression underwent drastic change, as his heart gave a jolt. Then, his complexion became grave, his blood thirst completely vanishing away.

Next, without waiting a moment of hesitation, he spread his massive wings, and with three violent successive wing flaps, he shot up, soaring into the air, as he flew to create a distance.

The sudden change was simply too sudden, attracting some attention over.

The reason for his behavior was because he saw a hooded man emerging from the compound warriors group, and running toward him.

To him, not even mid Lv.2 warrior was enough to install this kind of fear in him. However, the stat screen he got from this man, was more than enough to provoke his alarm, and induce a great sense of danger in his heart

This magician… was like him – a special grade artifact holder!

He himself was only peak Rank-1 magician. However, why was he strong enough to beat Lv.2 warrior to such a pathetic state? Why was he able to even fight a mid Lv.2 warrior to a standstill? Why was he able to fight low tier-2 beasts with only his bare hands?

The answer to all of that was – his special grade artifact!

His artifact gave him the bloodline of an extremely vicious and strong type of beast, which had a connection to the dragon race. Although, the psychological issue of this bloodline was quite the problem, however, the advantages were great enough to make up the difference.

Anyway, by advancing his artifact to the forth level, he got very strong spells. The first spell was of the defensive type. Upon casting it, a thin membrane of energy surrounds his body, and protects him from damage. This spell was the reason why he wasn't even scratched during his fight with the Lv.2 warrior. And why he was able to bully him to such a degree.

As for the rest of the spells, one of them was enhanced strength, which had an effect that matches its name, while the other two were offensive spells; incineration bomb, which creates a globe of flame that releases a raging fire with high temperature for a short while, and piercing scales, which discharges scales from his body at very high speed, enough to even go through a wall.

Having a special graded artifact himself, he had a very good idea on how terrifying the spells these artifacts can unlock be. So, having seen that there was another magician like him here, he felt a gripping fear, from the depth of his heart.

It wasn't just the grade of the artifact alone, but also, the fact that this magician too was a bloodline bearer magician, like himself.

Before, he was fighting while harboring the thought that no one here had the power to threaten him. Now however, things were very different.

Even though he was seconds away from killing his opponent… but he didn't care.

Immediately, he spread out his massive scaly wings, and soared into the sky with three successive wing flaps.

He didn't want to be anywhere nears that magician. As such, and giving that his greatest asset was not his close quarter combat, but the two powerful ranged spells instead, he decided to fight by using his advantage, in order to stay away from that bloodline magician.

In his mind, the moment he kills the Lv.2 warriors, his group would then overrun the compound and kill this magician.

He wanted others to bear the risk of fighting this bloodline magician, and test his spells. Then, and when they exhaust his magic energy, he'll sweep in and deliver the killing blow.

As the bowmen rushed to the scene, things immediately turned chaotic for the prison group, not only for the Lv.1 warriors, but also for the Lv.2 warriors.

Now, most of the thrown arrows were made from the bones of tier-1 beasts. These types of arrows weren't able to breach the life energy defense of all Lv.2 warriors. However, when it came to the arrows that were made of tier-2 beasts' bones, and had lightning inscription on them… these arrows were even enough to threaten the live of Lv.2 warriors.

As such, and as one arrow pierced the calf of the warrior that was fighting Gregory, the rest on the prison camp finally realized the horrors of these arrows.

Immediately, the mid lv.2 warrior that was fighting Brian and the low lv.2 warrior that was fighting Gregory retreated away.

As for lance, he was nowhere in sight, apparently, he took the battle with his opponent deep into the compound.

Right now, there were only two ongoing battles, the one with the azure gazelle king and the one with lance.

By now, everyone in the prison group realized that finishing off their enemies in one full sweep was no longer a possibility.

The sudden appearance of the electrified weapons completely destroyed their plan, and rendered their numerical advantage useless.

Without these weapons, the battle was like a confrontation between large and small sized mob… however, with these weapons addition, it had turned to a confrontation between almost armless and a well armed mob.

However, no one in the prison camp seemed very anxious, at least as anxious as someone in their position should be. In fact some even casted the compound group with a pitying glances, as if feeling sorry for them.

This made Ramie and the rest feel very uncomfortable.

They could tell… the enemy, still had a trump card that has yet to be revealed.

As if confirming their bad premonition, the bloodline magician in the air issued a sinister, maniacal laugh, and his malevolent scaly face gave off vibes of madness. It was obvious that he was up to no good.

Scanning the compound group bellow with vicious eyes, he licked his lips in manner of cruelty and tyranny.

'As long as I stay here in air, that bloodline magician below shouldn't be able to cast any spell on me, otherwise, he'd have done by now… I should focus on killing the strong warriors first, to break the power balance between them and our group. After that, our group's warrior will take care of this magician…' as Derek eyesight fell on Ramie, he thought to himself.

Truth be told, he wasn't sure if it was his own hunch or a warning from his bloodline, but he could feel the need to get as far from this mage as possible. Hence, he didn't hesitate.

Anyway, it wasn't as though he absolutely had to confront this mage. All he had to do, is to finish off the enemy warriors… afterward, the rest would bear the risk of confronting this mage.

Making up his mind, he shifted his focus on the others.

As Derek's issued his blood thirsty laugh, some people in the prison group started shaking their heads. They had a very good idea of what kind of miserable fate was about to unfold on these people.

Energy membrane!

Casting his defensive spell, a thin layer of aura covered Derek's body, from head to toes.

Incineration bomb!

Stretching out his right palm, a spark of crimson colored fire was ignited. Then, the spark started growing and turning into a raging globe of flame.

At once, the group compound realized that something was off about the situation. It was apparent that this bloodline magician was planning on fighting them all by himself.

"Be careful, he's a special grade artifact holder!" Ramie immediately shouted, alarming the others.


The moment his words fell, it was as if a clap of thunder crackled on every one's mind. At once, all the hearts shuddered.

The fact that Ramie's ghost glare spell could even impact a mid tier-2 beast was still fresh in minds. So, they all realized that this magician was the real trump cards of the enemy. Now, the fact that he was intending on taking all on no longer seemed ridiculous.

"Everyone! Attack this man at once! We mustn't let him cast this spell of his." One of the warriors in the camp side roared furiously, jolting everyone awake from the shock.

Immediately, lightning inscription lit up everywhere on the compound side. Inscribed arrows were all pointed at the flying magician. Then…!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Nine arrows that had lightning flickering around them tore through the air, while emitting a crackling sounds like that of sparks, all of them heading toward the flying magician.